Title: How to Deal with Cognitive Decline the Best Way
1How to Deal withCognitive Declinethe Best Way
2Dealing with cognitive decline is not very easy
as you need to understand what the causes behind
it are and how to cope with things to slow the
progression of disease and help the patient. It
is only with doctors advice and proper planning
and care that you can help your loved one deal
with cognitive decline in the best possible
3Proper medication is very important for dealing
with cognitive impairment in the most effective
way the patient must take medicines as
prescribed by the doctor regularly even if he or
she insists they are fine as it will keep the
other health conditions in check
4It is important for the patient to stop smoking,
drinking and taking any other medication or
dependency drug as they can lead to further
trouble drinking within the recommended limits
is allowed but it is necessary ask the doctor
before taking anything
5The patient must remain calm as this can lead to
worsening of the condition stress and anxiety
can further complicate cognitive impairment
6Regular routine is important in this condition as
it can help to minimize the memory loss problem
and the patient will be able to remember what he
or she has been doing or needs to do however at
the same time the patient also needs some change
or variety to feel engaged and use cognitive
7Good diet is very important for dealing with
cognitive impairment in the most effective
manner it is because fruits, vegetables and
variety of meats contain the right vitamins,
minerals and proteins that help in brain
development and cognitive functions
8Light physical activity, depending on the
patients condition is also very important as it
will keep the patient engaged and the body
active, giving them something to do and look
forward to
9Equipped with knowledge about cognitive decline
Philadelphia, you can help your loved one deal
with this condition in the most effective manner
and provide them the love and support they need
at this time