Conservation of Mass and Momentum - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Conservation of Mass and Momentum


At the tube outlet, pressure is p = pa, velocity is u = U2 i and height is z = z2, wherefore ... settle out,the flow is stagnant in the tube so that u = 0 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Conservation of Mass and Momentum

Conservation of Mass and Momentum
  • Using the Reynolds Transport Theorem, it is a
    simple matter to derive mass- and
    momentum-conservation laws for a control volume,
    i.e., the integral forms
  • Global view
  • Indirect computation of forces
  • Focusing on a differential-sized control volume,
    we can deduce the differential form of the
    conservation laws, which hold at every point in
    the flow
  • Detailed view
  • Direct computation of forces and all flow
  • From the differential forms we can derive
    Bernoullis Equation mechanical energy

Conservation Principles
  • The basis of our conservation laws is as follows,
    where B is an extensive variable and ß is the
    corresponding intensive variable
  • We will concentrate on mass and momentum first,
    and do energy later (Chapter 7)

Mass Conservation-1
  • We consider a general control volume whose
    bounding surface has velocity ucv
  • Definition of a system
  • Mass, M, is constant
  • By definition,
  • Hence, B M and ß 1
  • dM/dt 0the Reynolds
  • Transport Theorem yields
  • In words,

the sum of the instantaneous rate
of change of mass in the control volume and

the net flux of mass out of the
control volume is zero
Mass Conservation-2
  • Recall that for a differential-sized control
  • Again, since dB/dt 0 and dß/dt 0, the
    Reynolds Transport Theorem tells us that
  • This is called the continuity equationit holds
    at every point in the flow CV asymptotes to a
  • Using the chain rule

? Conservation form
? Primitive-variable form
Mass Conservation-3
  • We can use our results to further simplify the
    Reynolds Transport Theoremas noted above, for a
    point we derived the following
  • Therefore, the Reynolds Transport Theorem for a
    point simplifies to

? Zero according to mass conservation
Momentum Conservation-1
  • We consider a perfect fluid so that only normal
    surface forces act
  • Momentum of a system
  • By definition,
  • Hence, B P and ß u
  • Newtons 2nd Law says
  • We consider two types of forces
  • Surface force, Fs transmitted across surface S
  • Body force, Fb acts at a distance

Momentum Conservation-2
  • The only surface force acting is pressure
  • The magnitude of the force on a differential
    surface element is pdS
  • Since n is an outer unit normal, the force
    exerted by the surroundings on the control volume
    is p n dS
  • Thus,
  • Typical body forcesgravity, electromagnetic
  • Express in terms of the specific body-force
    vector, f
  • f is body force per unit massfor gravity, f -g
  • Thus,

Momentum Conservation-3
  • Using the Reynolds Transport Theorem
  • The terms in this equation, from left to right,
  • Instantaneous rate of change of momentum in the
    control volume
  • Net flux of momentum out of the control volume
  • Net pressure force (e.g., buoyancy) acting on the
    control volume
  • Net body force (e.g., weight) acting on the
    control volume

Momentum Conservation-4
  • Focusing now on a differential-sized control
    volume, Newtons second law of motion tells us
  • Again, our corresponding extensive/intensive
    variable pair is B P (momentum) and ß u
  • From the Reynolds Transport Theorem at a point
  • In Chapter 3, we showed that the net pressure
    force is

Momentum Conservation-5
  • Finally, for the obvious reason
  • Collecting all of this, we arrive at the
    differential form of the momentum-conservation
  • This equation, valid for a frictionless fluid, is
    called Eulers Equationin words
  • Eulers Equation is F ma per unit volume!

(Mass per unit volume) ? (Acceleration) S
(Forces per unit volume)
Mass Conservation for Incompressible Flows-1
  • In Cartesian coordinates, the continuity equation
    for a general three-dimensional flow is
  • When the flow is incompressible, so that ? is
    very nearly constant, this simplifies to
  • Given the velocity vector for a flowfield, we can
    use this equation to determine whether or not the
    flow is incompressible

? Valid for both steady and unsteady flow
Mass Conservation for Incompressible Flows-2
  • Example Show that two-dimensional flow
    approaching a stagnation point is incompressible,
    given that the velocity vector is u A(xi yj),
    where A is a constant
  • Solution Taking the divergence, we find
  • Thus, the flow is indeed incompressible
  • Note By inspection, this result would still be
    true even if A were a function of time

Eulers Equation-1
  • Vector notation conceals the complexity of this
    set of quasi-linear, partial differential
  • Closed-form solutions exist only for simple
    geometries (cannot use superposition
    (nonlinear!) existence and uniqueness theorems
    do not exist)
  • Excellent computer programs are available to
    solve for general flowfields
  • Potential-flow theory (see Chapter 11) yields
    exact solutions for various interesting flows

? Terms like ?u?u/?x make the equations
quasi-linear It makes them much harder to solve
than linear equations
Eulers Equation-2
  • As a simple example of an Euler-equation
    solution, consider flow in a tank that has been
    rotating long enough that transients have ceased
    (?/?t ? 0)
  • Rigid-body rotation
  • Gravitational field, f g -g k
  • Incompressible flow
  • Using cylindrical coordinates, the 3 components
    of the Euler Equation are

