Title: SK Core Standards for Mathematics
1S-K Core Standardsfor Mathematics
Where did they come from?
How do we use them?
2S-K Core Standards
2007 Standards
22 Content Standards
58 Content Standards
Standards in 5th Grade Math
3Why S-K core standards?
- State Standards Testable in 2010-11
- Students Teachers Accountable for 2002
4S-K Core Standards
- A tool to help
- Transition
5Drafted by S-K TeachersMath Reps Involved
Grade Level Teams
7Where did Oregons 2007 Standards come from?
N.C.T.M. Focal Points
8What are the NCTM Focal Points?
- A description of the most significant
mathematical concepts and skills at each - grade level
9Curriculum Focal Points Are
- Focused on important mathematics
- Well articulated across grades
- Essential to educated citizens
- Provide foundation for further learning
10How were Focal Points selected?
- They had to pass
- rigorous tests!
11Is it mathematically important for further study
of mathematics AND for use in applications in and
outside of school?
Does it fit with what is known about learning
Does it connect logically with the mathematics in
earlier and later grade levels?
12Focal Points
Oregon Standards
Math in Your Classroom!