Title: 2' Passive smoking
1 2. Passive smoking
- Royal College of Physicians of London
- Tobacco Advisory Group
2Passive smoking what are the effects?
- Fatal risks
- Several hundred lung cancers (UK)
- Several thousand heart disease cases
- Non-fatal impacts
- Lung function, cough, wheeze, phlegm
- Asthma aggravation
- Children
- Sudden infant death, middle ear infection, lung
disease - Unborn child
- Spontaneous abortion, perinatal death, preterm
birth, low birthweight
3Passive smoking lung cancer Risk in
non-smoking women living with smoker compared to
- compelling confirmation that passive smoke is a
cause of lung cancer - Excess risk of lung cancer 24
- Corresponds to 100s of deaths in the UK annually
Hackshaw et al. BMJ 1997 315980-988
4Passive smoking heart disease Risk in
non-smokers living with smoker compared to
- Exposure to passive smoke increases risk of
ischaemic heart disease by 25 - Equates to half the risk of smoking 20 cigarettes
a day - No significant bias or confounding
Law et al. BMJ 1987 315 973-980
5Passive smoking heart / circulatory disease
- Dramatic non-linear effect
- 1 of the smoke exposure, but half the heart
disease risk of a 20/day smoker - 12,000 cases of heart disease annually (UK)
- Though with some uncertainty
- Increased risk of stroke
- Suggested mechanism - platelet aggregation
6Passive smoking respiratory disease
- Exposure delivers carcinogens to all parts of the
respiratory tract - Associated with decreased lung function
- 40 60 increase risk of aggravating symptoms of
pre-existing asthma
7Proportion of non-smokers who live in a household
with at-least one smoker
Source SCPR (1996) Health Survey for England,
1995 (under 16s assumed to be non-smokers)
8Passive smoking children
- Middle ear infection (glue ear)
- Asthma
- Bronchitis pneumonia
- Respiratory tract infection
- Low birth weight
- Meningococcal infections
9Passive smoking fetus
- Smoking during pregnancy is a cause of
- Lower birth weight
- Increased risk of stillbirth
- 27 higher rate of spontaneous abortion (4300 per
year) - Excess perinatal deaths due to maternal smoking
420 pa in England Wales
10Passive smoking other health impacts
- Asthma
- Eye irritation
- Coughing
- Nausea
- Headaches
- Unpleasant smell
11Attitudes towards smoking
Source Office of National Statistics Omnibus
survey 2002