Retaining Young Members ... Young Member Programs. Young Engineers Center on - includes publications, events and career ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation
Get accurate address information from the graduating student
Give them a place to go and make them welcome
4 Retaining Young Members
Effective communication is key
Talk to them and ask them what they need
Provide the benefits they want, and let them know what is available
5 Retaining Young Members
Get accurate address information from the graduating student
Keep the permanent address on file
Give them a reason to stay in touch with you
Communicate through several different mediums and let them do the same
6 Retaining Young Members
Get accurate address information from the graduating student
Send e-mails, postcards and letters. Remind them of the benefits they may be missing - magazine, newsletters, job leads, conferences, special member-only programs
7 Retaining Young Members
Postcard to graduating members, reminding them of benefits and giving them easy methods to update their address
Student E-zine - sent monthly via e-mail to students with ASME news
FasTrack E-zine - sent monthly via e-mail to YEs with ASME news
8 Retaining Young Members
Give them a place to go and make them welcome
Make sure that your volunteer structure welcomes young membersat every level
Create special programs to introduce young members into the governance structure
9 Retaining Young Members
Talk to them and ask them what they need and want.
Every member has an opinion and likes to be asked. You can use informal luncheons, campus visits, focus groups, surveys - mailed, online, telephone, etc. to gather your information
10 Retaining Young Members
Provide the benefits they want and let them know what is available
Make it easy for them to upgrade their membership
Provide a prorated member dues structure
Communicate with them about the available programs and what you are bringing on board
11 Retaining Young Members
Graduating Students receive their membership renewal statement with an Automatic Upgrade to Member status.
Graduating students can take advantage of the a discounted member dues structure over the first four years out of school.
12 Young Member Programs
Young Engineers Center on - includes publications, events and career information to help YEs
Student Center - includes publications, events, links to career information, internship site, scholarships student loans
13 Young Member Programs
ME Today ME Advantage printed as one publication exposes students to career topics early
Online Career QA - an online source for career questions online
E-Mentoring Program
Career/Life Guide an online guidance resource for YEs in transition
14 (No Transcript) 15 (No Transcript) 16 (No Transcript) 17 (No Transcript) 18 Young Member Programs
Job database users are encouraged to post internships and entry level jobs free of charge in order to attract new engineers to the site.
Educational career forums are held to inform young members (and non-members) about changes and opportunities in engineering careers
19 Member Benefit JobCoach
One-stop resource for lifelong career development
Career coaching provided by highly qualified, certified experts
Access to industry-specific career information
Ability to email career experts for personal support and recommendations
Preferred pricing (discounts) for ASME members
20 Member Benefit JobCoach
Ideal for engineers who want to
Write a résumé that captures employers attention
Turn interviews into job offers
Re-invigorate their careers with guidance from a professional coach
Find the best work environment for their behavioral and communication style
Negotiate the best employment offer possible.
21 Whats Next
Explore online communities
Re-vamp to make My ASME
Focus on Employers
22 Our conclusions
Communicate with the market to understand their wants and needs
Make it easy for them to renew and to participate
Use every form of communication available - direct mail, newsletters, e-mail, Internet, telephone