Title: Funding Opportunities
1Funding Opportunities at the National Science
Presented by Dr. Muriel Poston Program
Director Division of Biological
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3Field Stations Marine Labs (FSML)
- Successful projects have
- Demonstrated need
- High potential biological impact
- Broad user base
- Educational outreach
- Deadline First Friday in March, annually
Read the Program Announcement for more
information. Program Announcement NSF 02-040
4Multi-User Biological Equipment and
Instrumentation Resources (MBE)
- provides support for the purchase of major items
- requests can be from 40,000 to 400,000.
- single items of biological equipment or several
pieces of equipment with a related purpose - must be shared by 3 to 7 investigators with
actively-funded NSF research projects. - ? 30 of the total acquisition cost must be
shared by the PIs institution.
Deadline 1st Monday in October,
annually Program Announcement NSF 98-137
5Major Research Instrumentation Program (MRI)
- designed to improve the condition of scientific
and engineering equipment and facilities for
research and research training - awards for instrumentation will range from
100,000 to 2 million. - Cost sharing at a level of 30 of total eligible
costs is required.
Deadline 3rd Thursday in January,
annually Program Announcement NSF-01-171
6National Ecological Observatory Network
National Ecological Observatory Network
NEON is a major research
NEON is a major research
infrastructure activity
infrastructure activity
establish 10 observatories located
establish 10 observatories located
around the country that will serve as
around the country that will serve as
national research platforms for
national research platforms for
integrated studies in field biology
integrated studies in field biology
provide each observatory with state
provide each observatory with state-of-
art infrastructure to support
art infrastructure to support
interdisciplinary, integrated research
interdisciplinary, integrated research
7Biological Research Collections
- Collection Enhancement
- Computerization of specimen-related data
- Curation and Collection Management research
Program announcement NSF 03-566
8Frontiers in Integrative Biological Research
- Supports integrative research that addresses
major questions in biology - Identify under-studied and unanswered questions
- Use innovative approaches
- Integrating science and research tools across
disciplines - PRELIMINARY PROPOSAL DEADLINE (required for Full
Research Proposal submission only) October 20,
Read the Program Announcement for more
information. Program Announcement NSF 03-581
9Biocomplexity in The Environment
- http//nsf.gov/geo/ere/ereweb/index.hml
- GEN-EN Genome-Enabled Environmental Sciences and
Engineering - Deadline December 17, 2004
- CNH Dynamics of Coupled Natural and Human
Systems - Deadline December 3, 2003
- IDEA - Instrumentation Development for
Environmental Activities - Deadline December 3, 2003
- CBC - Coupled Biogeochemical Cycles
- Deadline January 22, 2004
10Center for Synthesis in Biological Evolution
- Mechanism to foster synthetic collaborative cross
disciplinary studies in evolutionary biology
Deadline September 17, 2003 Program
Announcement NSF-03-570
11Research Coordination Networks in Biological
- Foster communication and promote collaboration
among scientists with common interests from broad
backgrounds and across geographically,
disciplinary, and organizational boundaries - Create new research directions
Deadline June 25, 2004 Program Announcement
12Informal Science Education
- STEM learning outside of formal classroom
environments through media, exhibits, and
community-based programming. - Establish linkages between informal and formal
education - Increase interest in, understanding of, and
engagement of STEM disciplines by all ages
Deadline Preliminary Proposal August 15,
2003 Full Proposal November 17,
2003 Program Announcement NSF-03-511
13Communicating Research to Public Audiences
- Opportunity to explain research to broad
audiences - Can be used for any ISE activity
- Promote scientific and technology literacy
- Eligibility P.I.s with active awards
- Program Announcement NSF-03-509
14Course, Curriculum and Laboratory Instruction
- Educational Material Development
- Innovative material that incorporates effective
educational practices - Adaptation and Implementation
- Adaptation and implementation of exemplary
materials, laboratory experiences and educational
practices - Deadline December 4, 2003
- Program Announcement NSF-03-598
Increasing the Participation and Advancement of
Women in Academic Science and Engineering Careers
- Institutional Transformation Awards
- Provide support for institutions to increase the
participation and advancement - of women in science and engineering through
institutional change. - Deadline September 25, 2002
- Leadership Awards
- Provide support for leadership in meeting the
challenge of increasing the - participation in the advancement of women in
science and engineering. - Deadline January 15, 2003
- Advance Fellowships
- Research fellowships that serve individuals who
have experienced career - limitations due to family responsibilities,
spousal relocation, or extended - postdoctoral status.
