Title: 29 April 2003
1CIO Awards
29 April 2003
2Val Oveson
3Governor Mike Leavitt
4(No Transcript)
5Governor Mike Leavitt and Val Oveson
6Val Oveson presenting Digital State Award
7James Whitaker and Gov. Leavitt
8Klare Bachman and Gov. Leavitt
9Public/Private Partnership To Provide Streamlined
Enterprise e-Gov Services Award
10Paperless e-Government Award
11Paperless e-Government Award
12Outstanding Online Application Award
13Outstanding Online Application Award
14Private/Public Partnership to Improve Service
Delivery Award
15Private/Public Partnership to Improve Service
Delivery Award
16Innovation in Providing e-Government Award
17Innovation in Providing e-Government Award
18Technology Transfer Award
19Technology Transfer Award
20Outstanding Online Application Award-Visual
Presentation of Information
21Outstanding Online Application Award -Visual
Presentation of Information
22Outstanding Application Award- Providing
Real-Time Information
23Outstanding Application Award- Providing
Real-Time Information
24eGovernment Customer Initiatives Inside and
Outside the Organization Award
25Governor Leavitt and Chad Westover
26Outstanding Local eGovernment Online
Applications Award
27Outstanding Private Sector Partner Sustained
Leadership Award
28Outstanding Private Sector Partner Sustained
Leadership Award