Status of the Fetus, Abortion and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Status of the Fetus, Abortion and


approved in advance by majority of 3 member 'therapeutic abortion committee' ... 1976 - Badgley Report concluded abortion law not operating equitably across country ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Status of the Fetus, Abortion and

Status of the Fetus, Abortion and Maternal-Fetal
  • ISD II Womens Health
  • Ethics and Health Law
  • Jan. 29, 2003

  • Myriad of ethical and legal issues specific to
    womens health
  • Physicians will encounter some at the individual
    patient (clinical encounter) level
  • Others at societal/policy level

Examples of Ethical, Legal Issues Affecting
Womens Health
  • Violence issues
  • sexual assault, spousal assault
  • Abortion
  • Prenatal screening
  • Surrogate motherhood
  • Maternity leave policies
  • Breastfeeding policies
  • Emerging reproductive technologies
  • Access to infertility treatments
  • Status/use/ownership of gametes, embryos

Our Focus
  • Status of the fetus, abortion and maternal-fetal
  • Issues related to reproductive technologies
  • 1 in the present session
  • 2 in a later session (Feb. 14, 930-11)

  • B is 19 years old 15 weeks pregnant.
  • Bs partner may have been exposed to HIV.
  • Bs physician advises her to have an HIV test.
  • B is told that, if she does have HIV, there are
    treatments that can reduce the risk of HIV
    transmission to the child.
  • B refuses to have the test.
  • What ethical/legal issues does this case raise?

  • Ethical/legal status of the fetus?
  • Dealing with patients whose conduct you morally
    disapprove of
  • Fetal rights?
  • Maternal rights?
  • Paternal rights?
  • The best place to look for discussions of these
    issues is in discussions of abortion related

Why Discuss Abortion in Medical School?
  • Most MDs (particularly FPs, Ob/Gyns,
    Psychiatrists, Anesthetists) will face this
    issue (frequently)
  • Significant impact on patients well-being
  • How to deal with your own views
  • Statistics
  • abortions obtained by Canadian women?
  • abortions per 1,000 women aged 15-44 in Canada?
  • abortions in Canada for every 100 live births?

Therapeutic Abortions, 1998
Total Hospital Clinic
Canada 110,520 68,290 41,930
NF L 820 343 477
Abortions per 1,000 Canadian Women
women aged 15-44 women aged 20-24
Canada 16.1 32.9
NF L 6.4
Abortions per 100 Live Births
Total Women lt 15 yrs Women 15-19 Women gt44 yrs
Canada 32.2 241.7 105.8 86.2
NF L 16.4
  • There is evidence that abortion has been
    practiced throughout human history (recipe for
    abortion potion in Chinese text 2600 BC)
  • Hippocrates (5th Cent. BC) forbade abortions
  • Plato and Aristotle (4th Cent. BC) endorsed it as
    a means of population control
  • In Western world, the debate on abortion has been
    conducted predominantly in a religious context

History of Abortion Law in Canada
  • 1869 Criminal law passed prohibiting abortion,
    max. penalty life imprisonment
  • 1892 First Criminal Code criminalized not
    only abortion, but also sale, distribution and
    advertisement of contraception
  • . . .
  • 1969 - Decriminalization of contraception
  • - s.251 therapeutic abortion exception

Therapeutic Abortion Regime s. 251, 1969-88
  • Abortion remained a crime (for abortion provider
    and pregnant woman) unless
  • in accredited hospital
  • approved in advance by majority of 3 member
    therapeutic abortion committee
  • continuation of pregnancy likely to endanger life
    or health of pregnant woman

Developments in the 1970s and 80s
  • Dr. Henry Morgentaler opened clinics, initially
    in Quebec then other provinces, faced series of
    criminal charges, repeatedly acquitted by juries
  • 1976 - Badgley Report concluded abortion law
    not operating equitably across country
  • 1982 Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
    came into force

Morgentaler (S.C.C. 1988)
  • 5-2 decision, Court struck down s. 251 as being
    contrary to the Charter
  • s. 7 Every one has the right to life, liberty
    and security of the person and the right not to
    be deprived thereof except in accordance with
    principles of fundamental justice.
  • variety of reasons given in majority judgments
  • some procedural (law not operating the way it
    was intended to, unequal access, delays, lack of
    therapeutic abortion committees, vagueness of
    term health, etc.)
  • some substantive (the law violates womans
    liberty, security of the person and freedom of

