Title: Structural Search Using ChemAxon Tools
1Structural Search Using ChemAxon Tools
JChem version 5.3, April 2010
2Structural Search Using ChemAxon Tools
Interfaces Search types and options Query
features, Stereo searching Special search types
reaction, R-group search, Chemical Terms
filters Searching against Combinatorial Markush
structures Fingerprint screening Performance Appli
cations of structural search R-group
decomposition, Standardizer, Reactor, Pmapper,
Fragmenter Future plans All examples were
generated by Marvin
3Structural search interfaces
- Example web GUI-s
- JSP (Java Server Pages)
- AJAX example Javascript and JChem Web Services
- Command line jcsearch
- Java and .NET API
- MolSearch class in memory
- JChemSearch class in database
- Cartridge Oracle SQL
- JChem Web Services
- Instant JChem
- JChem For Excel
4Search types in JChem
Structural search type
- Atom By Atom Search or structural search
- Similarity search
- Different Descriptors
- Different Metrics
Full structure
MC(E)S maximum common (edge) substructure
5Search options
- Some selected structure search options
- Stereo on/off/diastereomers
- Ignore charge/isotope/radical/valence/polymers,
etc. - Vague bond matching options
- Chemical Terms filter
- Tautomer search (even in substructure search)
- Inverse hit list
- Maximum search time / number of hits
- Combine with non-structure conditions
- Ordering of results
- Similarity type / metric
6Hit coloring and alignment
7Query features 1. Atomic features
- Query atom types
- any(A, AH)
- hetero (Q, QH)
- list, not list
- metal (M, MH)
- halogen (X, XH)
- periodic table groups (G1-18)
- Pseudo atoms e.g. Resin
- Explicit lone pairs (match to implied lone
pairs as well.) - Charge, isotope, radical
- Link nodes (repeatable)
8Query features 2. Query properties
9Query features 3. Atomic SMARTS features
- SMARTS atoms
- Additional query properties
- Example
- Carbonyl C, but not amide
10Query features 4. Homology atoms
- Can be used
- In queries against molecule and reaction tables.
- In Markush structures
- Built-in and user-defined groups
11Query features 5. Bond features components
- Query bond types Any, single or double, single
or aromatic, double or aromatic - Bond topology chain/ring
- Smarts bonds
- Component level grouping
12Coordination compounds
- Atom-to-atom (dative) and multicenter coordinate
bonds.Alternative representations Positio
n variation bond
- H representations
- Explicit
- Implicit
- Query H count
- total (Hltngt)
- implicit (hltngt)
- Example
14Stereo searching 1. Double bonds
- Levels of check
- All
- Only marked double bonds (MDL stereo care flag)
- None
15Stereo searching 2. Tetrahedral chirality
- Stereo bond types
- Relative stereo configuration
- Chiral flag model
- Enhanced stereo representation ANDltngt, ORltngt,
ABS groups
16Groups integration (query target)
- Both sides are treated similarly by the search
- Abbreviations (super-atom S-groups)
- Multiple groups
- Other S-groups supported component, mixture,
formulation , many polymer brackets
17Reaction search
- Reactants, agents, products
- Transformation recognition (mapping)
- Stereospecific reactions (inversion, retention)
- Reactant grouping
- Reacting center
18R-group search
- Scaffold, R-group definitions
- Monovalent, divalent R-groups
- R-logic
- Occurrence
- If-then
- Rest H
19Undefined R-atoms
- - No substitution elsewhere
- retrieves
20Polymer storage and search
- Comprehensive representation
- Source based and structure based
- Copolymer types, mixtures, ladder-type polymers,
etc - Phase shifting
- End groups specific, undefined, etc.
- Flexible
- Attached data search
- Wide range of polymer search options
21Chemical Terms filter
- Chemically aware filtering for structure and
similarity searches - Elements of the Chemical Terms language
- structure matching functions (describing
functional groups, reaction sites, similarity,
etc) - property calculations (partial charge
distribution, pKa, logP, HB donors, acceptors,
topological descriptors, etc) - arithmetic and logic-operators
- Examples
22Markush structures
- Markush structure registration and search
- Markush features
- R-groups
- Atom lists, bond lists
- Position variation bond
- Link nodes and repeating units
- Homology groups
- Compatible enumeration plugin
23Fingerprint screening in the database
- JChem database searches use fingerprint
technology for fastest search results. - It rapidly filters out most non-hits -usually
more than 99 of them are rejected. - Supported fingerprint types
- Chemical hashed fingerprints
- User-defined additional structural keys
- Average screening time in a 3-million cached
table 0.1s
24Application R-group decomposition
JChem is able to identify the ligands of a given
scaffold at specified substitution
positions Query(scaffold) Result Library
R-group decomposition
25Further applications of structural search in JChem
- Transformations - Standardizer Reactor
- Identification of pharmacophoric groups -
Pmapper nitro amidine - Identification of bond cleavage - Fragmenter
- ether cut
Enamine-amine tautomerism
Converting covalent form of alcoholates to ionic
Substructure searching in 19.5 million structures
(Pubchem) JChem Base 5.2.2, Intel Quad Q6600
2.4GHz, 8 GB RAM Oracle
Compound registration
27Future plans
- R-group decomposition GUI in client applications
- Visualization of similarity search results using
MCS - Diastereomer search
- Markush search enhancements (homology variation
conditions, maximum common substructure, etc)
- JChem suite contains a broad range of
chemical search facilities, including Markush
structure analysis. -
- Structural search is a useful tool for many
- JChem Query Guide http//www.chemaxon.com/jchem/d
oc/user/Query.html - Chemical Terms reference http//www.chemaxon.com/
- JChem Base JSP demo page http//www.chemaxon.com/
jchem/examples/db_search/index.jsp - Jcsearch command line tool http//www.chemaxon.
com/jchem/doc/user/Jcsearch.html - API documentation http//www.chemaxon.com/jchem/d
oc/api/index.html - (chemaxon.sss.search.MolSearch,
chemaxon.jchem.db.JChemSearch) - JChem Base http//www.chemaxon.com/product/jc_bas
e.html - JChem Cartridge http//www.chemaxon.com/product/j
c_cart.html - Instant JChem http//www.chemaxon.com/product/ijc
.html - JChem for Excel http//www.chemaxon.com/products/
30Thank you for your attention
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