Cognitive Perspective - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Cognitive Perspective


Personal theories = constructs ... (Is violence in ... Do you present different aspects of your personality with your parents vs. best friend vs. intimate partner? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Cognitive Perspective

Cognitive Perspective
  • Mental representations of objects and their
  • Consider the simplicity of an image vs.
    events/people etc.
  • Each is idiosyncratically defined with a great
    deal of complexity
  • Evolution has moved the environment into the
    brain (perception vs. reality) No direct
    experience of the environment (e.g., eye).
  • Mediated by perception of the environment, and
    this is decidedly a cognitive event (mediated by
    expectancies, motivation, etc.)
  • This perspective can more easily explain complex
    behaviors (most human action) and does not deny
    the presence of cognitive processes (thoughts
  • For example, when considering approach/avoidance
    conflicts, it is possible to examine individual
    differences in how one cognitively construes the
    same event (e.g., Is a test as a potential for
    success or failure?)
  • Less variability for the semi-starved rat
    considering food/shock

Cognitive revolution (1950s forward) How do we
think, perceive, remember, solve, etc.?
  • Tolmans latent learning
  • When learning is not immediately evident or
    behaviorally observable
  • Learning occurs in the absence of reinforcement
    for the behavior or any associative learning
    (learning from temporal association)
  • Research on hungry rats with 3 conditions 1)
    food when they reach the end of the maze, 2) no
    food after running the maze, or 3) initially no
    reinforcement, but later reinforced for running
    the maze
  • Dramatic improvement for rats in condition 3
    after reinforced and did better than those in
    condition 1
  • So they were learning in earlier trials, despite
    not being reinforced or showing it behaviorally
    (forming cognitive maps)
  • Later replicated in other animals and humans
  • Chomskys preparedness for learning in children
  • Linguistics movement (a readiness to
    learn/acquire speech)
  • Thought processes are intermediaries between
    stimulus and response

Cognitive Revolution
  • George Miller work with human memory
  • memory is critical to learning as it accounts for
    whether we remember and how we recall it.
  • e.g., learning by chunks issue of capacity for
    learning (7-2), the role of perception in
    learning (chess pieces for novices experts),
  • Considers the computer as a metaphor for the mind
  • Von Neumann McCulloughs use of binary
    mathematical relations among symbols to reflect
    the mind
  • Artificial intelligence, bottom-up and top-down
  • e.g., Deep Blue as a model for human thinking in
  • In addition to memory, behavior cognitions are
    influenced by
  • information processing (e.g., heuristics and
  • pattern recognition (prototypes),
  • schema (less agreeable people are more likely to
    see others as hostile)

George Kelly (1955)
  • Construct theory
  • Humans as scientists
  • Where did your experiments begin?
  • Personal theories constructs
  • Used to explain the present and predict the
  • Ask them, they might just tell you. (credible
    approach that emphasizes the subjective
    appraisals of individuals

Fundamental Postulate and Corollaries
  • How you represent the environment is affected by
    the anticipation of events
  • assume replication oriented to the future
  • uniqueness of your construct system
  • finite number of dichotomous constructs
  • range of convenience for any construct
  • If events cant be explained by any construct,
    this leads to anxiety
  • choice of constructs and their ordinal
    association (you can have any theories, but the
    theories you choose limit what youll find)

Kellys cognitive complexity
  • Kelly defined cognitive complexity as having many
    superordinate (or core) constructs (initiated the
    cognitive movement)
  • Patient with single core construct of Army not
  • Greater cognitive complexity is associated with
    better adaptiveness as it means you have more
    ways of interpreting events (vs. being very
    limited in how you view things)
  • Tetlock Suedfeld have studied the cognitive
    complexity of communications and how it predicts
    conflict. Lower complexity maladaptive
  • e.g., examined UN communications between
    countries and could predict times of conflict

