Title: Chapter 6 Cognitive development
1Chapter 6 Cognitive development
- pp.220-221,p.222,226,235-238,
- , 242-243, 246-247,259-260
2???????(cognition)? ????(cognitive
- ??(knowing)??????????(inner processes and
products of mind),?????????????????????????? - ????(cognitive development)
3?? ?????????
- 1.?????????
- Piagets cognitive-developmental theory
- 2. Vygotsky??????
- Vygotskys sociocultrual viewpoint
- 3.??????Information-processing perspectives
- 4.??????Psychometric viewpoints
- (?)???(stage theory)
- 1.???????(structural whole)
- 2.??????
- 3.????
- 1.??(scheme)
- ???????,????????????????
- (1)??????(sensorimotor scheme) dropping scheme
- (2)????(mental representation)
- ??????????????
- Imagesmental pictures of objects, people, space
- Concepts categories in which similar objects or
events are grouped together
6- Sensorimotor scheme
- Symbolic scheme
- Operational scheme
- (1)??(adaptation)
- ???????????????
- ??(assimilation)
- ??????????????
- ??(accommodation)
- ??????????????????
- (2)??(organization)
- ????????????????????????????
83.????(cognitive equilibration) ????
- ?????(sensorimotor stage, 0-2yr)
- ????(preoperation stage, 2-6,7yr)
- ?????(concrete operational stage, 6,7-11,12yr)
- ?????(formal operational stage, 11,12yr-)
101.?????(sensorimotor stage, 0-2yr)
- ??????
- ?????(object permanence)?
- ??(imitation)
- (2)6 ???? (substages)p.222,223,224
- ????(circular reaction)
- A-not-B search error
- (3) ??
- ?????
- the violation-of-expectation method
- Bailargeon (2004) p.226
112.????(the preoperation stage, 2-6,7yr)
- (1)Representational insight
- (2) ????
- (The preconceptual period,2-4 yr)
- a. Emerging of symbolic thought
- b. dual representation
12Dual representation
- Piaget symbolic thought
- DeLoache preschoolers abilities to use scale
models pictures as symbol - Ss2 ½, 3yr
- Task find a toy hidden in a room
- Steps
- Show a scale model of the room, a mini-toy behind
a chair in the model - Retrieval 1 find the toy in the real room
- Retrieval 2 find the mini-toy in the model
13- Result
- 3yrretrieval 175, retrieval 290
- 2 ½ yr 15, 80
- Cant use the model as symbol
- Show a photo of a real room
- 2 ½ yr can find
- 2 ½ yr lack of dual representation
- The ability to think about an object in two
different setting
14- c. Deficits in preconceptual reasoning
- ?????(Animism)
- ????(Egocentrism) p.236
15(3)????(The intuitive period,4-7yr)
- ???????/????(Incapable of conservation/centration)
p.237 - ???(identity)
- ???(compensation)
- ???(reversibility)
- 2-5 ½?
- ????????,?????????????????
- 5 ½-7?
- ???????,??????????????,???????????????
- ???????,??????????????,???????????
- ?????????????????????????
17- 7?-
- ????(hierarchical classification)
- ?????,???????????
- ??????(Class inclusion) (p.238)
183.????? ( The concrete operational
stage,7-11 yr)
- (1)????(Conservation)
- (2)????(Relational logic)
- ????(Mental seriation)
- ??(Transitivity)
- (3)??
- ????(Horizontal decalage)
- ? structural whole
194.????? (The formal-operational stage,11-12 yr)
- ??????(Hypothetic-deductive
- reasoning)
- (2)??
- ?????????
- ??????
20?. Vygotskys sociocultural perspective
- (?)?????????
- (Four interrelated levels of analysis)
- ????(Ontogenetic development)
- ????(Microgenetic development
- changes that occur over
relatively - brief periods of time)
- ????(Phylogenetic development)
- ??????(Sociohistoricaldevelopment)
- (1)???????
- (Tools of intellectual adaptation)
- elementary mental
function -
?????????,?? - (1) how to
think??Tools of -
intellectual adaptation(???????,? -
??????????????) - (2) what to
higher mental function -
22(2)?????(The zone of proximal
development )(ZPD)
- ???????task
- ?????????????
- ??????????????
- intersubjectivity
- scaffolding
- guided participation
- task??????????,?????????
- ?????????
23- ??(Scaffolding)
- ???????,???????????,????????????(??????,??????????
??????,????????????????) - ????(Guided participation)
- ????????,???????????????,????????????
24(3) ?????
- Piaget
- egocentric speech to social speech
- Vygotsky
- private speech to inner speech