Primary Dealers

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Primary Dealers


To make firm two-way quotes. To report to the central bank ... May be in the form of an 'option to buy' the day(s) post auction. Retail distribution ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Primary Dealers

Primary Dealers Market Making
  • SEACEN/WB/IMF Conference
  • Hosted by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka
  • Colombo, June 2004
  • Thordur Jonasson

Structure of presentation
  • Role of financial markets
  • Primary market
  • Primary dealers
  • Market Making

Pricing of Risk in a Liberalized Financial
System - I
  • The main role of the financial markets is to
    price risk
  • This may be complicated by
  • Lack of fiscal discipline
  • High inflation expectations
  • Lack of policy consistency
  • Lack of transparency of public finances
  • Lack of coordination

Pricing of Risk in a Liberalized Financial
System - II
  • Leading to
  • Variability in demand for bonds which would
    attribute to extreme volatility in interest rates
  • Greater reliance on short-term maturities
  • Expectations of market participants may be
    dominated by memory of great volatility
  • Credibility will be attained with consistency
    over time

Impact on Development
The organization ofprimary markets - I
  • Common questions
  • What is the most efficient way to sell bonds?
  • What types of investors do we want to reach?
  • How can we increase competition in the primary
  • Should we implement a primary dealer system?
  • Should we have a special distribution channel for
    retail / small order clients ?
  • Should we allow non-competitive bidding?

The organization ofprimary markets - II
  • Distribution options
  • Auctions
  • Direct sales using new technology
  • Private placements/syndication
  • Tap-sales
  • Announcing a price and soliciting public
    subscription over a fixed period
  • Announcing a price and offering sales on tap over
    an unlimited period altering the price with
    varying frequency

The organization ofprimary markets - III
Primary dealers I
  • May assist change to a market-based funding
  • Branch networks (bank-based)
  • Operators of mutual funds
  • Business relationships with institutional
    investors such as pension funds and life
  • Links to off-shore investors
  • Principal / Agent issue

Primary dealers - II
  • There are no international standards for Primary
    dealers and the term itself can be misleading
  • Some financial systems may be less suitable for
    primary dealers
  • Will the introduction of primary dealers lead to
    deeper and more liquid markets?
  • Rent seeking vs. gain from a more deeper liquid
  • Can the arrangement be removed or reduced through
    competition in the future?

Primary dealers - III
  • Functions performed may include
  • Acting as a channel between debt manager and
    investor in the primary market
  • Performing as bookmakers and distributors by
    having dealers that canvass investors interest
  • Acting as providers of immediacy of liquidity to
    primary and secondary markets
  • Acting as providers of asset transformation and
    market making services by being willing to hold
    inventories of government securities

Source IMF MAE OP/02/02
Primary dealer systemsRights primary market
  • Exclusive or privileged access to primary
  • Exclusive or privileged counterparty for central
    banks open market operations
  • Exclusive or preferential access to
    noncompetitive bids
  • Information and consultation with the government
    debt management agency
  • Borrowing privileges with central bank, including
    repurchase agreements
  • Exclusive or privileged counterparty for
    operations with public debt manager
  • Underwriting commissions
  • Usage of the title primary dealer

Primary dealer systemsObligations primary
  • Bid in auctions
  • Minimum underwriting obligation
  • Providing authority with market information and
  • Participation in money market operations
  • Compliance to prudential regulation, i.e. a Code
    of Conduct
  • Participation in research
  • Position reporting to supervisory authority

Primary dealers systemsExamples
Source IMF MAE WP/03/45
Primary marketsImpediments to development - I
  • Issues related to debt management
  • Number of bond series issued
  • Number of issuers
  • Instrument design
  • Using long term instruments for cash management
  • Auction frequency
  • Deciding on instruments and issues very shortly
    before each auction
  • High level of market uncertainty regarding
    amounts and pricing
  • Auction process non-transparent

Primary marketsImpediments to development - II
  • Payment and settlement infrastructure
  • Prepayments
  • Low capitalization of primary dealers
  • Issues related to monetary policy implementation
  • Unrealistic obligations and lack of incentives
    for primary dealers
  • Weak investor base

Secondary market
  • Why should an issuer be concerned about secondary
    market activity?
  • The more liquid a security is, the easier and
    less costly it is for an investor to sell, and
    therefore the lower the liquidity premium
    attached to the security when issued
  • Public good aspect

