Freges logic: An introduction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Freges logic: An introduction


... foundations for the infinitesimal and derivative calculus and therefore sought ... rigorous and clear foundations for the infinitesimal and derivative calculus. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Freges logic: An introduction

Freges logic An introduction
  • Dr. Chin-mu Yang
  • Department of philosophy
  • National Taiwan University
  • Email

  • 1. Historical background
  • Why Frege had to construct a new logic?
  • 2. Freges primary interests and his logicism
  • 3. Two main trends in logic in the19th century
  • English vs German
  • 4. Main contributions of Begriffsschrift and
    Freges main works
  • 5. What, and why, is linguistic turn?
  • 6. Some other issues

Two main bedrocks of Western culture/civilization
  • (i) Aristotles logic (syllogism)
  • (ii) The Euclidean axiomatic approach to
    mathematical theories

Kants appraisal of Aristotles logic
  • That from the earliest times logic has traveled
    this secure course can be seen from the fact that
    since the time of Aristotle it has not had to go
    a single step backwards, unless we count the
    abolition of a few dispensable subtleties or the
    more distinct determination of its presentation,
    which improvements belong more to the elegance
    than to the security of that science.

Kants appraisal of Aristotles logic
  • What is further remarkable about logic is that
    until now it has also been unable to take a
    single step forward, and therefore seems to all
    appearance to be finished and complete.
  • Immanuel Kant, Preface to the second edition of
    Critique of Pure Reason (Bviii)

A historical problem!!!
  • Why a new logic is required?
  • Something wrong with Euclidean geometry!?

Method of axiomatizationThe construction of an
axiom system
  • Fix a given subject matter
  • Get some naïve facts by intuition or observation
  • Describe those facts by sentences of an
    appropriate language, taken as true statements,
    expressing some truths
  • Pick out some of them as axioms
  • Put forward some rules of inference
  • Specify the construction of proofs (derivations),
    especially for theorems.

Axioms and postulates of Euclidean geometry
  • Axioms
  • 1. Things which are equal to the same thing are
    equal to one another
  • 2. If equals be added to equals, the wholes are
  • 3. If equals be subtracted from equals, the
    remainders are equal.
  • 4. Things which coincide with one another are
    equal to one another
  • The whole is greater than the part.

Axioms and postulates of Euclidean geometry
  • Postulates
  • 1. To draw a straight line from any point to any
  • 2. To produce a finite straight line continuously
    in a straight line
  • 3. To describe a circle with any center and (any)
  • 4. That all right angles are equals to one

The dispute over the independence of Euclids
fifth postulate (the postulate of Parallels)
  • 5. The fifth postulate (The postulate of
  • Through any point not falling on a straight
    line, one straight line can be draw that does not
    intersect the first.

The issue
  • Is the postulate of Parallels independent of the
    others? Or, can the postulate of Parallels be
    derived from the other postulates?

Towards non-Euclidean geometry
  • After mathematicians had tried but in vain to
    prove the independence of the postulate in
    question for several centuries, some brilliant
    mathematicians started to take a different
    approach toward the very issue by asking
  • if the fifth postulate is rejected, would the
    system still remain consistent?

Non-Euclidean geometries
  • Surprisingly, this line of thought gives rise to
    the establishment of so-called non-Euclidean
    geometries. Two typical versions
  • N.I.Lobachevsky (1820s) there are several such
  • G.F.B. Riemann (1822-66) no such lines exist.

The establishment of non-Euclidean geometries
  • By the middle of the 19th century, it was proved
    that Euclidean geometry and non-Euclidean
    geometries are co-consistency in the sense that
    if Euclidean geometry is consistent, so are
    non-Euclidean ones.

The impact of non-Euclidean geometry
  • The establishment of non-Euclidean geometries
    suggests that the axiomatic method would not
    suffice to secure the alleged rigour and
    preciseness of mathematical theorems, hence that
    of mathematical theories.
  • Mathematicians realized that
  • Something has gone wrong!?

Way out
  • It is therefore a natural inclination to stress
  • Something should be done!
  • What should be done? The intuition is to search
    for a solid foundation of Mathematics.

Plausible approaches to a solution
  • It was soon realized that there are two main
    aspects of axiomatic theory
  • (i) the truth of axioms
  • (ii) the deduction of theorems

Reconstruction of the foundation of mathematics
  • Now, if something has gone wrong with an
    axiomatic mathematical theory, then
  • (i) either the former is questionable or
  • (ii) the latter needs a refinement.
  • Interesting enough, this observation leads to
    different approaches toward the reconstruction of
    the foundation of mathematics.