Social learning/cognitive theory
  • Behavior potential Behavioral expectancy
    (regardless of the reinforcing or punishing
    contingencies, do you expect the consequence?) X
    reward value (idiosyncratic value one places on
    the reinforcer or punisher)
  • Julian Rotter, 1970s
  • Because previous experience necessarily
    influences expectancy, Rotters model necessarily
    considers the person situation

Putting cognitive theory to the test, part 1
  • Can learning occur from modeling in animals?
  • Modeling/imitation learning in the absence of
    reinforcement for either the target or the model
  • Modeling occurs in species within the great ape
  • e.g., fear of snakes in monkeys reared in
    captivity after exposure to monkeys reared in
  • Can modeling occur in species outside the great
    ape lineage?
  • Rhesus monkeys ranging in age from 1 to 14 days
    exposed to human models engaging in simple
    behaviors like tongue protrusions, mouth opening,
    lip smacking, etc.
  • Greater learning for older monkeys, and some
    behaviors acquired more easily (also evidenced
    individual differences in acquisition)
  • Evidence for mirror neurons (cells that fire when
    others perform an action to promote mimicry)

Modeling in humans
  • Banduras social learning theory suggests that
    modeling requires
  • Attention notice and attend to the behavior
  • Retention defining features of the behavior
    have to be encoded, retained, and recalled
  • Reproduction more complex tasks may require
  • Motivation incentives are typically needed, but
    they may be internal, or in some cases, absent
    (highly variable factor)
  • The bulk of the human data on modeling/imitation
    is non-experimental in nature and has focused on
    areas of great concern (Is violence in our
    society due to modeling? see school shootings
    such as Sandy Hook, 2012 James Holmes, 2012,

Effects of violent/aggressive models
  • Media coverage as a source of modeling?
  • Reviews literature on violent TV viewing in
    childhood (survey research). Huston Cofer,
    1986 also Bushman Huesmann, 2014
  • Prospectively predicts adult aggression.
  • Findings persist after controlling for SES, level
    of supervision, and aggression as a child.
  • Effects are growing since 1975
  • Effects are strongest when individuals can
    identify with the models
  • Less overt effect for adults a readiness to
  • Weaker modeling effects for pro-social behavior
  • Conclusions regarding violent video games
    strongest effects when looking at aggression in
    the lab vs. violence outside the lab
  • FYI - Violent crimes decrease when violent films
    are showing (Dahl Vigna, 2009) Those who like
    violence are busy!

Putting cognitive theory to the test, part 2
  • Is there experimental evidence for modeling in
  • Effects of aggressive models on children (see
    Bobo doll experiment Bandura et al., 1961)
  • Children randomly assigned to one of 3
    conditions 1) aggressive adult, passive adult, a
    group with no adult model
  • Aggressive adult model punched and struck the
    doll with mallet
  • Children exposed to the aggressive model engaged
    in significantly more aggressive behavior with
    the bobo doll
  • Males showed more physical aggression, but no
    gender difference on verbal aggression
  • Modeling is most effective when it is a similar
  • Follow-up study to test effects of reward and
  • Minimal change in aggression if model was
  • Double the effect if model was rewarded (Bandura
    et al., 1963)
  • How durable are the effects?

Self-efficacy and reciprocal determinism (Bandura)
  • Self-efficacy the belief in ones ability to
    succeed (mastery, competency, effectiveness)
  • This belief appears important to expectations for
    favorable outcomes, and this in turn, impacts
    motivation, effort, etc.
  • Can be domain-specific (e.g., work vs.
  • Reciprocal determinism (causality) behavior is
    predicted by the person (internal cognitions),
    their behavior, and the environment
  • Each factor influences the other
  • Note Psychodynamic was fully focused on internal
    motives and behavioral perspective was fully
    focused on the environment

