Title: Strategic Direction
1 Strategic Direction 1
Establish a Traffic Records Coordinating
Committee (TRCC), which includes representative
from data user groups.
- Accomplishments
- TRCC has been established with following
representation - Department of Health
- Department of Transportation
- Driver License
- Highway Patrol
- Highway Safety, FARS
- Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
- Need representation from BCI and/or court system
2 Strategic Direction 2
Establish human technical resources within the
Utah Highway Safety Office to better utilize the
current traffic safety information files and to
aid in improving safety information system for
the future.
- Accomplishments
- Traffic Records Coordinator was hired
- Coordinator met with each agency on preliminary
TRCC to ascertain - Agency goals and processes
- Data flow of Utahs traffic records
- Past efforts at coordination and improvements
- Appropriate representation for current TRCC
3 Strategic Direction 3
Improve the ROADS file, including increased
coverage integration of the features file into
the Engineering Database integration into a
Geographic Information System improvement of the
location-referencing system
- Accomplishments
- Selection of routes for initial mileposts has
been determined, and actual mile-posting of the
selected routes has begun - Highway Patrol has added a latitude and longitude
coordinate to its laptop crash entry system - Scheduled to begin providing this information to
UDOT within the next funding year
4 Strategic Direction 4
Complete and streamline the motor vehicle crash
information processing system to avoid
duplication of effort between agencies and to
ensure timely and available data.
- Accomplishments
- Traffic Records Coordinating Committee voted to
proceed with a plan to streamline process - Subgroup committee formed
- Met monthly since September 25 TRCC meeting
- Activities and timelines assigned to subgroup
members each meeting - Goals
- Provide electronic crash data to data users on a
statewide basis
5 Strategic Direction 5
Provide more timely and easily accessible motor
vehicle crash information data to authorized
members of the highway safety community
- Accomplishments
- Being addressed as per Strategic Direction 4
- Goals
- Provide crash data from CARS (UDOT) in more
current quarter year intervals rather than on a
calendar year basis
6 Strategic Direction 6
Identify and implement appropriate data linkages
between and among all traffic files to
maximize the cost/benefit to highway safety
efforts, through the efforts of the statewide
Traffic Records Coordinating Committee
- Accomplishments
- The following linkages have been identified and
implemented - Annually
- Crash ? EMS
- Crash ? Emergency Department Data
- Crash ? Inpatient Data
- Crash ? Driver License File
- Special Projects
- Crash ? Birth Certificate, Fetal Death Records
7 Strategic Direction 7
Improve the Engineering Database by integrating
it with other sources and making it accessible to
authorized member of the highway safety community
- Accomplishments
- Scheduled to be addressed in Year 5
8 Strategic Direction 8
Improve the Citation/Conviction File with the
objective of providing complete, current,
accurate, and reliable data to traffic records
systems users. The system will rely on a unique
control number for tracking of citations
throughout the entire adjudication process
- Accomplishments
- Scheduled to be addressed in Year 4
- Highway Patrol is currently working with the
court systems in issuing electronic citations