Title: Carl Berger
1(No Transcript)
2University Executive Forum-AppleiPod project
3The gem of an idea...
- Dan Updegrove mentions
- Jim Miller pounces
- Peter Hoffman extends
- Bill Duff supports
- Voilaa project
4The invitation
Dear UEF member, During our meeting last month,
the topic of integrating iPods into the
curriculum of higher education was discussed on
several occasions. UEF members collectively
advised that Apple should put iPods in the hands
of UEF members to encourage a better appreciation
and understanding of the potential use of this
exciting technology within education. Jim
Marshall, VP Education Sales, was excited to hear
your interest in the iPod and is interested in
exploring how it might fit into the learning
environment of Higher Education. We are pleased
to announce that to help facilitate the iPod
exploration, Apple will provide each UEF
member institution with 2 iPods. Carl Berger,
from the University of Michigan, has graciously
agreed to coordinate this "UEF iPod in HiEd"
program. Shortly after the first of the year,
two iPods will be sent to the attention of each
UEF member, along with more details regarding the
evaluation and feedback process. Please begin
identifying the people in your organizations that
you would like to have involved in the program so
that you are ready to begin soon after they
arrive in early in January. We would anticipate
a report from Carl and this group at our next UEF
meeting. Bill Duff, National Manager for Higher
Education Sales Programs, and I will provide
staff support from Apple.
From Lionel Tolan, Simon Fraser I really
appreciate this. I was the guy who brought it up
at the meeting and I was so convinced by my own
rhetoric that I bought one to give to the
Director of our Language Learning Lab. I did
this about 3 weeks ago but unfortunately it had a
problem when I got it. After I got it back from
the repair shop Trude had headed off for
Christmas so I'm saving it for her. With your
initiative maybe I can get this one back to see
how it does with music... -) Please thank
Santa Jim... From Annie Stunden, University of
Wisconsin-Madison That's a neat xmas present.
We'll figure it out after the first of the
year. Thanks From Bobby Schnabel, University of
Colorado at Boulder Thanks very much Peter. I
have already e-started our campus discussion of
how we might be use them. I think this is a
great idea and thank you very much for listening
and responding to the UEF input. Is there some
time frame that these are being lent for? -- it
will be good to know this up front. From Jim
Davis, UCLA This is good news. We are looking
forward to testing these. From Larry Levine,
Dartmouth We've given this some thought and
we're excited about it. I hope we receive the two
iPods soon. We can think of the proverbial "whole
bunch" of ways to use iPods in curriculum/teaching
/learning and research. We're likely most ready
to roll with language teaching. Also have ideas
for music education, any kind of recorded audio
for various (extremely available and convenient)
learning methods like drill/practice, review,
verbal explanations, glossaries, and
pronunciations (not just foreign languages). And
of course, very generically speaking, it's just
plain convenient and so recommends itself for a
"mobile learner" - the digital world consists of
what you can see and what you can hear (given
that touch, smell, and taste have not yet been
digitized) - as a hard drive, the iPod stores
what you can see and hear, but it also "displays"
what you can hear. I'm sure our faculty would
fill in many specific examples.
From Craig B. Luigart, US Department of
Education Looking forward to this
experiment! From Dan Updegrove, UT, Austin This
is good news, both to ensure that all UEF members
get early exposure and to coordinate the
testing/feedback process. From Mike Ribaudo,
CUNY thanks peter - sounds great - have a happy
holiday Mike From Steven Sather, Princeton One
last surprise from Apple this year. Thank you on
behalf of Princeton. I am already thinking of
who at Princeton will be the best targets. Of
course I might need to do some "testing" for the
first couple of weeks. I read on-line someplace
that someone has already created a program that
will take your Entourage contacts and download
them to the iPod. From Marty Ringle, Reed
College This is great. I've already started the
investigation with an iPod that we purchased but
will be able to do more with the ones you send
next month. I view this as an excellent
opportunity to try out all sorts of new
things. My thanks to you, Carl, and the members
of the UEF for coming up with this. From Sam
Scalise, Sonoma State Smart move.
6First plan
Project Extending iPod for higher
education Scope To develop and share content and
technology to extend iPod technology in higher
education. To explore obvious uses in content
such as music by extending the breadth of content
and developing appropriate databases that can be
shared across education To explore unique uses in
other areas of education such as language,
biology and the health sciences. To explore
adaptation of iPod technology to other forms of
information To continue to understand how higher
education and Apple can work together to develop
exciting projects Deliverables To provide
specifications for databases that can be
populated by several institutions To demonstrate
extended use of iPod in higher education To
document the process for developing collaborative
technologies between Higher Education and Apple
Corporation Design of study Each UEF institution
will receive two iPods to explore ways to extend
content and technologies. UEF institutions
interested in the project will submit initial
ideas for content and technologies. Content and
technology exploration groups will be established
and each participating institution will designate
a content and a technology specialist to
participate in one or more exploration
projects. UM WorkTools ( a modification of UM
CourseTools for collaborative research projects
will be provided for exploration groups. Groups
will use WorkTools (threaded discussion, archived
e-mail, resources, assignments, announcements and
chat) to develop project deliverables.
