Topics in Graphical User Interfaces - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Topics in Graphical User Interfaces


{ Ctrl, Shift, Alt, F1, Fn, letter keys } Checkmarks on menu. items indicated that multiple ... Alt key, access shortcuts, hot keys. Terms. Creating Menus ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Topics in Graphical User Interfaces

Topics in Graphical User Interfaces
Building Graphical User Interfaces Click on a
cloud label to access a certain topic
  • Used to provide groups of related commands for
  • applications.
  • Commands such as Open, Close, and Save are
  • grouped together.
  • Alt F retrieves the File Menu
  • Shortcut keys
  • Ctrl, Shift, Alt, F1, Fn, letter keys
  • Checkmarks on menu
  • items indicated that multiple
  • menu items can be selected.

  • Menu
  • Disabled command
  • Separator bar
  • Submenu
  • Checked menu item
  • Parent menu
  • Alt key, access shortcuts, hot keys

Creating Menus
Code Example Note the use of the xor ()
operator in line 174 used to merge or exclude.
  • Open Toolbox and drag a MainMenu control onto the
  • Click on the MainMenu icon to get into the Menu
  • Menus contain
  • a) Properties
  • b) Events (accessed thru Class Name and Method
  • 4. To add entries, click the Type Here textbox
    and type the text that should appear. Press the
    Enter key to add the item.
  • 5. Add shortcuts using or thru the properties.
  • 6. Remove items by selecting the menu item and
    pressing the Delete key.
  • 7. Menu items generate a Click event when

  • A Linklabel control displays links to other
    objects such as file or Web pages.
  • Linklabels appear as underlined text.
  • When the mouse moves under a link, the pointer
    changes to a hand.
  • Links change colors to indicate whether the link
    is new, visited, or active.
  • Linklabel generates a LinkClicked event.
  • Linklabel class is derived from the Label class.
  • Event handlers for Linklabel instances call
    static method Start of class Process
  • Code Example

List CheckedListBoxes
  • The ListBox control allows users to view and to
    select from multiple items in a list.
  • ListBoxes are static GUI entities. Users cannot
    enter new items to the list.
  • CheckedListBoxes extend ListBoxes by including
    check boxes next to each item in the list. This
    allows for multiple selection.
  • ListBoxes can return multiple items, but not by
  • Scrollbars appear if there are more items than
    can be displayed.
  • The SelectionMode property determines the number
    of items that can be selected.
  • The Items property returns all objects in the
    list as a collection.
  • To add items, used the following
  • myListBox.Items.Add(myListItem)

  • This code sample demonstrates the adding,
    removing, and clearing items from a Listbox.
  • The add button click event calls method Add of
    the Items collection in the ListBox.
  • The remove button click event calls the method
    Remove of the items collection. The method used
    the SelectedIndex to check which index is
    selected. (If -1, no item is removed.)
  • The clear button click event calls method Clear
    of the Listbox to remove all items from the
  • The exit button click event terminates the
  • Question What use can be made of a listbox that
    is hidden?

  • The CheckedBoxList control derives from class
    ListBox and includes a checkbox next to each item
    in the list.
  • Items are added via Add or AddRange or through a
    String Collection Editor.
  • The only selection choices or either none or all.
  • Event ItemCheck is generated whenever a user
    checks or unchecks an item.
  • Event argument properties CurrentValue and
    NewValue return CheckState values for the current
    and new state of the item, respectively. This
    allows the programmer to determine whether an
    item is checked or not.
  • Properties CheckedItems and CheckedIndices return
    information about the checked items and indices.

Code Sample
  • The ComboBox control combines TextBox features
    with a dropdown list.
  • By default, the user can enter text in the
    textbox or click the down arrow to display a list
    of predefined items.
  • Scrollbars will appear if the combo box contains
    more items than can be displayed.
  • MaxDropDownItems is the maximum number of items
    that a drop-down can display.
  • Items may be added of deleted using the Item
    collection and its methods.
  • Code Sample

  • The TreeView control display nodes heirarchically
    in a tree.
  • Nodes are objects that contain values and that
    can refer to other nodes. A parent node contains
    child nodes, and child nodes can be parents to
    other nodes. A tree is a collection of nodes. The
    first node is the root node.
  • The file system C\ is an example of a tree
  • The nodes displayed in a TreeView are instances
    of class TreeNode.
  • Each treenode has a nodes collection. The parent
    property returns a reference to the parent node
    or null if it is the root node.
  • To add nodes through C code, first create a root
    node. Make a new TreeNode object and pass it a
    string to display.
  • Next, use method Add to the TreeNode to the
    TreeViews node collection. myTreeView.Nodes.Add(
    new TreeNode(RootLabel ))
  • To add children to a root node, add new treenodes
    to its Nodes collection
  • a) Select the root node myTreeView.Nodes
  • b) Add a child node
  • myTreeView.NodesmyIndex.Nodes.Add( new
    TreeNode( ChildLabel ))
  • 9. Code Sample

  • 1.A ListView control is similar to a ListBox in
    that both display lists in which the user can
    select one or more items.
  • 2. ListViews can display icons along the items in
    a list using the ImageList property.
  • 3. The MultiSelect property is a boolean
    determines whether multiple items can be
  • 4. Checkboxes can be included.
  • 5. Code Sample

