Title: Birefringence
Halite (cubic sodium chloride crystal, optically
Calcite (optically anisotropic)
Calcite crystal with two polarizers at right
angle to one another
Birefringence was first observed in the 17th
century when sailors visiting Iceland brought
back to Europe calcite cristals that showed
double images of objects that were viewed through
them. This effect was explained by Christiaan
Huygens (1629 - 1695, Dutch physicist), as double
refraction of what he called an ordinary and an
extraordinary wave. With the help of a polarizer
we can easily see what these ordinary and
extraordinary beams are. Obviously these beams
have orthogonal polarization, with one
polarization (ordinary beam) passing undeflected
throught the crystal and the other (extraordinary
beam) being twice refracted.
as n depends on the direction, ? is a tensor
optically isotrop crystal(cubic symmetry)
constant phase delay
uniaxial crystal(e.g. quartz, calcite, MgF2)
extraordinary / optic axis
linear anisotropic media
inverting 4 yields
principal axes coordinate system
in the pricipal coordinate system ? is diagonal
with principal values
off-diagonal elements vanish,D is parallel to E
3Birefringencethe index ellipsoid
a useful geometric representation is
the index ellipsoid
is in the principal coordinate system
uniaxial crystals (n1n2?n3)
4Birefringencedouble refraction
refraction of a wave has to fulfill the
phase-matching condition (modified Snell's Law)
two solutions do this
5Birefringenceuniaxial crystals and waveplates
How to build a waveplate
input light with polarizations along
extraordinary and ordinary axis, propagating
along the third pricipal axis of the
crystal and choose thickness of crystal according
to wavelenght of light
Phase delay difference
6Electro-Optic Effect
for certain materials n is a function of E, as
the variation is only slightly we can
Taylor-expand n(E)
linear electro-optic effect (Pockels effect,
quadratic electro-optic effect (Kerr effect,
7Kerr vs Pockels
the electric impermeability ?(E)
...explains the choice of r and s.
Kerr effect
Pockels effect
typical values for s 10-18 to 10-14 m2/V2
typical values for r 10-12 to 10-10 m/V
?n for E106 V/m 10-6 to 10-2
(crystals) 10-10 to 10-7 (liquids)
?n for E106 V/m 10-6 to 10-4 (crystals)
8Electro-Optic Effecttheory galore
from simple picture
to serious theory
diagonal matrix with elements 1/ni2
Symmetry arguments (? ij ? ji and invariance to
order of differentiation) reduce the number of
independet electro-optic coefficents to
6x3 for rijk
6x6 for sijkl
a renaming scheme allows to reduce the number of
indices to two (see Saleh, Teich "Fundamentals
of Photonics")and crystal symmetry further
reduces the number of independent elements.
9Pockels Effectdoing the math
- How to find the new refractive indices
- Find the principal axes and principal refractive
indices for E0 - Find the rijk from the crystal structure
- Determine the impermeability tensor using
- Write the equation for the modified index
- Determine the principal axes of the new index
ellipsoid by diagonalizing the matrix ?ij(E) and
find the corresponding refractive indices ni(E) - Given the direction of light propagation, find
the normal modes and their associated refractive
indices by using the index ellipsoid (as we have
done before)
10Pockels Effectwhat it does to light
Phase retardiation ?(E) of light after passing
through a Pockels Cell of lenght L
this is
a Voltage applied between two surfaces of the
the retardiation is finally
11Pockels Cellsbuilding a pockels cell
- Longitudinal Pockels Cell (dL)
- V? scales linearly with ?
- large apertures possible
- Transverse Pockels Cell
- V? scales linearly with ?
- aperture size restricted
from Linos Coorp.
12Pockels CellsDynamic Wave Retarders / Phase
- Pockels Cell can be used as
- dynamic wave retardersInput light is vertical,
linear polarized - with rising electric field (applied Voltage) the
transmitted light goes through - elliptical polarization
- circular polarization _at_ V?/2 (U ? /2)
- elliptical polarization (90)
- linear polarization (90) _at_ V?
13Pockels CellsPhase Modulation
Phase modulation leads to frequency modulation
definition of frequency
with a phase modulation
? frequency modulation at frequency ? with 90
phase lag and peak to peak excursion of 2m?
? Fourier components power exists only at
discrete optical frequencies ??k ?
14Pockels CellsAmplitude Modulation
- Polarizer guarantees, that incident beam is
polarizd at 45 to the pricipal axes - Electro-Optic Crystal acts as a variable
waveplate - Analyser transmits only the component that has
been rotated -gt sin2 transmittance
15Pockels Cellsthe specs
- Half-wave Voltage O(100 V) for transversal
cells O(1 kV) for longitudinal cells - Extinction ratio up to 11000
- Transmission 90 to 98
- Capacity O(100 pF)
- switching times O(1 Āµs) (can be as low as
- preferred crystals
- LiNbO3
- LiTaO3
- KDP (KH2PO4)
- KDP (KD2PO4)
- ADP (NH4H2PO4)
- BBO (Beta-BaB2O4)
longitudinal cells
16Pockels Cellstemperature "stabilization"
an attempt to compensate thermal birefringence
17Electro Optic Devices
18Liquid Crystals
19Faraday Effect
Optical activity
Faraday Effect
20Photorefractive Materials
21Acousto Optic