Teleconferences may also be used to share
information as well as e-mail and video
conferencing. Reports will be generated by each
exploration group and complied into a final
project report. Each report will contain
      content or technology area of exploration,
     specifications for development of content
and technology        requirements for
exploration area project        prototype
(screen shots to actual working applications) if
possible    brief report on the process to
develop the project. Three times during the
project, institutions will be surveyed to
determine reaction to iPods. Survey's will be
returned analyzed and set to institutions to
provide measures of overall interest,
satisfaction and collaboration. Time lines Apple
will provide access to the iPod development group
and will also proved leads for third party groups
working on iPod projects. (Already the ProVue
database group have hacked the iPod system to
develop database utilities using and MP3 but not
music formats.) So we can make an impact for
fall term we need to have the initial report to
Apple at our next UEF meeting on May 14th.
Working backwards the time line looks like
this Jan 13 - Start discussions of possible
content areas of focus for iPod teams on your
campus Jan 13 - receive iPod and distribute to
key campus folk on a limited basis Jan 20 -
selection of content areas of focus for your
campus Jan 20- selection of Apple team to work
with project Jan 24 - initial survey on iPod
reaction sent to institutions Jan 27- selection
of iPod campus team with lead for content and
technology Jan 27- WorkTool collaboration set up
for initial ideas on content and technology use
by content and by technology Jan 31- survey
responses returned. Feb 1- groups commence
interaction Feb 27- first conference
(electronic) on projects progress March 1-
second survey on iPod reaction sent to
institutions March 8- second survey responses
returned March 27- second teleconference March27-
third survey on iPod reaction sent to
institutions May 1 - Project reports due May
14- Overall project presentation at UEF
forum. Looks very ambitious and perhaps we're
expecting too much. If so let us know and give
some constructive criticism. Cheers Carl
What do you mean, its too complex!!
Carl- Reed has already started to look at ways to
incorporate iPods into our environment, so we'd
be more than happy to participate. Would it be
possible, though, to have two levels of the
proposed game plan (i.e., "iPod
Investigation" and "iPod Investigation - Lite")?
Writing and sharing a report on areas of usage
that we're exploring is relatively easy,
low-cost, and has a high probability of success.
Getting feedback on multiple surveys,
undertaking software development this spring,
etc. is somewhat out of our scope. Is there,
perhaps, a smaller oar we can pull -) ?
First lesson Keep it simple, stupid!
8So we learn
Hi UEF members. Thanks for your response to the
iPod project. For many of us, returning back to
reality after the holidays helped us realize how
few cycles our staff have to spare, particularly
during these trying budget times. As Gary pointed
out...it's not lack of interest (many of us have
already started) it's the size of the proposed
project. Marty mentioned an iPod Lite version
that would allow for involvement but less
- To develop and share content and technology to
extend iPod technology in higher education. - To explore obvious uses in content such as music
by extending the breadth of content and
developing appropriate databases that can be
shared across education - To explore unique uses in other areas of
education such as language, biology and the
health sciences. - To explore adaptation of iPod technology to other
forms of information - To continue to understand how higher education
and Apple can work together to develop exciting
- To provide ideas to extend the content and
technology of iPod - To share higher education examples of the above
- To report to Apple UEF the results of the project
and process used to arrive there.
After exploring the 2 iPods each institution
receives, each institution participates in an
iPod iDea bash, (sharing ideas in e-mail or
lurking or working in UMWorkTools) When/if
individual shared projects emerge, teams from
participating institutions will develop
iPod.ext's. These could range from working
models, or sample prototypes, or screen mock ups,
or specs, or idea outlines. Reports would be
shared and a compilation prepared for the May UEF.
- Outcomes for the project can be grouped into 2
categories - What are the ways the iPod can be used to enhance
teaching and learning? Provide case examples
including information such as the institution and
department, specific classroom/learning
environment, educational objectives for using the
iPod, description of the project, and the
expected advantages or benefits. Apple would like
to share these success stories with other
educators. - What modifications would you recommend that Apple
make to the iPod to extend or enhance the
usefulness of the iPod as a "digital audio
playback device"? These ideas will be shared
internally within Apple.
