Title: pdf✔download Mind: Introduction to Cognitive Science, , 2nd Edition
2Mind Introduction to Cognitive Science, , 2nd
Cognitive science approaches the study of mind
and intelligence from an interdisciplinary
perspective, working at the intersection of
philosophy, psychology, artificial intelligence,
neuroscience, linguistics, and anthropology.
With Mind, Paul Thagard offers an introduction
to this interdisciplinary field for readers who
come to the subject with very different
backgrounds. It is suitable for classroom use by
students with interests ranging from computer
science and engineering to psychology and
philosophy.Thagard's systematic descriptions and
evaluations of the main theories of mental
representation advanced by cognitive scientists
allow students to see that there are many
complementary approaches to the investigation of
mind. The fundamental theoretical perspectives
he describes include logic, rules, concepts,
analogies, images, and connections (artificial
neural networks). The discussion of these
theories provides an integrated view of the
different achievements of the various fields of
cognitive science.This second edition includes
substantial revision and new material. Part I,
which presents the different theoretical
approaches, has been updated in light of recent
work the field. Part II, which treats extensions
to cognitive science, has been thoroughly
revised, with new chapters added on brains,
emotions, and consciousness. Other additions
include a list of relevant Web sites at the end
of each chapter and a glossary at the end of the
book. As in the first edition, each chapter
concludes with a summary and suggestions for
further reading.
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Mind Introduction to Cognitive Science, , 2nd
5Mind Introduction to Cognitive Science, ,
2nd Edition