Self-regulatory theory (Mischel)
  • 1. Reward value differential value for certain
    rewards punishers (different between
    individuals over time)
  • 2. Expectancies typically based on previous
  • 3. Encoding strategies how information is
    interpreted by the individual (exam feedback),
    framing effects, etc.
  • 4. Competencies actual ability mediates these
    processes (self-efficacy beliefs see also
  • 5. Self-regulation how goals influence/regulate
    all of the previous four factors
  • research by Kunda (1990) examining motivated
    reasoning - an event with a 60 likelihood of
    occurring can be described as not very likely
    (get cancer) to somewhat likely (get an A)
  • e.g., how goals influence the interpretation of a
    test grade

Seeing what you want to see
  • Study 1 Participants doing a randomly determined
    taste test and a briefly presented ambiguous
    video image (either a B or 13) would
    determine what they tasted (fresh OJ or
    gelatinous substance). - Balcetis Dunning,
  • Image presented for 400ms then computer crashed
  • Participants were more likely (82) to see the
    image that would result in the preferred
    substance (OJ)
  • We see desirable objects (those fulfilling
    immediate goalsa drink for the thirsty, money,
    favorable feedback) as physically closer than
    less desirable objects. Biased distance
    perception revealed through actions (e.g.,
    under-throwing a beanbag at a desirable object).
    - Balcetis Dunning, 2009
  • Seeing desirable objects as closer than less
    desirable objects serves the self-regulatory
    function of energizing the perceiver to approach
    objects that fulfill needs/goals (wishful
    seeing Dunning Balcetis, 2013)

Cognitive perspectives on depression
  • Maladaptive cognitions attributions e.g.,
    learned helplessness in a dog restrained (failure
    to acquire new learning) Seligman, 1978
  • Cognitive triad of well rehearsed thoughts (Beck
    et al., 1979)
  • 1. Negative thoughts about the self (I suck)
  • - internal vs. external attributions
  • 2. Negative thoughts about the everyone else (no
    one loves me)
  • general vs. specific conclusions
  • 3. Negative thoughts about the future (things
    will never change)
  • stable vs. changing
  • Interdependence of mood and personality
  • Neur - overreaction to events - sad mood -
    stronger neg view - Neur
  • Arbitrary inferences drawing specific
    conclusions without evidence, selective
    abstraction (details taken out of context),
    magnification and minimization, etc.)

Cognitive models for depression
  • A. Ellis ignoring positive things in life,
    exaggerating the negative, and over-generalizing
    (irrational thoughts)
  • I should act like this (tyranny of the
  • Note Cognitive interventions are one of the most
    effective treatments for depression (equal to
  • Confirmation bias looking for information that
    confirms negative schemas (I will never amount
    to anything) and ignoring/minimizing
    disconfirming information
  • Consequently, we seek self-verification vs.
  • See Swann et al., 1992 computer game study on
    experts and novices
  • See De La Ronde Swann, 1998 for research on
    commitment in relationships
  • These effects are seen as automated vs.
  • Linehans biosocial model of personality where
    genetic predispositions for emotional problems
    and the reinforcing social environment causes
    personality disorders

Assessment tools from the cognitive perspective
  • Repetory Grid (Kelly) Class assignment
  • P. 1 Identify the important people in your life
  • P.2 Think about the three individuals and how
    two are alike on some trait and yet different
    from the third person on the same trait.
  • e.g., 2 of the 3 are really organized while the
    third person is really disorganized

Measures of affect other cognitive structures
  • BDI-II 21-item measure matched to DSM-IV
  • CES-D 20-item measure for general population
  • Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression for
    clinical use
  • BAI 21-items for use in clinical and
    non-clinical settings
  • State-Trait Anxiety Addresses the stable and
    more transient aspects of anxiety (trait and
  • IAT Implicit measure to contrast most measures
    which are self-report. Uses reaction times to get
    at cognitive associations.
  • Does it measure knowledge of something or actual
  • Possible selves identifying possible selves
    that individuals have at any one time to capture
    cognitive appraisals about the self

