Title: Neuroscience 3680 Cognitive Neuroscience
1Neuroscience 3680 - Cognitive Neuroscience Dr.
Matthew Tata
2The Plan
- Techniques of Cognitive Neuroscience
- Some functional anatomy
- Vision
- Attention and Executive Functions
- Memory
- Language
- Consciousness
The Brain in Action
- Cognitive Neuroscience, Second Edition by
Gazzaniga, Ivry and Mangun
- Mid-Term 1 25 February 7th
- Mid-Term 2 25 March 13th
- Final 25 April 18th
- Project 25 Due in last class
Midterms will be in-class, location of final
- Project will be a written research proposal
describing a research question, its significance,
and the proposed methodologymore details in the
coming weeks
Rounding will be by convention except when I
decide otherwise!
- My Office hours immediately after class
- Email matthew.tata_at_uleth.ca
- Rules
- 1. No emailing the night before a test
- 2. You must try to answer your question on your
own first before emailing metrust me
- TA
- Simon Spanswick
- simon.spanswick_at_uleth.ca
- email him to make an appointment
9What is Cognitive Neuroscience?
- Cognition Interpreting, using and storing
information by the mind
10What is Cognitive Neuroscience?
- Cognition Interpreting, using and storing
information by the mind - Neuroscience the study of the nervous system
11What is Cognitive Neuroscience?
- Cognition Interpreting, using and storing
information by the mind - Neuroscience the study of the nervous system
- Cognitive Neuroscience the study of the
neurobiology that underlies (creates?) cognition
12What is Cognitive Neuroscience?
- Cognition Interpreting, using and storing
information by the mind - Neuroscience the study of the nervous system
- Cognitive Neuroscience the study of the
neurobiology that underlies (creates?) cognition
So why isnt all Neuroscience Cognitive
13The Methods of Cognitive Neuroscience
- How many of you have heard the statement that you
only use 10 of your brain?
14The Methods of Cognitive Neuroscience
- How many of you have heard the statement that you
only use 10 of your brain? - What do you suppose this means?
15The Methods of Cognitive Neuroscience
- How many of you have heard the statement that you
only use 10 of your brain? - What do you suppose this means?
- Is it true? How could you know?
16The Methods of Cognitive Neuroscience
- Next time Goals and Techniques