Frege vs. Boole
  • Boole focused on (i) the truth of axioms
  • Frege paied more attention to (ii) the deduction
    of theorems

Logic in the 19th century
  • Boole is correctly regarded as the father of
    modern symbolic logic. Frege shared two concerns
    of many nineteenth-century mathematicians
    avoiding incorrect derivations and providing
    rigorous and clear foundations for the
    infinitesimal and derivative calculus and
    therefore sought to develop a very clear notion
    of mathematical proof.

Major topics in logic in the 19th century (I)
  • 1. the purpose or scope of logic,
  • 2. the extent to which logic can usefully be
    symbolized or diagrammed,
  • 3. the organization or codification of basic and
    derivative logical principles, such as in an
  • 4. the relationship of logic to mathematics,

Major topics in logic in the 19th century (II)
  • 5. the relationship of types of logic, such as
    deductive and inductive, to each other, and to
    other ideal forms of reasoning, such as the
    scientific method,
  • 6. how far logic should depart from the account
    of quantification in Aristotles theory of the
    categorical syllogism,

Major topics in logic in the 19th century (III)
  • 7. the relationship of types of deductive logic,
    especially of categorical to propositional logic
    (usually called hypothetical logic in the
    nineteenth century),
  • 8. the extent to which logic needs to treat
    relations in a special way.

Some hot issues in logic in the 19th century
(i)--Extensional vs. Intensional
  • Whether logic should be extensional or
    intensional, opinion eventually settling on a
    purely extensional conception. Extensional logic
    treats terms only according to the concrete
    entities to which they refer intensional logic
    treats terms according to their meaning,
    variously called intension, comprehension or
    connotation. C.I. Lewis (1918) claimed that the
    extensive symbolic development of logic required
    this extensional conception.

Logic of individuals vs. logic of concepts
English tradition vs Germany
  • English (nominalistic) tradition, which paid much
    more attention to a logic of individual, concrete
    things was further solidified in works by
    Whately, Boole, Mill, De Morgan, Venn and Peirce
    except for W.S. Jevons (1864) intensional logic.
  • German logic (idealist tendencies) had
    traditionally gravitated towards the approach
    that logic deals with concepts, not with
    things. Works by Grassmann (1844), Schröder
    (1877), and the monumental Vorlesungen of
    18901905) had reversed this course.

Logic of individuals vs. logic of concepts
Frege in English tradition vs Germany
  • The works of Frege fall squarely within the older
    German intensional tradition, but this feature
    was virtually ignored by his English
    popularizers, such as Russell, and was later
    conflated with the firmly extensionalist,
    set-theoretic views of Dedekind and Cantor that
    arose contemporaneously in mathematics.

Some hot issues in logic in the 19th century
(ii) --The scope of logic
  • Was logic to cover all forms of reasoning, or
    only deductive reasoning?
  • Was logic to be a theoretical account of the
    patterns of valid inference, or a practical,
    how-to manual to help readers reason better or
    identify the faulty reasoning of others?

Deduction vs. induction English tradition vs
  • The scope of logic in English tradition vs. in
    German tradition
  • The broad scope The Reform and English-textbook
    traditions included treatments of deductive and
    inductive logic, together with other types of
    reasoning (analogy, causation, or scientific
  • German logic was always focused exclusively on
    deductive logic. This included authors as diverse
    as Kant, Moritz Drobisch, Ernst Schröder and

Kants conception of logic (i)
  • Kants views had considerable impact on German
    logic in the early nineteenth century and
    sharpened the tension between traditional,
    narrower conceptions of logic and a
    psychological logic about the way humans must
    reason. Kants conception of logic as the science
    of a priori judgments of all sorts, popularized
    by William Hamilton, led many English writers
    (Boole, Alexander Bain, Mill) to speak of the
    laws of thought.

Kants conception of logic (ii)
  • a transcendental or normative theory of judgment
    and reasoning, rather than being simply empirical

Freges goal in his new logic
  • Freges goal is to display in a perspicuous way
    the relationships between concepts and
    propositions The goal of the whole of logic is to
    demonstrate the correctness of deductions without
    gaps between premises and conclusions, using
    acknowledged formal and precise rules of
    inference. Freges focus seems initially to have
    been on determining the correctness (and hence
    non-synthetic, a priori nature) of mathematical
    proofs, rather than examining reasoning of all
    sorts, as had traditionally been the subject of

Frege in math. Tradition in the 19th century
  • Logic before Frege had not devoted itself only,
    or even extensively, to reasoning in mathematics
    mathematicians were thought to be those least in
    need of help. Frege seems to have shared two
    concerns of many nineteenth-century
    mathematicians avoiding incorrect derivations,
    like many faulty proofs of the parallel
    postulate from other axioms and postulates in
    Euclidean geometry and providing rigorous and
    clear foundations for the infinitesimal and
    derivative calculus.