Sociobiological theory
  • Consider how males and females differ in their
    personalities as they are expressed in
  • Evolutionary pressures differ by gender
  • Microevolution changes within a population
    short time period
  • Females have high investment in children so
    should be more selective (they seek
    resource-related traits)
  • Why is there a need to ensure paternal certainty?
  • Males have relatively short temporal investment
    so no need to be selective (they seek
    fertility/youth), but this breeds increased
    competition for the limited resource
  • What might physical attractiveness represent in
    addition to beauty?
  • Health (i.e., reproductive potential)

Sociobiological theory - p.2
  • Various species demonstrate increased sexual
    potency (shorter refractory period) for males
    when new females are introduced (vs. repeated
    copulation with the same female) quantity
  • Known as the Coolidge Effect
  • Females need to have paternal certainty (access
    to resources) and must be selective based on
    parental investment theory (more time required
    less fertile time across the lifespan)

Sociobiological theory - p.3
  • Are there different search criteria employed for
    short and long term relationships?
  • For males its sexual availability and fertility,
  • For females, its sexual availability and
    ambition/earning potential, respectively
  • Note Promiscuity is seen as desirable by both
    genders for short-, but not for long-, term
  • Men will consider short term relationships with
    almost anyone, but women are much less likely to
    do so.
  • Men desire to have sig more sex partners v. women
  • Schmitt et al, 2003 gt 20 vs. 2-3 for women

Putting Sociobiological theory to the test
  • Over 10,000 individuals from 33 countries (Buss,
  • Among the top traits for both men and women in
    short term relationships was promiscuity (sexual
  • For long term relationships the top trait for
    both groups is physical attractiveness
  • For females, earning potential was consistently
    rated high (noteworthy, given the population
  • Examination of personal ads (Kenrick Keefe,
  • Females seek males who are older than themselves
    and are economically established. Their own ads
    emphasize their beauty.
  • Males emphasize their own economic achievements
    and seek younger attractive women (Note Youth
    is a proxy for reproductive potential, as shown
    by the fact that teen boys prefer older women)

120 Personal Ads- Baize Schroeder, 1995
  • NY Times examples
  • A BEAUTYSWF in 30s, slim, gym-fit and shapely
    works in Manhattan. Sweet, earthy, free-spirited
    (azure eyes, long locks, leftist politics) seeks
    male in 40s, accomplished, passionate, reliable,
    gentle genius to adore.
  • A KNOCK OUTGorgeous blond, 20s, great figure,
    sensuous, sincere, fun, looking for love of my
    life tall, established, 30s-40s.
  • A GOOD MANDJM, 60, successful, attractive,
    professional, seeks attractive, open, sensitive,
    caring/sharing, in 50's, Long Island.
  • ARCHITECT/ARTISTLiving in theater district.
    Latte drinking, Sushi eating, NY Times addicted,
    professional in his 30s. Seeks 20-30s,
    attractive, fun-loving female. Long hair a plus.

Jealousy by gender
  • Would you experience more distress over sexual
    infidelity or emotional infidelity? - Buss et
    al., 1999
  • Imagine partner falling in love with someone else
    vs. Imagine partner trying different sexual
    positions with someone else.
  • 83 of females more jealous of emotional
    infidelity vs. 40 of males
  • Males show greater physiological arousal to
    imagined sex of partner with someone else
  • Why are females more jealous of emotional
  • Because it threatens access to resources
  • Why are males more jealous about sexual
  • Because it threatens paternal certainty

More Recent Research
  • Sperm competition following significant absences
    in response to female infidelity
  • Shackelford Goetz (2007)
  • The Florida Study (2008) examined response
    rates to 3 requests by gender
  • Go on a date, go to my place, have sex
  • As seen in other mammals, maternal aggression in
    lactating mothers is higher relative to bottle
    feeding mothers (competition with the winner
    administering a loud unpleasant noise to the
    loser). Lactating mothers did a longer noise
    relative to bottle feeders who did not differ
    from women who were never pregnant
  • Hahn-Holbrook et al., 2011