In general, u u(r,?,z) and p p(r,?,z) Much
simplification is possible for this flow
Eulers Equation-3
  • Since the velocity is uq Or and ur w 0
  • Integrating the first of the 3 equations, we find
  • Using the second equation

? Centrifugal force balances ?p/?r
Gravity balances ? ?p/?z
? f(?,z) is a function of integration
Eulers Equation-4
  • Finally, using the vertical component of the
    Euler Equation
  • Therefore, the solution for the pressure at every
    point within the rotating tank is
  • Rearranging terms, we have

Real live constant of ? integration
Galilean Invariance of Eulers Equation-1
  • Consider the following descriptions of a moving
  • Flow (a) is unsteady ? Solution depends upon x,
    y, z, t
  • Flow (b) is steady ? Solution depends only upon
    x, y, z
  • QUESTION Does the linear Galilean transformation
    apply to the Euler Equation, which is not linear?
  • ANSWER Yessee text for algebraic details
  • THEREFORE We can measure forces on a stationary
    wind-tunnel model and apply to a moving prototype

? A Galilean transformation puts the body at rest
The body is ? moving at constant velocity u -U i
Galilean Invariance of Eulers Equation-2
  • Example If a body moves at constant speed U 30
    ft/sec through water with ? 1.94 slug/ft3 and
    pstag pA 4.91 psi, determine UA (pstag is the
    pressure at the stagnation point)
  • Solution After doing a Galilean transformation,
    we have
  • Hence, substituting the given values

Original Problem
After Galilean transformation
ustag 0 ?
Derivation of Bernoullis Equation-1
  • Using the following vector identity (Appendix D)
  • we can rewrite Eulers Equation as follows
  • If a flow is
  • Inviscid (so that Eulers Equation holds)
  • Steady (?u/?t 0)
  • Incompressible (? constant)
  • Subject only to conservative body forces (f
  • Irrotational (? 0)
  • then we have

? ? ? ? u vorticity
Derivation of Bernoullis Equation-2
  • The only way the gradient of a scalar can be zero
    everywhere is if the scalar is a constant, so
  • This is Bernoullis Equation
  • It represents conservation of mechanical energy
    (per unit volume), the 3 types of energy being
  • Pressure potential, p
  • Kinetic energy, ½? u u
  • Potential energy, ?V
  • Can relax the irrotational requirement and show
    that it holds on a streamline (see text)not very
    useful though since we dont know in advance
    where the streamlines are

Leaky Tank
  • Consider a tank with a small hole
  • Assuming d tank is negligible
  • From Bernoullis Equation applied between the top
    of the tank and the jet of fluid

Flow Past a Vertical Tube-1
  • It is often helpful to determine the constant
  • We know everything at the free surface far
    upstream, i.e., p pa, u U1i, z 0

?Applies at all points in the flowfield
Flow Past a Vertical Tube-2
  • At the tube outlet, pressure is p pa, velocity
    is u U2 i and height is z z2, wherefore
  • Solving for the velocity, we find
  • When we computed constant in advance, we
    matched every point in the flow to a single
    reference point

Velocity-Measurement Techniques
  • Recall that we used the hydrostatic relation to
    indirectly measure pressure (from height
  • We can use Bernoullis Equation to indirectly
    measure velocity (from height or pressure
  • The two most common devices for measuring
    velocity are the Pitot tube and the Pitot-static

Stagnation Points
  • Must first introduce the concept of a stagnation
    point, defined as a point where u 0
  • There are 2 stagnation points for flow past a
    cylinder, for example

Pitot Tube-1
  • For a Pitot tube, fluid enters the tube and rises
    to a height h above the surface
  • Select a reference point at the surface far
    upstream so that, in Bernoullis Equation

Pitot Tube-2
  • After transients settle out,the flow is stagnant
    in the tube so that u 0
  • The tube is open to the atmosphere so that p pa
  • Applying Bernoullis Equation
  • Solving for U1 gives

? Measuring height h gives an indirect
measurement of U1
Pitot-Static Tube-1
  • A Pitot-static tube does not require a point in
    the flow where everything is known
  • Two pressure measurementsone at the stagnation
    point, the other 10 or more tube diameters
    downstream of the stagnation point

Pitot-Static Tube-2
  • Tube diameter is sufficiently small that
    potential-energy differences are negligible
  • Stagnation point p pstag, u 0
  • Downstream p pstatic, u ? U i
  • Applying Bernoullis Equation tells us
  • Thus, the velocity is

? Measuring two pressures gives an indirect
measurement of U
Conservation Equation Summary-1
  • Integral forms For completely general
  • Mass
  • Momentum
  • State
  • Differential forms At every point in a
  • Continuity
  • Eulers Equation

Conservation Equation Summary-2
  • The equation of state and the mass- and
    momentum-conservation principles provide five
  • Mass 1 scalar equation
  • Momentum 1 vector equation with 3 components
  • State 1 scalar equation
  • Unknowns for a Liquid ?, u, v, w, p a total of
  • Unknowns for a Gas ?, u, v, w, p, T a total of
  • If temperature variations are important, liquids
    also have 6 unknowns in general, energy
    conservation provides a sixth equation
  • For now, we will use Bernoullis Equation, which
    is okay provided thermal effects are unimportant
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