Title: Central and Northern California Ocean Observing System:
1 Central and Northern California
Ocean Observing System
A Developing Regional System in the U.S.
Integrated Ocean Observing System
Product Development
Structure and Governance
Identified and engaged Partners in the CeNCOOS
Figure 3
All Partners invited to sign CeNCOOS MOA
Partners elected Council from list of Signatories
Figure 1 Geographical Range The CeNCOOS
region includes over 1000 miles of coastline from
Point Conception to the California-Oregon border
and from inland bays to the extent of the EEZ
Figure 3 oceanObs is a data management tool that
allows a variety of user groups to catalogue,
present and query ocean observing information,
such as sensor locations, observing parameters,
collaborators, and data products. oceanObs does
not integrate data streams from observing
programs rather it is a tool to manage
metadata-level information about these programs.
This product is a collaborative effort with the
Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuarys SIMoN
Council elected a 6-member Executive Committee
California RAs also operate under a MOU
Working Groups
Figure 4 The CeNCOOS website includes a portal
to real-time and near real-time data sets. It is
hosted on SIMoN.
CeNCOOS established three working groups to
address the most common needs identified by
regional stakeholders. A member of the Council
chairs each working group and each Council member
participates in the efforts of at least one
working group. CeNCOOS is currently in the
process of identifying priority pilot projects
and additional members for each of the working
Demonstration Product
CeNCOOS is working with the NOAA Environmental
Research Division to develop a demonstration
product integrating data from numerous ocean
observing partners. Served through a LAS, in
accordance with IOOS standards, it will serve as
a portal for regional data providers and users.
The user interface will show an image similar to
Figure 5 and will display near real-time
conditions of certain variables.
1. Marine Populations and Interannual Variability
Figure 2 CeNCOOS Partners CeNCOOS Partners
represent a collaboration of approximately 55
academic/research institutions, government
agencies, private corporations, and non-profit
organizations. Figure 2 displays some of the
regional Partners.
2. Water Quality and Public Health
3. HAZMAT mitigation, Navigation, Search and
Figure 5 SeaWIFS satellite image showing
chlorophyll concentrations
FOR MORE INFORMATION Website www.cencoos.org
Heather Kerkering, Coordinator,
heather_at_mbari.org Rondi Robison, Outreach
Specialist, rrobison_at_ucsc.edu
Abstract 3091 Paper OS15J-14
Acknowledgements Raphe Kudela, Josh Pederson,
and Paulo Serpa