Critique of sociobiological theory
  • Studied almost exclusively in college students
  • Do dating and mating involve the same motives?
  • Sociobiological theory (like evolutionary theory)
    does not predict specific future behavior, it
    explains events post hoc
  • this is a major weakness (recall that Freud could
    likewise explain anything after the fact)
  • e.g., long vs. short-necked giraffes
  • Evolutionary drift - some events are a
    consequence of adaptive behavior but are not
    themselves adaptive

Ch. 8 A Trait Approach
  • Traits as building blocks to describe behavior
  • Linking traits to behavior
  • Organizing traits (factors)
  • Big Three (Eysenck)
  • Big Five (Costa McCrae)
  • Person-Situation Debate
  • Supplementing traits with other approaches
  • Goals
  • Act-Frequency
  • Assessing traits

Traits over time A review
  • Recall the traits forwarded by Humoral Theory
    (Hippocrates Galen)
  • Sanguine
  • Choleric
  • Melancholic
  • Phlegmatic
  • Carl Jung
  • Introversion-Extraversion
  • Gordon Allports trait hierarchy
  • Cardinal traits
  • Central traits
  • Secondary traits

Trait approaches based on body morphology
  • Palm readings
  • Criminality (Lombroso) - physical features
    predict criminality
  • Luomo delinquente
  • Phrenology (Gall) - skull morphology advances
    due to
  • Localization
  • Quantification
  • Standardization

Example morphological assessment
Trait approaches based on body types
  • Sheldons body types (1950) Photos of incoming
    freshmen 1930s
  • Endomorph jolly/happy, lazy (BMI is inversely
    corr. with suicide rates, but only for men
    jolly fat Mukamal, 2007)
  • Mesomorph dominant, athletic
  • Ectomorph smart, shy
  • Based on physical stereotypes. Can stereotypes
    affect personality?
  • Not theoretically derived (cf. pelvic distance
    hormonal release during adolescence as it relates
    to masculine and feminine traits Schlegal,

Sheldons body morphology
The success of trait methods based on morphology
  • Barnum effect - broad and slightly positive
  • Most non-standardized, unreliable, and
    non-validated procedures rely on the Barnum
  • Stock statements - true in all circumstances
  • Fishing statements general statements that can
    be interpreted in many ways (youve experienced
    a loss)
  • Research (Glick, 1985) suggests that people are
    more likely to believe Barnum-type false feedback
    vs. real personality FB
  • Research (Wyman et al., 2008) suggests that
    people can differentiate real from bogus
    personality assessments, but they cant
    differentiate real personality readings from
    bogus astrological readings (likely due to Barnum

Traits emerging from linguistic assessments
  • Analysis of language (Allport)
  • Approx. 18,000 words describing human behavior
    (subsumed by over 4,000 trait descriptors)
  • Lexical hypothesis By examining the adjectives
    used to describe human behavior we can determine
  • What is the minimum number of groupings (factors)
    needed to organize all of these adjectives, and
  • What are the best labels for these groupings
  • Statistical approach to organizing the adjectives
    and traits (Cattell)
  • Factor analysis used to reduce the data
  • e.g., Consider your lecture notes or a further
    summary of the class and how they summarize all
    the material.
  • Number of factors, labels for them, and how they
    relate to one another

Organizing traits
  • From 450 B.C. to present
  • Organizing structure for personality
  • Eysencks three personality factors to describe
    all relevant personality traits
  • 1. extraversion/introversion -ARAS
  • 2. neuroticism/emotional stability -limbic system
  • 3. psychoticism (abnormal personality) /ego
    strength (tolerate stress, reality focus)
  • Only the 1st two factors apply to non-clinical
  • - Circumplex model (for the normal population)

(No Transcript)

