Title: Instructions for using this template'
1Instructions for using this template.
- Remember this is Jeopardy, so where I have
written Answer this is the prompt the students
will see, and where I have Question should be
the students response. - To enter your questions and answers, click once
on the text on the slide, then highlight and just
type over whats there to replace it. If you hit
Delete or Backspace, it sometimes makes the text
box disappear. - When clicking on the slide to move to the next
appropriate slide, be sure you see the hand, not
the arrow. (If you put your cursor over a text
box, it will be an arrow and WILL NOT take you to
the right location.)
Choose a category. You will be given the
answer. You must give the correct question.
Click to begin.
3Choose a point value.
Choose a point value.
Click here for Final Jeopardy
4Taking objective tests
Taking essay tests
Essay answer technique
Preparing for essay tests
Preparing for exams
10 Points
10 Points
10 Points
10 Points
10 Points
20 Points
20 Points
20 Points
20 Points
20 Points
30 Points
30 Points
30 Points
30 Points
30 Points
40 Points
40 Points
40 Points
40 Points
40 Points
50 Points
50 Points
50 Points
50 Points
50 Points
5Two questions to ask an instructor before an exam
6What types of questions youll be expected
to answer How many questions will be on the exam
7The four major steps in preparing for exams
8- Gather information
- before you study
- Use the 5 day study plan
- Use active study strategies
- Evaluate your preparation
9The importance of knowing the 6 levels of
questions in Blooms taxonomy
10This reminds students to prepare to answer more
complex questions about the material they are
11The steps of the 5-day study plan
12Space your study Divide the material Study the
oldest material first Plan active study
tasks Monitor your learning
13The difference between recall-level and
recognition-level learning
14Recall-level learning requires that you know the
material without any additional clues. For
recognition-level learning you need only
recognize the answer form among the answers
listed on the exam
15The definition of test anxiety
16The physical and emotional responses experienced
by those uncertain about their preparation
or performance on a test
17The 6 parts of the test anxiety cycle
18Test failure Test anxiety Cant study
effectively Unprepared for exam More test
anxiety Interference with test performance
19The only point in the test anxiety cycle where
you can effectively change the outcome of your
next exam
20Cant study effectively
21Four general test-taking strategies
22Prepare well Follow directions Budget your
time Answer the easiest questions first
23Three things to remember about guessing
24Look for patterns Check for balanced answer
keys Guessing doesnt replace proper preparation
25Four things you can learn more about from
returned exams
26Course content Your professors testing
methods Your preparation Your test-taking skills
27How many practice essay questions you should make
up when you study for an essay test
28At least 4 times the number of questions that
will be on the exam or Predict 3 or 4 questions
from each chapter
29Five steps to use when preparing for essay tests
30Predict questions Gather information Organize
information Learn the information Write out the
31The levels of questions from Blooms taxonomy you
can use to predict challenging questions
32Analysis Synthesis Application
33The reason to write out the answers to the
questions you predicted
34Practicing writing the answer to practice
questions will help you to get started, phrase
your answer, and tie points together when you
take the actual test
35The benefits of gathering information for
predicted essay questions
36This active study technique forces you to dig
through the text and your lecture notes looking
for relevant information
37Three steps to success on essay exams
38Reading the directions Planning before you
write Organizing your answer
39Two ways to figure out how much you should write
40How much space the professor provides on the
examination paper The point value of the question
41The basic design you should use to answer an
essay question
42Use either a one paragraph design for lower point
questions, or one paragraph for each main point
in a higher point question
43The steps to writing an essay test answer
44Turn the question into a statement Write your
first main point Support your main points Add
transition words Add a conclusion
45Five factors that influence your grade on essay
test answers
46Content Organization Format Mechanics Neatness
47Four strategies for gaining more points on essay
48Use the rest of the exam as a resource when
answering questions Always write something Leave
extra space If you run out of time turn in a note
that outlines what your answer would have been
49How to mark an essay question before you answer
50Circle direction words and underline what the
direction words refer to. It may be helpful to
number the parts of the question
52Organizational notes you make before you answer a
high point essay question
53Three different ways to do jottings
54Lists Matrixes Mappings
55Final Jeopardy
Make your wager
56The six levels of Blooms taxonomy
57Knowledge-level Comprehension-level Application-le
vel Analysis-level Synthesis-level Evaluation-leve