Freges solution
  • His solution was, in essence, to develop a very
    clear notion of what counts as a mathematical

Freges contribution
  • (i) He developed the first theory of
  • The Boolean quantifiers of Peirce and Schröder
    were typically only class abstraction operators,
    with implicit rules given for their use.
  • (ii) Frege gave a propositional logic (using
    notational devices for the material conditional
    and for negation) and made it the core of his
    theory whereas for Aristotelians and Booleans,
    propositional logic was dependent on the logic of
    categorical statements, understood as a theory of

Freges contribution
  • (iii) Frege used this theory to develop an
    account of the nature of numbers (1893, 1903)
    that was to have an enormous impact on Russell,
    and on the philosophy of mathematics.
  • (iv) Frege contributed a great many concepts that
    have become part of the philosophy of logic what
    we now call predicates and propositional
    functions the use of functions in logic the
    distinction between sense and reference, and many

Freges primary interest
  • To understand both the nature of mathematical
    truths and the means whereby they are ultimately
    to be justified.
  • The appeal to reason What justifies mathematical
    statements is reason alone their justification
    proceeds without the benefit or need of either
    perceptual information or the deliverances of any
    faculty of intuition.
  • The Task To articulate an experience- and
    intuition-independent conception of reason.

Freges goal- Logicism
  • To show that most of mathematics could be reduced
    to logic, in the sense
  • (i) that the full content of all mathematical
    truths could be expressed using only logical
    notions and
  • (ii) that the truths so expressed could be
    deduced from logical first principles using only
    logical means of inference.

Freges main works
  • (i) Begriffsschrift (Conceptual Notation) (1879)-
    New logic is firstly presented
  • (ii) Die Grundlagen der Arithmetik (The
    Foundations of Arithmetic) (1884)- to outline his
    strategy to reduce arithmetic to logic and then
    to provide the reduction with a philosophical
    rationale and justification
  • (iii) Grundgesetze der Arithmetik (Basic Laws of
    Arithmetic) ( volumes 1, 1893, and 2, 1903)- to
    carry out the logicism-programme in detail.

Freges main works
  • (iv) A series of philosophical essays on
    language, the most important of which are
  • -- Funktion und Begriff (Function and Concept)
  • -- Über Sinn und Bedeutung (On Sense and
    Reference) (1892a),
  • -- Über Begriff und Gegenstand (On Concept and
    Object) (1892b) and
  • -- Der Gedanke eine logische Untersuchung
    (Thoughts ) (1918/9).

The contributions of Begriffsschrift (Conceptual
Notation) (1879)-
  • In 1879, with extreme clarity, rigour and
    technical brilliance, he first presented his
    conception of rational justification.
  • (i) A deep analysis was possible of deductive
    inferences involving sentences containing
    multiply embedded expressions of generality (such
    as Everyone loves someone).
  • (ii) he presented a logical system within which
    such arguments could be perspicuously
    represented this was the most significant
    development in our understanding of axiomatic
    systems since Euclid.

Freges approach to philosophical problems Three
guiding ideas (i)
  • Shaping the primary concerns and methods of
    analytic philosophy.
  • (i) lingua-centrism The linguistic turn
  • Frege translates central philosophical problems
    into problems about language for example, the
    epistemological question of how we are able to
    have knowledge of objects which we can neither
    observe nor intuit, such as numbers, will be
    replaced with the question of how we are able to
    talk about those objects using language.

Freges approach to philosophical problems Three
guiding ideas (ii)
  • (ii) the primacy of the sentence
  • It is the operation of sentences that is
    explanatorily primary the explanation of the
    functioning of all parts of speech is to be in
    terms of their contribution to the meanings of
    full sentences in which they occur.

Freges approach to philosophical problems Three
guiding ideas (iii)
  • (iii) anti- psychologism
  • We should not confuse such explanations with
    psychological accounts of the mental states of
    speakers inquiry into the nature of the link
    between language and the world, on the one hand,
    and language and thought, on the other, must not
    concern itself with unshareable aspects of
    individual experience.

Three fundamental principles
  • the Preface to The foundation of Arithmetic
  • (i) always to separate sharply the psychological
    from the logical, the subjective from the
  • (ii) never to ask for the meaning of a word in
    isolation, but only in the context of a
    propositionThe context principle
  • (iii) never to lose sight of the distinction
    between concept and object. (1884 x)

What is, and why, linguistic turn?
  • The setting
  • Frege rejects the physicalist view of numbers,
    and claims that numbers are not physical objects
    nor does he (against Kant) accept the view that
    they are objects of intuition.
  • The starting point The epistemological problem
    of arithmetic objects/truths
  • (EPA) How we can have knowledge of the objects
    (and a fortiori, the truths) of arithmetic?

Freges solution to the problem
  • Stick to the context principle never to ask for
    the meaning of a word in isolation, but only in
    the context of a proposition, frege reformuated
    The epistemological problem of arithmetic
    objects/truths as
  • How to characterize/specify the sense of a
    proposition in which a number word occur?