The construction of personality factors from
everyday experiences (higher level factors are
the least modifiable)
4. Type/Factor
3. Trait
2. Habitual behavior
Going out
Smiled at person seated next to you
Smiled at Mary yesterday
1. Individual behavior
Putting trait theory to the test, part 1
  • Are there measurable differences in neuroticism
    (emotional instability) and what does this
  • Neuroticism
  • Modestly higher in females and this differences
    is seen across cultures
  • N increases with age and peaks in late
    adolescence declines throughout adulthood
  • SES is inversely related to N (high SES lower
  • N predicts mental health outcomes like risk for
    major depression, personality disorders, higher
    rates of cardio-vascular problems and mortality
    (regardless of cause)
  • Peer rated traits are better predictors of
    mortality (your friends know how long youll
    live! ? Jackson et al., 2015). Likely due to the
    fact that multiple peers are used to assess vs.
    only a single source for self-rated personality.
  • High heritability (.6)
  • Should we be treating neuroticism, given the fact
    that we can successfully treat anxiety, which is
    a transient version of N? (Barlow et al., 2013).
    Lowering susceptibilities?

Other ways of organizing traits
  • Cattells 16 PFs
  • The Big Five (Costa McCrae, 1985)
  • Neuroticism - emotional stability/instability
    (highly heritable)
  • Extraversion - sensation seeking/pos. emotions
    (highly heritable)
  • Extraverts work better when experiencing
    stimulation ARAS
  • Openness - to new experience (creativity)
  • Intellectually curious, more liberal views, more
    tolerant of diversity
  • Agreeableness - quality of interactions
  • More likely to engage in prosocial activity,
    altruism, cooperativeness, fewer problems with
    mental health
  • Conscientiousness responsibility, hard work,
  • More successful in work and school, predicts
    effort, fewer problems with mental and physical
    health, are happier and live longer.

Big Five traits everyday life
  • NEO profile that best predicts school/work
  • High C, N, and O (adaptive application of N)
  • O is related to productivity as a function of the
    structure of the setting (high O works best in
    less structured settings)
  • Low C and low A generally predict poor
    productivity in a variety of school and
    work-related settings
  • High N is a general predictor for psychological
    problems (depression, anxiety, etc.), and the
    more extreme the score, the more likely the
  • Costa McCrae suggest that psychopathology is
    defined by extreme scores on the NEO
  • Some research suggests that these traits are
    observed across species such as dogs, chimps,
    hyenas (Gosling John, 1999)

Big Five Culture Lifespan
  • Big Five Factors are generally replicated in
    other cultures and other languages, even when
    data comes from peer ratings
  • One exception is agreeableness is sometimes
    better explained as two factors of humility and
    honesty (Ashton et al., 2004).
  • High heritability for the big five factors,
    especially for neuroticism and extraversion
    (approximately .6)
  • Big Five factors increase in stability over the
    lifespan, and highest for extraversion and
    conscientiousness lowest for neuroticism (Note
    This does not match the heritability data)
  • Cumulative continuity hypothesis Continuity of
    personality is strengthened as we get older
    because we have more choice over our environments
    (and we pick environments that reinforce/strengthe
    n existing traits)
  • e.g., the extravert chooses environments that
    value extraverted behavior

Putting trait theory to the test, part 2 Can we
alter traits (experiments)?
  • Locus of Control (LOC Rotter) under the
    conscientiousness factor
  • Internal - control over ones own destiny
  • External - fatalistic, chance outcomes
  • Most individuals are internal LOC in North
  • This is more adaptive as well.
  • Survey research summary
  • Implications for school/work re effort
  • Relationships
  • Health