Borowski case
  • Borowski anti-abortion advocate who had
    challenged s. 251 from the opposite end of the
    spectrum from Morgentaler
  • Morgentaler case reached S.C.C. first s. 251
    struck down
  • S.C.C. decided not to hear appeal from Sask. C.A.
    decision in Borowski that constitutional
    guarantee of life does not apply to fetus

  • 1988 CMA The CMAs position is that there is
    no need for this section i.e., s. 251 to be
  • Bill C-43 (1990) would have recriminalized
    abortion except where womans MD of the view that
    her life or health (including psychological
    health) likely to be threatened
  • criticized by both sides
  • passed by House of Commons, defeated by Senate
  • since then, no further federal legislation re

Post-Morgentaler Paternal Rights?
  • 1989 3 cases (Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec) in
    which injunctions to prevent abortions were
    sought by men alleging paternity
  • Daigle v. Tremblay (S.C.C.)
  • injunction struck down - potential father did not
    have right to prevent abortion
  • fetus not a human being under Quebec Charter,
  • fetus must be born alive to enjoy legal rights

Attempted Provincial Regulation of Abortion
  • Several provinces (BC, Manitoba, NB, NS, PEI)
    enacted legislation or regulations limiting
    access to abortion or restricting medicare
    coverage for the procedure
  • all of these provincial provisions except PEIs
    have since been struck down by courts

Maternal-Fetal Conflicts
  • Applications for judicial interference with
    pregnant women in the alleged interest of the
  • A number of these cases, most involving maternal
    substance abuse/addiction, made their way through
    the courts in the 1980s and 90s, with differing
  • This issue culminated in D.F.G. case (S.C.C. 1997)

Winnipeg Child and Family Services v. D.F.G.
  • Ms. G. 5 months pregnant with 4th child, addicted
    to glue sniffing, 2 previous children disabled
    and wards of state
  • CFS made application for order to detain and
    treat until birth of child
  • Order initially granted, reversed on appeal
  • In meantime Ms. G. successfully stopped sniffing,
    gave birth to apparently normal child
  • S.C.C. agreed to hear appeal anyway, given
    importance of general issue

Winnipeg Child and Family Services v. D.F.G.
(S.C.C. 1997)
  • 7-2 decision
  • Majority held that courts do not have power to
    detain pregnant woman for purpose of preventing
    harm to her unborn child
  • fetus not a legal person in Canadian law
  • concern re where to draw the line if such
    orders could be granted
  • Up to legislatures if they want to change this

The Ethics of Abortion Personhood
  • While a fetus has been declared not to be a legal
    person in Canadian law, this does not settle the
    question ethically
  • We turn next to a survey of ethical thinking
    about abortion personhood

Why Does Personhood Matter?
  • P1. The fetus is a person. P2. It is prima facie
    wrong to kill a person. P3. Abortion involves
    killing a fetus. C. Abortion is prima facie
  • Premises 2 and 3 are normally accepted by both
    sides of the abortion debate.
  • Everything seems to ride, then, on the
    controversial claim that the fetus is a person.

Possible Accounts of Personhood
  • 1. Strict biological account
  • human beings persons
  • 2. Pure sentience account
  • conscious beings persons
  • 3. Self-consciousness account
  • creatures capable of self-consciousness persons
  • 4. Soul account
  • beings with souls persons
  • 5. Relational account
  • those capable of taking part in social
    relationships persons

1. Strict Biological Account
  • Human beings persons
  • Strength easy to tell whether the criteria has
    been met (although the definition might be
  • Weakness Why should membership in a species be
    morally relevant?
  • Some complain this view represents a form of
    "speciesism" (compare with racism and sexism)
  • Answering the question whats so significant
    about being human? generally leads to one of the
    following accounts

2. Pure Sentience Account
  • Conscious beings persons
  • Beings capable of experiencing (at least)
    pleasure/pain should be considered persons
  • Can we tell for certain whether a being is
  • Possible weakness Some animals may turn out to
    be persons
  • The category person may be larger than the
    category human

3. Self-Consciousness Account
  • Creatures capable of self-consciousness persons
  • i.e., awareness of self as a continuing subject
    of experience
  • Not all animals would qualify on this account,
    but some might (chimpanzees, for instance)
  • How do we determine whether a thing is
  • What does capable of self-consciousness mean?
  • Capable today? In a year? Pending a medical

