Title: Leelanau County Office of Emergency Management / 9-1-1
1Leelanau County Office of Emergency Management /
Do you have an emergency?
2 9-1-1 is a special phone number that helps
you report emergencies and get help fast!
3Good reasons to use 9-1-1.
Someone is .
4Any type of FIRE!
5Reporting a serious crime . . .
6When you dont know if you should call 9-1-1 or
not, then calling is the right thing to do!
7Important Rules
If you dial 9-1-1 by mistake, stay on the phone
and let the person who answers the phone know
that you dialed by mistake.
When you dial 9-1-1 stay on the phone until
someone answers.
8How to Call Simply dial 9-1-1
- You can call from any
- phone with a dial tone
- You can call from
- any cell phone
- You can call from any
- pay phone for FREE
9How does 9-1-1 Work?
You dial 9-1-1
A Dispatcher answers your call then sends the
help for your EMERGENCY
10The Questions We Will Ask Every Caller!
- Where is your emergency?
- What is the phone number
- you are calling from?
- What is the emergency?
- What is your name?
11If you have a Fire EMERGENCY
- What is on fire?
- Is anyone in danger
- or inside the fire?
- Are you safe from the fire?
12If you have a PoliceEMERGENCY
Leelanau County Sheriff
- How many people?
- What are they doing?
- What do they look like?
- What are they wearing?
13If you have a Medical
- Is the person awake and able to talk?
- Are they breathing normally?
- Are they male or female?
- How old are they?
14Is This a 9-1-1 Emergency?
- Your Mom is having
- a baby?
- Your house or a
- neighbors house is
- on fire
15- You fall down and
- scrape your knee?
- NO
16- You see a strange person going into a neighbors
house when they are not home -
17Thats it, you now have the basics for using
- Dont be afraid to use
- 9-1-1
- When you call, just answer the questions
that the dispatcher - asks you and help will be sent
- as quickly as possible.
18Leelanau County Office of Emergency Management /