13Resources used in the project
- iPods
- WorkTools
- iBash
- Institutions participating
- Persons participation
- Survey
14The materials
- Two iPods to each institution
- Opportunity to purchase more at significant
16Institutions Involved (23)
- Apple (5)
- Colorado (4)
- Cornell (1)
- CMU (1)
- CUNY (1)
- Dartmouth (1)
UCLA (1) U Iowa (3) UIUC (2) UMICH (4) UMN
(1) Vermont (1) Wisconsin (1) Yale (1)
- Melbourne (1)
- MIT (1)
- NYU (2)
- Ohio State (1)
- Reed (1)
- Sheridan (2)
- Sonoma (1)
- Swarthmore (1)
- Texas (2)
17Participants (47)
- Charles Greene cgreene_at_apple.com
- Jeff Greene greenejm_at_colorado.edu
- Peter Hoffman phoffman_at_apple.com
- Karen Kost kkost_at_umich.edu
- Jackie Kushner jkushner_at_umich.edu
- Frederick Lifton fred.lifton_at_reed.edu
- Richard Malenitza rm2_at_nyu.edu
- Mark McCahill mpm_at_umn.edu
- Douglas Mills dmills_at_uiuc.edu
- Judith Olson jsolson_at_umich.edu
- Scott Pelok spelok_at_umich.edu
- Ronnie Peters ronnie_peters_at_apple.com
- Nils Peterson nils_peterson_at_wsu.edu
- Liz Price eprice_at_apple.com
- Rob Roy rob.roy_at_sheridanc.on.ca
- James Rubarth Lay j.rubarth-lay_at_its.utexas.edu
- Ed Sakabu EdSakabu_at_ucla.edu
- David Schaal schaal_at_colorado.edu
- Robert Schnabel bobby_at_cs.colorado.edu
- Steve Acker acker.1_at_osu.edu
- Mark Altekruse music_at_apple.com
- Mark Anbinder mha1_at_cornell.edu
- Diana Bajzek db33_at_andrew.cmu.edu
- Kurt Bedell bedell_at_apple.com
- Eric Behrens behrens_at_swarthmore.edu
- Carl Berger carl.berger_at_umich.edu
- Dan Bruell danlbee_at_umich.edu
- Michelle Clifford cliffm_at_colorado.edu
- Dennis Crall dennis-crall_at_uiowa.edu
- Louis Cruz louis_at_lehman.cuny.edu
- Gary Cziko g-cziko_at_uiuc.edu
- vincent doogan doogan_at_nyu.edu
- Bill Duff duff_at_apple.com
- Gavin Eadie gavin_at_umich.edu
- Kurt Fendt fendt_at_mit.edu
- Jay Field jay.field_at_sonoma.edu
- Les Finken les-finken_at_uiowa.edu
- Otmar Foelsche otmar_at_dartmouth.edu
18(No Transcript)
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22Interest and/or involvement
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24Other projects?
- Portable database
- Portable Mac OS X user Preferences and
certificates - Figuring out how to input audio from a Firewire
mic (if any exist) - Firewire uses home directory, images, software
25Apple help/provide
26(No Transcript)
27Other help from Apple
- What areas are they thinking of taking this
technology? - Change firmware to support recording from
firewire microphone! - "Audio Recording Capability
- Audio Tagging Capabilities - to allow us to
search for bookmarked segments." - What plans for the next rev of iPod
- Larger storage already! 5GB is almost not enough
when doing images, software, etc and still want a
little room for music.. - Tutorial on iPod usage for new users
- help with tools for managing pools of iPods in
lab settings (charging, adding and removing
media, locking content for IP reasons) - Tools for server-based synching of multiple
student iPods with different user profiles, i.e.
student specific list of audio files - Info to power off, force quit, a way to delete
files or music directly from the Ipod. Info on
reformatting the HD.
28Other comments or ideas for Apple?
- Any chance ever to run MPEG-4 movies on future
iPods? We'd have the perfect educational
applications for it (projects in foreign
languages and literatures at MIT). Check out web
site web.mit.edu/fll/www/projects/ - Some aesthetic issues would prefer a different
color. White reveals dirt to easily. Perhaps
packaging iPod with a carrying case included.
Better quality ear phones. USB in addition to the
firewire port to provide more options to users to
upload and download info. Lacie makes a
pocketdrive with both options so it can be done.
It's a great device for listening to music and
transferring data although a bit pricey. - There is interest on campus in this being a video
device as well as audio. - The iPod as an inventory data storage device
utilizing a firewire bar-code reader. - implementation on the Windows platform. A
majority of users and equipment in many
institutions use the Wintel line and ignoring
this segment is foolish. Since most PCs do not
yet include "firewire ports" as standard
equipment, perhaps a USB version can be
considered for them.
29Pilot projects
- Australia
- http//auc.uow.edu.au/index2.html
- Steven Young
30(No Transcript)
31- CMU Three reengineering ideas1
- Arrange a series of images into an album with
some text captions in iPhoto and click the export
to IPOD. - Go to class with the presentation on the iPOD.
