Title: NIH Partnering with Maryland Companies
1NIH Partnering withMaryland Companies
- Mark Rohrbaugh, Ph.D., J.D.
- Director
- Office of Technology Transfer
- National Institutes of Health
- U.S. Department of Health Human Services
- www.ott.nih.gov
- NIH as source of trained workforce
- Licensing IP from NIH
- Collaborations with NIH to address industrys
scientific challenges - Access to expertise and facilities
- University-NIH-industry
3NIH Scientist-Entrepreneur
- Sherrie Bale GeneDx
- Martha Knight CC Biotech
- Bruce Weintraub Trophogen
- Frank Robey AriaVax
4Entrepreneurial Education Programs
5 NIH Licensees
6(No Transcript)
7NIH Licensed Products
AcuTect? AIDS Test Kit Alfaxan injectable
anaesthetic for cats/dogs Apodasi? (ddI)
Beaucage Reagent BIOMAX Multi-Blot Kit BRCA1
Diagnostic Certiva? CHAPS Gardasil Generic
ddI delayed-release capsules Fludara Fecolator
Havrix ImmunoWELL Kepivance? KLEPTOSE
(betacyclodextrin) Matrigel Invasion Chamber
Mirakelle? NeoTect? NeuTrexin
OcuvitePreserVision? ParaSight F? Parvovirus
B19 enzyme immunoassay PathVysion? Prezista
HER-2 DNA Probe Kit PixCell? Soluble
Interleukin-2 Receptor SPORANOX oral solution
Squirrel Free? capsaicin-treated birdseed
Synagis? Taxol TAXUS? coronary stent system
Thyrogen? TWINRIX TransProbe-1 Velcade?
Videx Vitravene? ZENAPAX ZEVALIN?
8Pipeline to PartnershipsNeglected DiseasesRare
9(No Transcript)
10Collaborating with NIH Scientists
- Material Transfer Agreements
- Clinical Trial Agreements
11Selected Products Developed under NIH CRADAs
original technology from University of Michigan
12NIH Conflict of Interest Rules 2005
- No outside consulting with biotech and pharma
companies - Official duties not affected including scientific
collaborations with no personal compensation
- Total active in FY08 347
- With MD companies 18 (5.2)
- FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08
- New 80 51 44 72
14Enhancing NIH-Biotech Collaboration
- Informal
- Biotech attendance at public NIH scientific
presentations - NIH scientist presentations to companies
- Facilitating access to local incubators
- Communication of COI rules
- Identification of perceived and real logjams
- Formal
- Partnering for scientific personnel exchanges
- TEDCO MOU and Showcase
15Transforming medicine through discovery