Title: Treating the African American Gambling Client
1Treating the African American Gambling Client
- A literature review
- and study of 59 Gambling Clients by
- Hubert Evans, CADC I, CGAC II
- and Eric Martin, M.A., CADC III
2Epidemiology of Gambling
- Several studies have found that being black
and/or non-Caucasian, is a risk factor for
gambling and that there are higher rates of
gambling within African American communities
(problem gamblers vs. non-problem gamblers) - Many of these findings have been challenged due
to the fact that lower socioeconomic status is
also a risk factor - and African Americans are
over-represented in the lower socioeconomic
strata. - Which leads to the question, Is it really
blackness or poorness that is correlated with
problem gambling?
Grant, Kushner and Kim, 2002
3African American Poverty
- The mindset of Gambling Poverty
- (Hubert will fill this out after attending
poverty training with Dr. Donna Beagle)
4African Americans and Treatment Admission
- Minorities tend to perceive delayed admission as
a form of rejection. - Minorities have a history of being abused by
bureaucracy and red tape. Complex rules,
documents, etc. have historically been used to
exploit African Americans. African Americans are
turned-off by red-tape. - Research shows that delayed admission produces
poorer outcomes in minorities compared to
Caucasian clients in behavioral health and
medical care services.
5Preferred gamesCaucasians vs. African
AmericansA study of 59 Gambling Clients, H.
Evans, CGAC II
- Caucasians prefer video poker almost 21 over
African Americans - African Americans prefer Dominos about 51 over
Caucasians - Caucasians play scratch tickets with African
Americans do not. - African Americans play dice while Caucasians do
6Average Age of Onset of GamblingCaucasians vs.
African AmericansA study of 59 Gambling Clients,
H. Evans, CGAC II
7Sex of Gambling Tx ParticipantsCaucasians vs.
African AmericansA study of 59 Gambling Clients,
H. Evans, CGAC II
8Source of Gambling FundsCaucasians vs. African
AmericansA study of 59 Gambling Clients, H.
Evans, CGAC II
- What are the implications for family treatment?
- African American relationships tend to be more
enabling. - Caucasian spouses/partners may be oblivious to
their partners gambling.