Secondary marketOrganization
non price- makers
price- makers
Commercial Banks Discount Houses Merchant Banks
Secondary marketsPrimary dealers obligations
  • Market making
  • Promotion of debt among retail investors
  • Assisting in the development of the government
    securities market
  • Providing government securities closing prices
    and volumes

Secondary marketsMarket making
  • Parties agree to make prices to each other for
    the purchase and sale of financial assets.
  • Prices are made
  • during pre-agreed times
  • in agreed volumes
  • with agreed buy / sell spreads
  • Quality of pricing should be monitored on an
    ongoing basis

Market making
  • Market making is a risky business - assets can be
    bought / sold at short notice
  • Events may result in loss of liquidity
  • In turbulent markets spreads widen, and in
    extreme cases price making may cease
  • Not all financial institutions may have the
    capacity to be market markets
  • Two-tier system
  • Important to define when quotes can be suspended
  • Monitoring the bond market on an ongoing basis

Market makingInitiating
  • It may be necessary to offer incentives to
    Primary Dealers (although this is not ideal in
    the long term)
  • Incentives may include
  • Access to interdealer broker
  • Access to non-competitive bids
  • Securities lending
  • Access to buybacks/switches
  • Backstop facilities (should be carefully
  • Cash remuneration for Market making?

Market makingNon-competitive bids
  • Preferential access by primary dealers to ensure
    that they will get debt stock
  • Ratio of non-comp bids ranges from 0 to 40
  • May include a discount
  • May be in the form of an option to buy the
    day(s) post auction
  • Retail distribution
  • Labor intensive
  • May require prepayment
  • Central bank

Market makingSecurities lending
  • Allowing short positions can reduce dealer
    inventories and sustain business during rising
    interest rates
  • Debt manager creates stock and retires
  • Pricing of facility
  • Can be made cash-neutral by receiving collateral
    of other government securities
  • Collateral practices may need to be strengthened
    when transaction volume increases an MRA is

Market makingBuybacks/switches
  • Buybacks
  • used to manage refinancing risk by reducing
    maturity concentration
  • change debt portfolio composition
  • Switches
  • Offered at the discretion of the debt manager or
    by reverse inquiry
  • Sophisticated debt management tool
  • Buybacks and switches increase secondary market
  • Requires a transparent debt management strategy
  • Avoid speculative/manipulative behavior at all

Market makingBackstop Cash compensation
  • Backstops
  • Not widely used
  • Could encourage excessive risk taking by Market
  • Could subject the government to liquidity risk
  • Cash Compensation has been used while developing
  • Fees for primary market participation
  • Fees for market making

Market makingImpediments to development I
  • Tap issues
  • If securities are freely available on tap or if
    auctions are frequent, there is little incentive
    to trade on the secondary market
  • High liquid asset ratios
  • result in institutions holding more assets than
    they desire.
  • Investor base
  • Small institutional investor base not motivated
    to manage their risks or a reasonable sized
    investors base but concentrated

Market makingImpediments to development II
  • Small number of dominant market participants
  • possible collusion and lack of competition
  • Weak market participants
  • Poor payment and settlement systems
  • high settlement risks deter trading
  • Interbank credit lines too small for trading
  • irregular and uncertain issuance pattern
  • difficult for investors to form expectations
    about future supply

Market makingImpediments to development III
  • Poor price discovery mechanisms
  • developed markets have published prices, much in
    the same way as for shares.
  • No hedging mechanisms
  • no access to rental securities
  • undeveloped repo markets
  • Poorly defined trading conventions
  • no codes of conduct
  • Taxes
  • eg taxes based on original discount value,
    transaction taxes, withholding taxes

Primary dealersClosing remarks I
  • Evaluate whether potential benefits of a primary
    dealer system outweigh the costs
  • Is the macroeconomic environment stable?
  • Is the microstructure of the issuance strategy
    sufficiently well designed?
  • Is the investor base diversified and does it
    promote liquidity and stabilize market demand?
  • Are there competitive, capable and capitalized
    intermediaries present?
  • Is there a business case for being a primary
  • Some countries have not found it necessary to
    introduce a primary dealer system

Primary dealersClosing remarks II
  • There is a greater chance of development where
    banks have to manage their own liquidity and
    there is a competitive market for longer term
  • Segregation of investment and trading portfolios
  • Mark-to-market, valuation principles
  • It is not given that primary markets for Tbills
    and Tbonds should be treated alike
  • The government has an important role to play both
    as the client and as the regulator and

Thank you!
  • Questions/comments/suggestions to
  • Thordur Jonasson
  • (202) 458-2165
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