Title: Social Cognitive Career Theory SCCT
1Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT)
- Robert W. Lent
- Steven D. Brown
- Gail Hackett
2SCCT - Influences
- Cognitive variables and processes
- Personal agency
- Constructivism
3SCCT - Influences
- Cognitive variables and processes
- Personal agency
- Constructivism
4SCCT - Goals
- To trace connections between persons and their
career-related contexts - To trace connections between cognitive and
interpersonal factors - To trace connections between self-directed and
externally imposed influences - Intended to build conceptual linkages with other
theories of career development - Offer a potentially unifying framework
- How Holland types develop
- How learning experiences influence interests in
Krumboltzs theory - What factors affect differential role salience in
Supers theory - How people acquire abilities in Dawis and
Loftquists Theory of Work Adjustment
5SCCT - Goals
- To trace connections between persons and their
career-related contexts - To trace connections between cognitive and
interpersonal factors - To trace connections between self-directed and
externally imposed influences - Intended to build conceptual linkages with other
theories of career development - Offer a potentially unifying framework
- How Holland types develop
- How learning experiences influence interests in
Krumboltzs theory - What factors affect differential role salience in
Supers theory - How people acquire abilities in Dawis and
Loftquists Theory of Work Adjustment
6SCCT Central concepts and assumptions
- Person-environment interaction is dynamic and
situation specific - People are products AND producers of their
environments - Key Theoretical Constructs
- Self-efficacy
- Acquired through
- 1) Personal attainments MOST INFLUENTIAL
- 2) Vicarious learning
- 3) Social persuasion
- 4) Physiological states and reactions
7SCCT Central concepts and assumptions
- Person-environment interaction is dynamic and
situation specific - People are products AND producers of their
environments - Key Theoretical Constructs
- Self-efficacy
- Outcomes expectations
8SCCT Central concepts and assumptions
- Person-environment interaction is dynamic and
situation specific - People are products AND producers of their
environments - Key Theoretical Constructs
- Self-efficacy
- Outcomes expectations
- Goals
9SCCT Central concepts and assumptions
- Person-environment interaction is dynamic and
situation specific - People are products AND producers of their
environments - Key Theoretical Constructs
- Self-efficacy
- Outcomes expectations
- Goals
10Development of Basic Career Interests over
Time (Lent, Brown, Hackett, 1994)
Perceived Abilities
Sources of Self-Efficacy and Outcome Expectations
Intentions/ Goals for Activity Involvement
Activity Selection and Practice
Performance Attainments (e.g., goal fulfillment,
skill development
Outcome Expectations
11Person, Contextual, and Experiential Factors
Affecting Career-Related Choice Behavior (Lent,
Brown, Hackett, 1993)
Person Inputs -Predispositions -Gender -Ethnicity
-Disability/Health Status
Contextual Influences Proximal to Choice Behavior
Learning Experiences
Performance Domains and Attainments
Choice Goals
Choice Actions
Outcome Expectations
Background Contextual Affordances
12SCCT Intervention Implications
- Expanding interests and facilitating choice
- Overcoming barriers to choice and success
- Developing and modifying self-efficacy perceptions