- Deadline June 16, 2003
sf02121 Program Announcement NSF 02-121
16Research Opportunity Award (ROA)
Supplementary funding through ongoing NSF
research grants to allow faculty at predominantly
undergraduate institutions or secondary schools
to participate in research activities under the
aegis of NSF-supported investigators
- details located within the RUI program
Deadlines January 10th and July 10th,
annually Program Announcement NSF 00-144
- 1-year supplement to current NSF Awards
- help build long term collaborative relationships
between K-12 teachers of science and mathematics
and the NSF research community - encourages researchers to form partnerships with
teachers at inner city schools and less well-
endowed school districts
Consult with the Program Director of your
particular NSF award. Program Announcement NSF
18Graduate Research Fellowships
- awarded for graduate study leading to
research-based masters or doctoral degrees - in the fields of science, mathematics, and
engineering - intended for students at or near the beginning of
their graduate study - handled through the Division of Graduate Education
Deadline November 4, 2003 Program Announcement
NSF 030-050
19Research Experiences for Undergraduates
effective for attracting and retaining
undergraduates in careers in mathematics,
science and engineering
incorporates active research experience
REU sites
Sites Deadline Sept. 15, 2003 Program
Announcement NSF 03-577
REU supplements to PIs with existing awards
Supplement Deadline Contact your Program
Officer for details.
20Undergraduate Mentoring in Environmental Biology
- institutional awards to give students research
experience in environmental biology - broadly
defined - proposals should emphasize factors that enable
underrepresented groups to enter and remain in
environmental biology - major emphasis on direct student participation in
research during the academic year and summer,
with students remaining in program for gt 1 year
Deadline October 31st, annually Program
Announcement NSF 03-585
21Research Assistantships for Minority High School
Students (RAMHSS)
- involves high school minority students in
research - provides funding supplements to PIs supported by
NSF - occurs throughout the academic year and summer
Contact the Program Officer in the appropriate
program for details.
22NSF Merit Review Criteria
- Criteria include
- What is the intellectual merit and quality of the
proposed activity? - What are the broader impacts of the proposed
23What is the intellectual merit of the proposed
- Potential Considerations
- How important is the proposed activity to
advancing knowledge and understanding within its
own field or across different fields? - How well qualified is the proposer (individual or
team) to conduct the project? (If appropriate,
the reviewer will comment on the quality of prior
work.) - To what extent does the proposed activity suggest
and explore creative and original concepts? - How well conceived and organized is the proposed
activity? - Is there sufficient access to resources?
24What are the broader impacts of the proposed
- Potential Considerations
- How well does the activity advance discovery and
understanding while promoting teaching, training
and learning? - How well does the activity broaden the
participation of underrepresented groups (e.g.,
gender, ethnicity, disability, geographic, etc.)?
- To what extent will it enhance the infrastructure
for research and education, such as facilities,
instrumentation, networks and partnerships? - Will the results be disseminated broadly to
enhance scientific and technological
understanding? - What may be the benefits of the proposed activity
to society?
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27How to Get Started on the Road to NSF Funding
- Be aware of ever-changing NSF Programs and
opportunities - --gt NSF homepage, BIO homepage, and
division web pages - --gt Guide to Programs Grant Proposal
Guide (NSF 02-2) - Learn areas funded by different programs
- --gt NSF homepage
- --gt FastLane award abstracts
- --gt Contact Program Officers
- --gt Come to NSF presentations at major
meetings - --gt Stop in at NSF if you are in the DC
area - Read a successful proposal (and earlier
unsuccessful versions, if possible!) - Volunteer to review proposals, and do it!
- Collaborate with successful PIs
- Submit and RESUBMIT (after you get reviews back)
28NSF Sources of Reviewers
- program officers knowledge of what is being done
and whos doing what in the research education
area - references listed in proposal
- reviewer name on file
- recent technical programs from professional
societies - recent authors in Scientific and Engineering
journals - SE Abstracts by computer search
- reviewer recommendations
- investigators suggestions (Included in FastLane)
29Ad hoc/ mail review
- Gives you insight into the review process
- Allows you to see fundable research proposals
- Great service to the community
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