Title: What is a Charge Density Wave
1What is a Charge Density Wave?
Quasi-one-dimensional metal
Cool down ? Peierls Transition
2CDWs exhibit a collective charge transport mode
- CDW current Ic ? vc wave speed
3Physical Review 59, 928 (1941)
- "It is assumed that in the superconducting state
there is a small periodic distortion of the
lattice . . ." "The energy discontinuities
produced by the zone structure yield a decrease
in the energy of the electrons at the expense of
the increase in energy of the lattice resulting
from the distortion."
Proceedings of the Royal Society A223, 296 (1954)
4CDWs and Superconductors A Comparison
5Physical Review Letters 37, 602 (1976)
6 CDW Materials
- NbSe3 TP 145 K, 59 K (metallic at low T)
- K0.3MoO3 TP 180 K (semiconducting at low
T) - NbS3 TP 340 K
7CDWs are not Superconducting
- CDW motion is damped by interaction of phasons
with single-particle excitations, and by phase
slip. - CDWs are pinned by their interaction with
impurities and other lattice defects.
- In the presence of many impurities, the CDW
adjusts its local phase ?(z) to maximize its
impurity interaction energy.
8CDW Current (Velocity) - Electric Field Relation
- vc, Ic 0 for E
- ET 100 ?V/cm to 10 V/cm
9Effects of Pinning by Impurities
- Static CDW does not have long-range order.
- Lf phase-phase correlation length
- (analog of the Larkin length)
- CDW does not slide freely.
- ET threshold electric field for motion
- depinning field
- For E?ET, an elastic CDWs motion is periodic.
10Two types of pinning
- Local (strong) pinning
- CDW phase is pinned at each impurity site.
- ET ? ni, niimpurity concentration
- Existence of local pinning confirmed by X-ray
white-line effect. - Collective (weak) pinning
- CDW phase pinned by fluctuations in volumes
containing many impurities - ET ? ni2, L? ? 1/ni
- Existence of collective pinning confirmed by
long X-ray CDW correlation lengths L?. - ? Local and collective pinning can coexist
11ET versus impurity concentration in thick
Nb1-xTaxSe3 crystals
For both CDWs in NbSe3 ET ? ni2
12ET vs 1/thickness in Nb1-xTaxSe3
Collective Pinning ET ? ni2 3D ET ? ni/t
2D Thickness dependence due to cross-over
from 3D to 2D collective pinning when tX-ray diffraction.
Similar size effects observed for all
pinning-related properties.
13- ET is determined by collective pinning.
- Collective pinning energies 105 kBTP
- ? collective thermal creep negligible
- Length scale for collective pinning 10 ?m
- 104 ?c
- ? finite size effects important
14Coherent Voltage Oscillations ("Narrow-Band
- Fundamental
- frequency
- fc vc/?c ? Icdc
- Q fc / ?fc
- up to 30,000
- CDW state evolves periodically as it interacts
with impurities. - ? CDW response is largely elastic
15Mode Locking (ac-dc Interference)
- V(t) Vdc Vac cos ?act
- DC Ic-V exhibits Shapiro steps, where internal
frequency ?c ? Icdc locks to external frequency
?ac. - On a step,
- ?c p/q ?ac,
- p, q integer
16- Memory Effects
- - single-particle resistance hysteresis
- - pulse-sign memory effect
- - pulse-duration memory effect (? SOC)
- Dielectric Properties
- ? 109 (!) at 1 kHz but lossy -(
- 103 at 1 GHz
- Electromechanical Properties
- ?Y/Y ? 1 , ?G/G ? 20 when CDW depins.
- Low-Temperature Properties
- broad distribution of relaxation times, aging
effects, critical slowing down ?? electronic
17Metal-Oxide-CDW FET (MOCFET)(Adelman et al.,
Channel NbSe3 or TaS3Channel length
100-800 ?mChannel area 10-3 - 1 ?m2Oxide
thickness 550 Å
- Gate voltage modulates channel charge density and
collective current.
18CDW - CDW Tunneling
19Why are CDWs interesting?
- Physics of electrons in reduced dimensions
- Novel phase transition with pseudogap, large
fluctuation effects - Competes with other strongly-correlated ground
states - Unconventional density waves
- Novel electronic properties
- Possible applications in high-density memories
- Prototypical system for studying collective
dynamics in the presence of quenched and thermal
disorder - Analogies with vortex lattices, Wigner crystals,
interface dynamics in porous media, magnets,
fracture, earthquakes