The main theme of linguistic turn
  • Our ability to refer to numbers, both
    metaphysically and epistemologically
    (mistakenly?) taken as objects, should be
    explained in terms of our understanding of
    complete sentences in which names are used.
  • Epistemological/metaphysical problems are thus
    reformulated in terms of semantic problems-
    problems about language

The contributions of Begriffsschrift
  • A revolution of the study of deductive inference.
  • (i) A satisfactory logical treatment of
    generality and
  • (ii) The development of the first formal system.

Quines comment on Begriffsschrift
  • "Pinpointed, the logical renaissance might be
    identified with the publication of Frege's ,
    Begriffsschrift in 1979 - a book which is no
    older today than was Copernicus's De
    revolutionibus in the heyday of Galileo. " -
    W.V.O.Quine, Preface to J.T. Clark, Conventional
    Logic and Modern Logic (Woodstock, Maryland
    Woodstock College Press, 1952, pp. v-vii).

Singular terms/concept-words The underlying
structure of sentences
  • Frege illuminates the important features of
    languages underlying structure by indicating
    that traditional grammatical categories have no
    logical significance and urging instead the
    consideration of the categories of singular
    terms (which he calls logical subjects) and of
    predicates (which he calls concept-words).

Singular terms vs.perdicates
  • A singular term is a complete expression, one
    which contains no gaps into which another
    expression may be placed a predicate such as (
    ) was written by Virginia Woolf is something
    incomplete it is a linguistic expression which
    contains a gap and which becomes a sentence once
    this gap is filled by a singular term.

Two characteristics of the singular-term/concept-w
ord structure
  • (i) In the categories of reality, there are
    counterparts to the linguistic categories of
    singular term and predicate he calls these
    ontological categories object and concept,
  • A singular term refers to, or designates, an
    object. A predicate refers to, or designates, a

(ii) Concepts as functions
  • (ii) The notion of a concept is to be construed
    as functions in mathematics. A first-level
    concept is said to be true or false of an object
    or, as Frege puts it, an object falls under
    or fails to fall under a concept.
  • Hence, Frege calls concepts unsaturated unlike
    objects, they await completion, whereupon they
    yield one of the two truth-values, which Frege
    takes to be objects the True and the False.

  • In short, concepts are a kind of function, namely
    those that take as their only values the True or
    the False.

The construction of a formal system
  • A formal system, as Frege conceives it, has three
  • (i) a highly structured language in which
    thoughts may be expressed
  • (ii) certain specified axioms, or basic truths,
    about the subject matter in question
  • (iii) rules of inference governing how one
    sentence may be inferred from others already

The annoucment of logicism
  • In the Preface to Begriffsschrift, Frege
    announced his interest in determining whether the
    basic truths of arithmetic could be proven by
    means of pure logic. In short, the truths of
    arithmetic are truths of logic
  • Kant the truths of arithmetic are synthetic a
    priori for example, knowledge of 7 5 12
    requires appeal to intuition

The contributions of The foundation of
Arithmetic (i)
  • (i) One of Freges main goals in The Foundations
    of Arithmetic was to refute Kants view by giving
    purely logical proofs of the basic laws of
    arithmetic, thereby showing that arithmetical
    truths can be known independently of any

The contributions of The foundation of
Arithmetic (ii)
  • Grundlagen is arguably the first work of analytic
    philosophy. At crucial points in the book, Frege
    makes the linguistic turn that is, he recasts
    an ontological or epistemological question as a
    question about language. Unlike some linguistic
    philosophers, his purpose is not to dissolve the
    philosophical problem to unmask it as a
    pseudo-problem but to reformulate it so that
    it can be solved.

Topics in the philosophy of language
  • Sense and reference
  • Thoughts
  • Objectivity of thoughts
  • Freges notion of Truth
  • Freges notion of existence
  • Freges treatment of indirect contexts
  • Slingshort argument, etc.

Further readings (I)
  • Dummett, M. (1973), Frege Philosophy of
    Language, London Duckworth.
  • -----(1991), Frege Philosophy of Mathematics,
    London Duckworth.
  • ----- (1991), Frege and Other Philosophers,
    Oxford Clarendon Press.

Further readings (II)
  • Burge, T. (2005), Truth, Thought, Reason Essays
    on Frege, Oxford Clarendon Press.
  • Carl, W. (1994), Frege's Theory of Sense and
    Reference - Its Origins and Scope, Cambridge
    Cambridge University Press.
  • Kenny, A. (1995), Frege, London Penguin.
  • Mendelsohn, R. L. (2005), The Philosophy of
    Gottlob Frege, Cambridge Cambridge University
  • Noonan, H. W. (2001), Frege A Critical
    Introduction, Oxford/Cambridge Polity
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