- continued Experimentally manipulating
  • Glass Singer 1972
  • Uncontrollable and aversive noise and its effects
    on performance
  • Two conditions one with control button and one
  • Assessed persistence with anagrams, and
    performance in a follow-up task
  • Benefits reflected in sustained effortful
    behavior and outcomes
  • None of the participants ever actually pushed the
    button, so there were no differences in exposure
    to the loud aversive sounds
  • Emphasis is perceived rather than real control
  • Ultimately, the researchers stopped hooking up
    the button (dummy switch)
  • What if the participants had tried to push the
  • Higher cost for thinking you have control then
    realizing you dont vs. never thinking you had it
    (we rarely have the opportunity to assess control
    beliefs in everyday life thats why perception
    is key)

- continued Experimental research on control
  • Studies in old age homes (Langer, 1983 Rodin,
    1986) to assess the effects of predictability and
  • 3 conditions (control, predictability, neither)
  • equal time in all visits, and everyone does so
    within regular visiting hours
  • predicted health and mortality within the next
  • implications/applications?
  • Strengths/limitations of this study relative to
    Glass Singer (1972) and other survey studies?
  • Similar research in work settings involving
    control over how to do tasks in prisons
    involving control over TV programming, chair
    locations (Ruback et al., 1986 Wener et al.,
    1987), health fears (Lecci Cohen, 2007)

The person situation debate
  • Mischel shock (Personality and Assessment
    Mischel, 1968)
  • 1. Traits account for only 9 of behavior
    (correlations of .30)
  • Personality vs. situation debate (data on school
    children in different settings predicting
    behaviors like lying)
  • 2. Traits are just labels.
  • Attempts to address the 1st critique with new
    measures, but more difficult to counter the 2nd
  • Modern personality inventories can go beyond 9
    (see NEO-PI)
  • Problematic to predict a single instance of
    behavior from general trends (S. Epstein), but we
    can predict behavioral tendencies
  • Traits predict best in situations without clear
    situational scripts.
  • Situational strength refers to the clarity of
    the situational script.
  • e.g., first date behavior vs. seventh date
  • More specific traits also predict better
  • e.g., work LOC vs. relationship LOC

Supplementing the Big Five
  • Act-frequency approach (Buss Craik, 1983)
  • Identify actions that reflect the trait of
  • Rate the extent to which each represents the
    prototype for that trait (prototypicality
  • Personal goal assessment An idiographic approach
  • The idiosyncratic expression of basic motives
    (hunger vs. truffles for the wedding)
  • Traits in context (LOC vs. control over the
    relevant experiences in your life e.g., goal to
    get married or get a degree)

Gordon Allport (1930)
  • Consider how traits and motivation (goals) each
    assess different (unique) aspects of personality
  • Havings and Doings of personality (Allport,
    1930 Cantor, 1990)
  • stable features (traits) and more dynamic
    features (goals)
  • Traits (havings) can reflect biological
    predispositions that may limit the opportunities
    for what one can do.
  • Goals can determine how their traits manifest in
    their actions (goals are the doings of
  • Both predict behavior Traits predict about 20
    of university grades and goals relating to both
    school and non-school activities can account for
    an additional 10-20 (Little, Lecci, Wadkinson,

Example assessments Goal constructs
  • From more fleeting/transient experiences to life
    long pursuits
  • Current Concerns (Klinger, 1977)
  • Personal Projects Analysis (Little, 1983)
  • Personal Strivings (Emmons, 1986)
  • Life Tasks (Cantor, 1987)
  • Goal Systems Assessment Battery (Karoly
    Ruehlman, 1995)
  • Intersection of motivational and cognitive
    perspectives Hot Cognitions

Illustration of the PPA approach
  • PPA Personal projects Analysis (Little, 1983)
  • Adults average about 14 personal goals
  • Content may be significant
  • e.g., Health goals for hypochondriacs
  • Most common goal across settings populations
    lose weight
  • 5 factors used to interpret the PPA
  • Meaningfulness (importance, enjoyment)
  • Efficacy (progress, outcome, skills)
  • Structure (control, initiation, time adequacy)
  • Stress (stress, difficulty, challenge)
  • Social Support (visibility, others view)

