Title: Washington, D.C.
1The World After Quotas
Li Fung Limited October 13th, 2005
2Li Fung Background
3Li Fung Today
- Founded in 1906, close to 100 years of history
- Headquartered in Hong Kong
- Specialist in the sourcing of both private label
and branded consumer goods - US 6 billion in shipping
- Market cap approx US 6 billion
4The Li Fung Group
5The Li Fung Group
- IDS Group
- Marketing and logistics
- 9 markets in Asia and Greater China
- 40 distribution centers, 3m sqf
- 300 MNC principals
- 6,000 staff
- Turnover US 1 billion
6The Li Fung Group
- Li Fung Retailing Group
- Circle K operated by Convenience Retail Asia
- Toys R Us Asia
- Branded Lifestyle - Ferragamo, Country
- Road, Frette, Mango
- 2,000 staff
- Turnover US 300 million
7The Li Fung Group
- Li Fung Trading Group
- Sourcing
- 66 Offices in 38 countries and territories
- 7,200 staff
- Turnover US 6 billion
8Coordinated Global Network 66 Offices in 38
Countries and Territories
9The Evolution of Supply Chain Management
The Supply Chain
10Sourcing Apparel in a Quota Free Worldsomeday!
11The Reality of 2005
12U.S. Imports January July(Million M2)
- Square Meter Basis
- 2004 2005 Change
- World 11,018 12,443
China 1,537 3,414
R.O.W. 9,481 9,029 (5)
Data taken from The office of Textiles and
13U.S. Imports January July(Average Unit
- Price Deflation
- 2004 2005 Change
- World 3.22 3.12
China 3.04 2.66
R.O.W. 2.94 3.29
Data taken from The office of Textiles and
14The Reality of 2005
- The China Impact
- The Winners and Losers
15The Winners
16U.S. Import Winners January July (Million M2)
Data taken from The office of Textiles and
17The Losers
18U.S. Import LosersJanuary July (Million M2)
Data taken from The office of Textiles and
19The Reality of 2005
- The China Impact
- The Winners and Losers
- The New Quotas
20The New Quotas
- Chinese Restraint Mechanisms
- Anti-Dumping
- Bi-Lateralism
21Chinese Restraints
- Safeguard mechanisms in use
- Anti-dumping beginning to surface
- Quota extension in negotiations
- Free or almost free trade
- Breakdown of the multi-lateral world
- Challenges created
23Approved Trade Agreements (Apparel Terms)
- NAFTA Yarn and fiber forward.
- AGOA 3rd country fabric qualifies for most
countries through 9/08. - CBPTA Generally fabric and/or yarn must be
formed in the US. - Andean Pact Generally fabric and yarn forward.
- Australia/Singapore/Chile Yarn and fiber
24 QIZ
25Pending Agreements
- CAFTA Approved by Congress but not implemented.
- Morocco Approved by Congress but not
implemented. - Bahrain Negotiated but not yet approved.
26Negotiations in Progress
- Panama
- Thailand
- Southern Africa Customs Union
- United Arab Emirates
- Oman
27Challenges to be faced
- Uncertainty continues in China
- Infrastructure improves elsewhere
- Bi-lateral agreements create unknown
28The World After Quotas
Li Fung Limited October 13th, 2005