- In class plug the bluetooth/laserpointer adapter
into the ipod. - Use the ipod to move through the presentation.
Click on the next slide button, the slide is sent
to the projector and to those students equipped
with portable computing devices. Using the thumb
wheel quickly move through the presentation or
jump to related presentations. - Diana Bajzek
32- CMU Three reengineering ideas2
- A student who takes the iPOD to class, plugs in
the microphone and records the lecture. As the
instructor speaks, use the thumb wheel and
buttons to hilite the more important passages.
Just like using the wheel to adjust the volume,
also use the wheel to flag passages as more
important or less. - Looking at a visual chart of the recorded
passages, spikes appear of more important notes
and jumps. Or review the lecture by selecting to
view all passages flagged as at least a level 8
of importance. Jump and review only those
portions. - Diana Bajzek
33- CMU Three reengineering ideas3
- As a writer or researcher. Interview many people.
and keep audio notes. Using the same technique
as in senario 2, use the audio hiliter to help
locate important information for recall and
processing later. - Diana Bajzek
34- Colorado
- Used in our Technology, Arts and Media project
courses, where the students create multimedia
projects. - Bobby Schnabel
35- CSU Sonoma
- World Music survey combining his use of the iPod
with learning iTunes and how to burn CD's. - Need a way within iTunes to edit the mp3 file.
- Jay Field
36- Dartmouth
- Two iPods containing all audio cassette materials
normally used in first year instruction were
given to two students having difficulties with
pronunciation and listening skills. The
instructor reports significant improvement of
students' skills over a short period of time (14
days). Obviously, this is not very meaningful
data... but it is encouraging. - Otmar Foelsche
37- Michigan
- A portable iMovie and Final Cut project transport
unit. Use iPod as large storage device with
possiblity of lockdown of info at distribution
station. - A finder for bird identification through songs.
Students use search ids such a trill, whistle or
click to narrow search, then dial and listen to
identify. Popular and scientific names are in
song names and album tags. - Scott Pelok and Carl Berger
38- MIT Foreign Languages
- Two projects in Chinese and German focused on the
portable storage of audio files. Textbook related
recordings of conversations that are either no
longer published or have been produced by our own
faculty in Chinese (1st and 2nd year) and were
still in the testing phase. In both cases, the
initial motivation for faculty was that students
hardly went to the language lab or even visited a
secured web site in order to listen to the
recordings. Students who participated in our
experiment reported that they listened to the
recordings far more frequently and even listened
to the recordings multiple times. - Kurt Fendt
39- MIT Comparative Media Studies -
Interactive/non-linear narratives - a) Complex stories In the course on
interactive/non-linear narratives we experimented
with non-linear narratives in audio-only formats.
One student group produced audio clips that
portray the complex life story of a male
character. Their approach was to have audio
snippets from a personal digital voice recorder.
Through the various recordings listeners would
get an increasingly complete picture of this
character. - Kurt Fendt
40- MIT Comparative Media Studies -
Interactive/non-linear narratives - b) MIT Audio Tour Another student group worked
on an audio tour of MIT, making personal
thoughts, experiences, and informational texts
available to visitors. Students made recordings
and wrote texts about locations, labs, dining
halls etc., organized according to the typical
MIT building number scheme. Special tours through
MIT are available under Playlists. - Kurt Fendt
41- NYU
- Utilize the iPod as a storage device for large
files to be lent out to students. Students can
then view these files thru a link within
BlackBoard - Richard Malenitza
42- Princeton
- Music course has a lot of reserved listenings
each week. For this one a question was asked to
me already about what kind of "deal" we could get
if we want to distribute iPods to each student in
the course (about 20). - Language instruction. Being able to easily
download the instruction to an iPod from any Mac
on campus optimizes material distribution and
once again unties students from needing to sit
next to a computer to listen. - Steven Sather
43- Wisconsin
- A station and 10 iPods in our music library. We
hope to get something started this summer.
Content protection is an issue that I hope we can
hear more about from Apple. - Placing 10-15 iPods in our language lab and
piloting their use over the summer. That pilot
will focus on a specific course, but after the
summer we think the iPods will just be available
for loan to any language student. - Alan Wolf
- Not able to modify data tags
- Not able to record
- Inadvertent student wipeout of data (lack of
Lock Down) - Not able to have involvement for iPod developers
on the worksite
45Goals met?
How well?
- To develop and share content and technology to
extend iPod technology in higher education. - To explore obvious uses in content such as music
by extending the breadth of content and
developing appropriate databases that can be
shared across education - To explore unique uses in other areas of
education such as language, biology and the
health sciences. - To explore adaptation of iPod technology to other
forms of information - To continue to understand how higher education
and Apple can work together to develop exciting
46Welcome to the CARAT patch
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- The Collaboratory for Advanced Research and
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- Look at presentations on the left side.