Title: Chapter Eleven
1Chapter Eleven
2Temporary Staffing...
- Is a 50 billion a year business
- Sends more than 2.5 million people to work each
day as temps - Is used by one in five corporations for at least
10 of its workforce
Source Katherine Mieszkowski, Dont Wanna Be
You (Temp) Slave!,Fast Company, September 1998,
p. 40.
3Processes of Job Analysis
- Job analysis The determination through
observation and study, of pertinent
information about a job, including specific
tasks and necessary abilities, knowledge, and
skills. - Job description The formal, written description
of a specific job, such as the job title,
tasks to be performed, physical and mental
skills required, duties, and responsibilities
. - Job specification The written description of the
qualifications necessary for a specific job,
such as education, experience, personal
characteristics, and physical characteristics.
4Recruiting New Employees
5The Selection Process
6Skills Lacked by Job Applicants
- Foreign language 43
- Technology 15
Source Footnotes, Business Week, May 25, 1998,
p. 8.
7Education Pays
Average salary by education level in 1995
Source Statistics Canada
8Legislation Regulating Hiring and Compensation
- Employment Equity Act (1987). The Federal enacted
a law governing the hiring practices of federally
regulated organizations. - Human Rights Acts (various). Each province has
its own variation of the law to govern the rights
and freedoms of all people, regardless of their
race, religion, sexual orientation, age, gender,
9Paycheck Gender Gap
- Women make just 71 centsfor every 1 men make.
Source The Daily, Statistics Canada, May 12,
1998, page 5, 1995 Census
- Promotion
- Transfer
- Separation
- resign
- retire
- terminate (layoff, downsize)
11Different Compensation Plans
- Time Wages Financial award based on number of
hours worked - Piece Wages Financial award based on the
output achieved - Commission Payment to an employee of a fixed
amount or a percentage of the employees sales
12Different Compensation Plans
- Salary Financial award calculated on a
weekly, monthly, or annual basis - Bonus An addition to regular compensation
for exceptional performance or in
appreciation for good work - Profit sharing Distribution of percentage of
company profit to employees sometimes
distribution is in the form of company
13Valued Benefits for Families
What executives most say are valuable benefits to
offeremployees with dependent-care needs
Source USA Today, September 16, 1998, B-1.
14Contract Issues
- Wages
- Form of payMagnitude of payDeterminants of
payCost-of-living adjustmentsShift differential
adjustments - Benefits
- Insurance (health and life)RetirementProfit
sharing (ESOPs)
- Security
- Determination of methods of promotion,
transfersJob protectionProtection of the union
as bargaining agent
15Contract Issues
- Hours of Work
- OvertimeVacationSick timeHolidaysMaternity/pat
ernity leaveBreaks (lunch and coffee)Rest
- Other Issues
- Grievance proceduresUnion activities and
responsibilitiesManagement activities and
responsibilitiesStrikesWorking conditions
16The Collective Bargaining Process
17Pressure Tactics of Labourand Management
- Strikes
- Picketing
- Boycott
- Lockout
- Strikebreakers/hiringreplacements
18The Number of Major Labour Disputes are Declining
of Strikes or Lockouts
of Workers Involved
- 1989 620 480,000
- 1999 413 159,000
Source Statistics Canada, Perspectives on Labour
and Income, Catalogue No. 75-001, Autumn 2001
19Characteristics of Diversity
- Secondary Characteristics
- Education
- Work Background
- Income
- Marital Status
- Parental Status
- Military Experience
- Religious Beliefs
- Geographic Location
20Boss Gender Preference
Preference amongcurrently employed adults for a
maleor female boss
Source USA Today, November 11, 1998, p. B-1.
21Solve the Dilemma
- a. What did Medallions HRM department do right
in dealing with the employees who were laid
off? - b. What are some of the potential problems that
must be dealt with after an organization
experiences a major trauma such as massive
layoffs? - c. What can Medallion do to make the team
approach work more smoothly? What role do you
think diversity training should play?
22Explore Your Career Options
- What are some of the factors you consider most
important in deciding which job to accept after
graduation? Is your decision about your
university or college major most influenced by
salary, hiring potential in particular areas, or
quality of life issues?
23Additional Discussion Questions and Exercises
- 1. Where do most firms recruit qualified
applicants? - 2. Why has the use of physical examinations in
the selection process become controversial for
business? - 3. Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) add to
company costs. Why should a firm bother with
Employee Assistance Programs ? - 4. Bring a copy of a local newspaper Help
Wanted section to class. What qualifications
(job specifications) do the ads request of
24Additional Discussion Questions and Exercises
- 5. Bring a copy of a performance appraisal form
to class. Copies may be secured from
companies, or examples may be presented in
textbooks. Is the performance appraisal based
on objective or subjective information? Is the
performance appraisal based on preset
objectives for the individual employee?
25Chapter 11 Quiz
- 1. Which of the following positions is most
likely to be compensated through
commissions? a. counter worker at a fast-food
restaurant b. bricklayer c. automobile
salesperson d. secretary - 2. Which of the following is not an example of a
benefit? a. bonuses b. retirement
plans c. health insurance d. credit union
26Chapter 11 Quiz
- 3. Which of the following brings in a neutral
third party to settle the dispute in which
the decision made by the third party is legally
binding and enforceable? a. boycott b. concili
ation c. mediation d. arbitration - 4. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of
work-force diversity? a. more productive use of
company's human resources b. reduced conflict
among employees of different ethnicities c. incre
ased conflict among employees of different
ethnicities d. increased innovation and