4. Soul Account
  • Beings with souls persons
  • How do we settle the question of what has a soul?
  • This is probably hopeless as a basis for public
  • No likelihood of getting agreement on what has a
    soul, let alone whether this is the right criteria

5. Relational Account
  • Personhood is a social category, not an isolated
    state. Persons are members of a community
  • fetuses are not persons, because they have not
    developed sufficiently in their capacity for
    social relationships In this way they differ
    from newborns, who immediately begin to develop
    into persons by virtue of their place as subjects
    in human relationships (Susan Sherwin)
  • Controversial, but influential

Is Personhood as Important as People Typically
  • Arguments for and against abortion that dont
    rest on claims about personhood
  • Judith Jarvis Thomson
  • Don Marquis
  • Some things may matter morally without being
  • E.g., animals?

The Violinist Example
  • From a famous article by Judith Jarvis Thomson
  • A world-famous violinist has been attached to you
    without your consent.  
  • He will die due to kidney failure if he is
    disconnected now.
  • He can be safely unhooked in nine months.

The Point of the Violinist Example
  • Thomson's Claim It would be nice of you to
    remain hooked up, but, morally speaking, you
    don't have to stay hooked up.
  • So what?
  • Thomson's Point Another persons right to life
    doesn't always trump the right to control your
  • What does this tell us about abortion?
  • Relevance to pregnancy by rape?  
  • The Remaining Problem When does the fetus right
    to life 'trump' the right to control your body?

  • Why Abortion is Immoral
  • Why is it wrong to kill ordinary people?
  • "What primarily makes killing wrong is neither
    its effect on the murderer nor its effect on the
    victim's friends and relatives, but its effect on
    the victim. The loss of one's life is one of the
    greatest losses one can suffer. The loss of one's
    life deprives one of all the experiences,
    activities, projects and enjoyments that would
    have constituted one's future.
  • Killing us is wrong because it deprives us of a
    particular kind of future, 'a future-like-ours'.

Marquis Argument
  • Abortion is wrong in most cases because most
    fetuses have a future-like-ours.
  • Notice that this is not an argument based on the
    concept of being a person. It seems to rely on
    the potential to be a person.
  • A Possible Exception "Presumably abortion could
    be justified in some circumstances, only if the
    loss consequent on failing to abort would be at
    least as great.

The Point
  • These arguments may or may not convince you
  • They do make a case that it is a mistake to think
    that all ethical questions about abortion would
    be answered by resolving the question of whether
    fetuses are persons.

Dealing with Requests for Abortion
  • Suppose you are morally opposed to abortion.
  • How should you deal with a situation in which a
    patient asks for your assistance in obtaining

  • Dr. G is a family physician practising in Little
    Cove, a rural Newfoundland community about 3
    hours drive from St. Johns.
  • Dr. G is the only physician in Little Cove.
    There are 3 family physicians within a 1/2 hour
  • Dr. G has strongly held personal views against
  • J, a 19 year old patient of Dr. G is about 11
    weeks pregnant and wants an abortion.
  • Should G arrange the referral requested by J?

CMA Code of Ethics
  • 8. Inform your patient when your personal
    morality would influence the recommendation or
    practice of any medical procedure that the
    patient needs or wants.
  • Helpful, but not entirely on point. Can you
    simply inform your patient you dont have
    anything to do with abortion, including referring
    her to someone who will perform abortion?
  • What if your patient is ill-informed regarding
    the availability of abortion? Must you correct
    her misunderstanding?

Central Clash
  • Two roles collide here
  • Physician as an individual who is often required
    to use his/her individual moral judgment
  • Physician as part of a health-care system that
    makes services such as abortion available

CMA Statement on Induced Abortion (1988)
  • A physician whose moral or religious beliefs
    prevent him or her from recommending or
    performing an abortion should inform the patient
    of this so that she may consult another
  • No discrimination should be directed against
    doctors who do not perform or assist at induced
    abortions. Respect for the right of personal
    decision in this area must be stressed,.
  • No discrimination should be directed against
    doctors who provide abortion services.

Referring Your Patient to Another Doctor
  • Notice the CMA Statement does not explicitly say
    what you must do aside from informing the patient
    of what you will not do
  • Be wary of refusing to provide any assistance to
    a patient seeking an abortion
  • Must you make the referral yourself?
  • Must you direct the patient to a doctor who will
    make one?
  • What if there are other nearby physicians who can
  • What if clinics are available that require no
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