Meaning-Efficacy trade-off
  • Molecular goals (time focused concrete)
  • high efficacy but low meaningfulness
  • Molar goals (broad, life long pursuits)
  • low efficacy but high meaningfulness
  • Anxiety can be predicted from goals with high
    meaning low efficacy
  • Research on college students and their goals
    shows that depression is marked by low efficacy
    low meaningfulness (Lecci et al., 1994)
  • Depression can also be marked by the failure to
    disengage (Kuhl, 1986) from unsuccessful projects
    - depression as information

Ipsative scoring for the PPA
  • Ipsative scoring refers to comparisons within the
    individual (no need for a norm group, though
    normative scoring can be done)
  • Goals can be scored by comparing your own score
    at one time to scores from obtained from another
  • Only meaningful if scores can change (traits are
    supposed to be stable, so any changes on the NEO
    are considered error in measurement)
  • Your goals, however, can change.
  • Goals can also be scored by comparing ratings
    across different content domains (e.g., social
    vs. academic) look at your scores
  • Most clinical work and counseling interventions
    with goals adopt the ipsative scoring procedures
    (goal of intervention can be perceived changes in
    the goal system)
  • Goals can also be scored normatively (see next

Normative scoring for the PPA e.g., academic vs
leisure goals (skip this)
  • Academic goals
  • Importance
  • High 10
  • Low 5 or lt
  • Enjoyment
  • High 7 or gt
  • Low 2 or lt
  • Stress
  • High 9 or gt
  • Low 3 or lt
  • Others view of importance
  • High 10
  • Low 4 or lt
  • Leisure goals
  • Importance
  • High 9 or gt
  • Low 4 or lt
  • Enjoyment
  • High 9 or gt
  • Low 6 or lt
  • Stress
  • High 5 or gt
  • Low 1 or lt
  • Others view of importance
  • High 8 or gt
  • Low 1 or lt

Putting trait theory to the test, part 3
  • Personality traits and mortality 3 studies
  • Study 1 1,812 males from one of the early MMPI
    samples (MMPI assessed in adolescents) Trumbetta
    et al., 2010
  • By age 75, factors that predicted mortality were
  • social introversion (higher scores are
    protective) and
  • psychopathic deviance/antisocial tendencies (hi
    scores hji risk)
  • No control for demographic factors, health
    behaviors, health
  • Study 2 gt4,000 middle-aged Vietnam era veterans
    tracked for 15 yrs Weiss et al., 2013
  • Statistically controlled for demographics, health
    behaviors, and premorbid physical and mental
    health (still a homogeneous sample)
  • Neuroticism, paranoia, and antisocial tendencies
    were risk factors
  • Study 3 1,035 men women in Scotland Taylor et
    al., 2009
  • For men, O and C were protective. No sig effects
    for women.
  • Neg emotion words in tweets predict heart
    disease mortality better than demographics, SES
    health factors (Eichstaedt et al., 2015)

Personality Measures
  • NEO-PI-R (Costa McCrae, 1992)
  • NEO-FFI (Costa McCrae, 1989)
  • Complete for class
  • The Big five Inventory
  • Available on-line
  • The HEXACO
  • Big Five 1 (honesty humility instead of A)
  • Eysencks Personality Questionnaire (EPQ)
  • Cattells 16 PF
  • MBTI
  • See also various goal assessments

Self vs. Peer Ratings include in class notes
  • High degree of consistency between self ratings
    and the ratings of others even after only a brief
  • Almost as accurate as assessments from those who
    know you very well
  • How does social desirability effect ratings?
    Social constraints? The short time period of the
  • Which traits will show the greatest
  • Do discrepancies necessarily reflect problems
    with the self-report?
  • Real differences between internal and external
    presentation may be meaningful
  • When evaluating others, people tend to attribute
    behavior to traits
  • When evaluating our own behavior, we tend to
    attribute it to the situation (Why? - baserates)
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