Title: Using Inquiry Based Learning in a Web-enhanced environment
1Using Inquiry Based Learning in a Web-enhanced
environmentAsynchronous learning networks can
level the playing field
- Cecil Harold McManus, Ph.D.
- The Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences
- Saint Augustines College
- Raleigh, North Carolina
2God made all persons
4Colonel Colt made them equal!
5Colleges are also madeEndowmentsFixed
assetsLibrary resourcesTechnological
InfrastructureCapital CampaignsFaculty expertise
7An ode to doing more with lessInquiry
Based LearningAsynchronous Learning Networks
Level Playing Field
8The Five Trends
- Idiographic Approach
- Decentralization
- Knowledge Creation
- Divergent Thinking
- Pragmatism
9Idiographic Learning
- Respect for individuals
- Non-traditional approach
- No temporal concurrence
- Multi-media
10Idiographic Learning
- Flexible Curriculum
- Active environment
- Professor is facilitator
- Situation creator
- Content director
11Students are partners in the
processMeta-cognitive skills enhancedAvoids
the old transmission model
12 DecentralizationAsynchronous
13Inquiry Based LearningBlackboard.Com
High Touch
14IBL Blackboard.com
- Linear/non-linear
- Sequential/self-paced
- Temporal flexibility
- Artifact development
- Direct communication
- Monitored communication
- Perfect match
15What is IBL
- Pedagogy
- Art
- Science
- Profession
- Teaching
- Meta-cognitive
- Process based
- Research driven
platformAdvanced communication systemVirtual
classroomElectronic Socratic ServerLink to
global contentCollaborative platform Web
17Lev Vygotsky set the groundwork for the
idea of communal learning and the use of symbolic
shared tool tools.
18 Students have patterns of information
19Students have a zone of proximal
20IBL and Blackboard.com allows us to
understand the patterns and facilitate the
development of students where they are!
21IBL is based on five principles
22Driving Question
- Topical
- Issue driven
- Requires investigation
- Requires model construction
- Requires working hypotheses
- Requires divergent thinking
23The Scientific ApproachInvestigations 101
- Survey literature
- Formal hypotheses
- Data collection
- Data analysis
- Hypotheses decisions
- Conclusions
- Formal Report
24Artifact Development
- Paper to defend
- Poster to present
- Web Site developed
- Computer program
- New research model
- Instructional Video
- Interactive DVD
- New product
25Learning Communities
- Shared tools
- Student in activity
- Internal collaboration
- External collaboration
- Collective investigations
- Collective presentations
- Virtual research labs
- Ecological validity
26Cognitive Tools
- The Network
- The Site
- Group pages
- Individual pages
- Site discussion board
- Group discussion board
- The Combination
27The technology is used to advance
thinking and reasoning, not to replace them.
28Blackboard.com and IBL levels the playing
field primarily because they manage a significant
number of tasks for faculty at smaller
30Platforms are everywhere
31Platform Analogy
32Platforms at College
33Opportunity Creation
- Problem solver
- Expert
- Divergent Thinker
- Critical Thinker
- Educated student
- Better grades
- Higher GPA
- Graduate School
35Divergent ThinkingThinking outside the
triangle or the rhombus?
36Opens up the playing field to new
participants who may develop the cure for
long-term human problems
37Builds momentum and the network makes all
things probable. Spinning tops keep spinning!
38Emphasize problems solving skills
39Emphasizes creating new Knowledgeand
sharing it
40Asynchronous Learning NetworksInquiry
Based LearningBlackboard.Com
41One can develop passive students orOne
can develop active scholars
42of, used in, or being digital
communication (as between computers) in which
there is no timing requirement for transmission
and in which the start of each character is
individually signaled by the transmitting device
43 focused communication (as between
individuals and/or groups) in which there is no
timing requirement for transmission of
information and in which the start of each packet
is individually signaled by the need of the
transmitting and receiving devices
45If you give a student a fishShe will
eat for day
46If you teach her how to fishShe will
eat for a lifetime!
47 In the twenty-first century there will be a rapid
change in how literacy is defined and the
knowledge and skills that individuals need to be
literate in the 21st century may not have even
been invented.
48Five Trends For Success
- Idiographic Approach
- Decentralization
- Knowledge Creation
- Divergent Thinking
- Pragmatism
49Using Inquiry Based Learning in a
Web-enhanced environmentAsynchronous learning
networks can level the playing fieldC. Harold
McManus, Ph.D.Saint Augustines College