Title: Team Time
1Team Time
- Chapel-en-le-Frith High School
- Boys Hidden Talent Group
2School Context
- 11-16 mixed comprehensive
- 970 nor
- 50 - 60 A - C
- Large gender gap 18
- Low aspirations
3The name..
4What strategies did we employ?
- INSET on Breakthrough methodology
- Boys completing their own PDSAs
- School wide work on the use of positive language
- INSET on boy friendly teaching and learning
techniques - All departments completed a PDSA as a result of
INSET - Parents meetings
5The Teams
- Teams of 4
- Separate Year 9 and Year 11
- More successful if self-selected
- Staff can balance strengths and weaknesses
- Established early in the programme
6How to gain points!
- Attainment
- Motivation
- Attendance
- Punctuality
- Revision/Booster Classes
- Attendance at Homework club
- Merits
- Use of SamLearning
- Involvement in extra-curricular activities
- Four a-side football
7Team Points
8Points make Prizes
- Interim Rewards
- Book tokens
- Payment for school visit/prom ticket
- Fun activity, e.g. bowling
- Final Prestigious Reward
9Visit to Stockport County
- Education Centre
- DVD editing
- Player Interviews
- Training
- Match tickets
- Programme Article
10Steven Speilberg eat your heart out..
- The boys DVD
- Filmed and edited by them access to facilities
not available in school - Training given by the centre
- Skills they could use in other areas
- A real boost prior to SATs and GCSE
examinations - An incentive for our next cohort
12Extending the competitive ethos.
- Grand Prix ( Year 9 merits )
- Raffle tickets
- Behaviour sweep ( Year 9 )
- Inter tutor events
13January Inset\Football.exe
14January Inset\Horse.exe
15And the results?
In 2004 63.3 cohort gained 5 or more A - C at
54.7 Boys gained 5 or more A - C 72.3 Girls
gained 5 or more A - C
16In 2005 62 of cohort gained 5 or more A - C at
60 Boys gained 5 or more A - C 64 Girls gained
5 or more A - C
17In Year 9 100 of the boys achieved Level 5 in
English and Maths and 96 in Science In Year 11
86 of the boys achieved 5 A-C
18Where Next?
- Questionnaire to evaluate the project with pupils
and parents - Take the Year 9 into 10 through
- Identify Year 7 into 8 pupils
- Use Year 9/10 as peer mentors for Year 7 cohort
- Joint inset with feeder primary schools
- Continue to develop resources
19Contact details
- allisong1_at_chapel-en-le-frithhigh.derbyshire.sch.uk
- janw3_at_chapel-en-le-frithhigh.derbyshire.sch.uk
- 01298 813118