Title: Building the Case for Public Health
1Building the Case for Public Health
- Poki Stewart Namkung, MD, MPH
- Bruce Pomer, MPA
2Public Health is a way of making right what
society has made wrong. William Foege
3- Social Justice
- Elimination of health inequities
- Do no harm
- Big Ideas
- Social DNA
4In a real sense, all life is interrelated. All
men are caught in an inescapable network of
mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny.
Whatever affects one directly affects all
indirectly. I can never be what I ought to be
until you are what you ought to be, and you can
never be what you ought to be until I am what I
ought to be. This is the interrelated structure
of reality. Martin Luther King, Jr.
5Policy How we as a society establish the rules
that govern our social and physical environments
6Principles for Effective Advocacy Herbert
Chao Gunther
- Communicate values
- American political discourse is fundamentally
oppositional - Most issues are decided by winning over the
undecided - Americans want to be on the winning side
7Advocacy Principles (cont.)
- Make enemies, not friends
- Responsible extremism sets the agenda
- Social consensus isnt permanent
- Strategic diversity is critical
8More Tips for Successful Advocacy
- Develop a relationship before you arrive
- Understand what motivates your audience
- Tell them why they care
- Tenacity, tenacity, tenacitypersistence pays off
- The value of a thank you.
9Case Studies from California
10Profile of California
- Population 33,871,648--12.5 of US pop.
- Median age 33.3 yrs - US 35.3 yrs
- Race/ethnicity White 47 Latino 32 Asian 11
Black 6 Other 4 - 73 born in US in CA 88 born in US in the rest
of the nation - Of the 26 foreign born, 50 from Mexico and 33
from Asia - Median household income 47,493 5000gtnational
11Organizational Framework
- Three key organizations contribute to public
health advocacy in California - CCLHO - California Conference of Local Health
Officers - HOAC - Health Officers Association of California
- CHEAC - County Health Executives Association of
- A professional organization representing ranking
county/city health officials - Purpose to identify current local public health
and indigent health policy issues, and to
recommend to appropriate policies - Does not actively promote legislation
- Established by statute in 1947
- Purpose To advise the Department of Health
Services, the legislature, and others on all
matters affecting health - Membership All of Californias legally appointed
physician Health Officers - Provides a state/local forum for the discussion
of significant health issues - Governed by a Board of Directors
- made up of physician Health Officers
- Incorporated as a non-profit in 1969
- Mission To promote and improve public health
practices in California - Legislative advocacy is part of HOACs mission
- Membership is made up of the health officers from
dues-paying counties
- Boards of Directors may overlap
- CCLHOs outgoing president becomes HOACs
president - HOAC does not independently take positions, but
implements legislative policy for CCLHO - HOAC provides advocacy that CCLHO cannot as a
member of the state Department of Health Services
16Without teamwork, legislative victories would
have been impossible in California.
17HOAC-Sponsored Bills 03-04
Were signed into law after the 2005
session Success rate 80 and counting!
18HOAC-Sponsored Bills 05-06