Title: the community connection: creating advocates for support
1the community connectioncreating advocates for
indiana high school press association fall 2004
kellen hubert, indiana university jim lang, floyd
central high school
truth courage integrity freedom
2what is your relationship with
school board members/administration?
community officials?
are there any problems with any of these?
truth courage integrity freedom
3roles of a high school newspaper program
teaching tool
act as a student forum
inform students about important issues
inform community about intra-school events
many more
truth courage integrity freedom
4its in the definition
advocacy the action of advocating, pleading
for, or supporting a cause or proposal
advocate one that supports a cause
truth courage integrity freedom
5whats the problem?
a major problem concerning high school
journalists is that many are perceived as not
being professionals. because we are students,
some adults consider us to be less knowledgeable
and/or skilled. this is a huge obstacle to
overcome in establishing community relations and
creating advocacy.
administrators are often suspicious or dont
understand the student media
truth courage integrity freedom
6the very first impression
dress appropriately
use proper speech
conduct yourself in a professional manner
most importantly, advocacy begins on a personal
truth courage integrity freedom
7the key is comfort
put interviewee at ease
build relationship outside of the story
create advocates
how would you do this?
truth courage integrity freedom
8be visible
simply get involved. be active. others in both
the school and community should be aware of who
you are.
attend school board meetings, meet with principal
establish community/metro page
forming partnerships in and out of school
truth courage integrity freedom
9be professional
you are truly treated how you act represent
your staff appropriately at all times seek
professional experience locally what does this
most of all, avoid senior wills, april fools
issues, etc.
truth courage integrity freedom
10selling yourself and your publication
exchange issues
make papers available at libraries and local
send copies to the school board members and local
parent/community newsletter
truth courage integrity freedom