Title: Active Learning in ComputerBasedInstruction
1Active Learning inComputer-Based-Instruction
- Edward Anderson
- Texas Tech University
- ASEE- 2007 Workshop
- Why active learning
- Computer-base-instruction examples
- Organizing your own lectures in audio over
slide format working session - Roman Taraban - assessment and what we have
3Why Active Learning?
4Why active learning?
5Why active learning?
6Why active learning?
7Why active learning?
8Why active learning?
9Why active learning?
- Immediacy Coaching Results
10Why active learning?
- Introduction to Thermodynamics
- Engineering Statics
- Material Science Laboratory
- Nos Vemos Project
12Your Turn Project
- Flash Software
- Ubiquitous
- Flexible
- Vendor-Independent
- Band Width Friendly
- Time Line Layer Metaphor
- Readily Learned
- Todays presentations become part of tomorrows
course modules
13Your Turn Project
- Nos Vemos Engine is a good Starting Point
- Allows presentation of videos, audios, graphics
and streaming text - Engine written for content creator, not for
programmer - Navigation, streaming, and synchronization are
14Your Turn Project
- Storyboard is the heart of the project
- Two Screen Formats
- Large Screen with Audio, Graphic, Streaming
Text - Small/Medium Screen with Audio, Graphic,
Streaming Text
15Your Turn Project (Large Screen Format)
16Your Turn Project (Small/Medium Screen Format)
17Your Turn Project
- Take some time to begin building your own
storyboard - Large and Sm/Med forms are in your packet
- I have additional forms if you need them
18Your Turn Project
19Your Turn Project - Production
- Audio Production
- Any audio recording and editing software that
produces MP3 file is acceptable - I prefer AUDACITY which is freeware.
- Available at http//audacity.sourceforge.net/ or
search on audacity freeware - Dont forget to install the separate MP3 DLL
20Your Turn Project - Production
- Graphics Production
- Any graphic editor that produces JPEG files will
work - I prefer Macromedia FIREWORKS
- Export Powerpoint slides as JPEGS and resize
them with a graphic editor. - There must be many other ways of producing JPEG
21Your Turn Project - Production
- Video Production
- Record Digital Video
- Edit with software such as Adobe PRIEMER
- Import video into Flash
- Publish from FLASH as a Flash movie (.SWF format)
22Your Turn Project - Production
- FLASH Production
- Use FLASH to prepare you Flash movie
- Publish the movie as a shockwave file (.swf)
- Time consuming
- Suggest that these be developed as student
23Your Turn Project File Organization
- Files can be all be placed in a single folder or
a system of folders like shown here. - HTML flash Movie files required for Web
- Flash player required for CD or Hard drive
- Module Map is always required
24Your Turn Project File Organization
- Place MP3 files in audio folder
- Place JPG files in Graphics folder
- Place SWF movies in Movies folder
- Load all files on a web server or local media
- One folder like this one for each learning module
25Your Turn Project -Sequencing
- ModuleMap.XML is the slide sequencing file
- This is an XML file using XML markup
- Edit only with a XML editor, like Macromedia
Dreamweaver or a no-frills text processor like
Notepad - All markup tags must have an opening and closing
tag and must be properly nested. - Your storyboard is used to generate this file
26Your Turn Project -Sequencing
- Anderson"
- Audios/a001.mp3
- Graphics/Scr001.jpg
- Buenos dias mi amigos!
- Audios/a002.mp3
- Graphics/Scr002.jpg
- Graphics/Scr002A.jpg
- First off
27Your Turn Project -Sequencing
- Write a ModuleMap.xml file for your storyboard
28Your Turn Project -Sequencing