Title: Trees for Scott Street
1Trees for Scott Street
2- Shoestring Acacia
- I think this would make a good tree to
plant on Scott Street because they arent
allergenic, they dont have thorns, they dont
use much water, and they grow fast. They can grow
to 30 x 20 feet. -
3Chaste Tree I think this would make a good tree
because it isnt allergenic, it has no thorns, it
doesnt take much water, and it grows at a
moderate rate. It can grow to 20 x 20 feet.
4- Desert Fern
- I think this would make a good tree because
it isnt allergenic, it has no thorns, it takes a
low amount of water, and it grows at a moderate
rate. It can grow to 15 x 12 feet.
5NarrowLeaf Gimlet I think this would make
a good tree because it isnt allergenic, it has
no thorns, it doesnt use much water, and it
grows at a moderate rate. It can grow to 20 x 20
6Texas Ebony I think this tree would be good
on Scott Street because it isnt allergenic, and
it doesnt take much water. It can grow to 25 x
20 feet.
7Benches for Scott Street
8- I think this would make a good bench because
it actually has a back rest. I think benches like
this should be all along Scott Street.
9- I think this would make a good bench because
it also has a back rest. It also looks modern
which might look good on Scott Street.
10- I think this would make a very good bench
because it could seat a lot of people and it
looks kind of artistic.
11- I think any of these three benches would be
good because Tucson needs something artistic.