Tab Control
  • The TabControl creates tabbed windows. This
    allows the programmer to design user interfaces
    that fit a large number of controls or a large
    amount of data without using up valuable screen
    real estate.
  • TabControl contains TabPage objects and they can
    contain controls.
  • The programmer adds a TabControl and then adds
    tab pages to the TabControl instance.
  • TabControls are constructed visually by dragging
    a TabControl onto the form.
  • Code Sample

MDI Windows
  • Up to this point our programs have been based
    only on single-document-interface (SDI)
    applications. These programs (such as Notepad or
    Paint) support only one open window or document
    at a time.
  • Multiple Document Interface (MDI) programs such
    as Word or Adobe Photoshop enable users to edit
    multiple documents at once. Such programs have
    greater number of features.
  • The application window of an MDI program is
    called the parent window, and each window inside
    the application is referred to as a child window.
  • A maximum of one child can be active at once.
  • Child windows cannot be parents themselves and
    cannot be moved outside their parent.
  • A child windows functionality can be different
    from the functionality of other child windows of
    the parent. Example One child window might edit
    images, another might edit text, and a third
    might display network stats in a graphical
  • To create an MDI form, create a new Form and set
    its IsMDIContainer property to True. The forms
    background color will change.
  • Next, create a child form class to be added to
    the form. To do this, right click the project in
    the Solution Explorer, select Add Windows Form
    and name the file.
  • To add the child form to the parent, we must
    create a new child form object.

MDI Windows
10. Set the childs mdiParent property to the
parent form, and call the method Show(). 11. The
code to create a child usually lies inside an
event handler, which creates a new window in
response to a user action. Menu selections
(File-New-Window) are a common way of creating
child windows. 12. Form property MdiChildren is
an array of child Form references. 13. Property
ActiveMdiChild returns a reference to the active
child window it returns null if there are no
active child windows. 14. Child windows can be
minimized, maximized, and closed independently of
each other and of the parent window. 15. Parent
and child forms can have different menus, which
are merged wheneve a child window is selected.
a) Property MergeOrder determines the order in
which MenuItems appear when two menus are merged.
Lower values appear first. b) For example, if
Menu1 has items File,Edit, and Window (and their
orders are 0, 10, and 20) and Menu2 has items
Format and View (and their orders are 7 and 15),
then the merged menu contains items File, Format,
Edit, View, and Window. c) If a parents menu
has a mergetype that is different from the
childs mergetype, the childs menu setting
determines the outcome of the merge. When the
child is closed, the parents original menu is
MDI Parent
MDI Child
MDI Child
MDI Windows
16. C provides a mechanism for tracking which
child windows are opened in an MDI container.
Property MdiList of class MenuItem determines
whether a MenuItem displays a list of open child
windows. 17. MDI containers allow developers to
organize the placement of child windows. The
child windows in an MDI application can be
arranged by calling method LayoutMdi of the
parent form. 18. LayoutMdi takes a MdiLayout
enumeration, which can have values ArrangeIcons,
Cascade, TileHorizontal, and TileVertical. 19.
Code Sample
Visual Inheritance
  • Recall the lecture on Inheritance from COSC1430.
  • Inheritance can be applied to create Forms that
    display a GUI.
  • Visual inheritance allows us to create a new Form
    by inheriting from another Form. The derived Form
    class contains the functionality of its Form base
    class, including any base-class properties,
    methods, variables, and controls.
  • The derived class also inherits all visual
    aspects such as sizing, layout, spacing, colors,
    and fonts.
  • Allows for consistency and reuse.
  • Use the following Code Sample to create a dll.
  • a) Right click on the VisualInheritance project
    in the Solution Explorer, and select Properties.
  • b) In Common Properties General, change the
    Output Type to Class Library.
  • c) Build the project to produce a .dll that
    contains the VisualInheritance class.

Visual Inheritance
7. To create the derived form through visual
inheritance, create an empty project. 8. From the
Project Menu, select Add Inherited Form... This
brings up the Add New Item window. 9. Select
Inherited Form from the templates window. 10.
Clicking Open displays the Inheritance Picker.
The Inheritance Picker tool enable programmers to
quickly create a form that inherits from a
specified form. 11. Browse to the .dll built
previously. 12. Code Sample
Derived class cannot modify these controls
Derived class can modify this control
User-Defined Controls
1. .NET allows users to create custom controls
that inherit from a variety of classes. 2. These
custom controls appear in the users Toolbox and
can be added to Forms, Panels, or GroupBoxes in
the same way we add Buttons, Labels, and other
predefined controls.
  • Create a new Windows Control Library project.
  • Inside the project, add controls and
    functionality to the UserControl.
  • Build the project. The file will be a .dll.
  • Create a new windows app
  • Import the user control. Right click the Toolbox
    and select Customize Toolbox. Select the .NET
    Framework Components tab and browse for the .dll
    file. When identified, click OK.
  • The UserControl appears in the Toolbox and can be
    added to the form as if it were any other
  • Sample code for User Control

Create an MDI text editor. Each child window
should contain a multiline TextBox. The MDI
parent should have a Format menu, with submenus
to control the size, font, and color of the text
in the child window. Each submenu should have at
least three options. In addition, the parent
should have a File menu with menu items New
(create a new child), Close (close the active
child) and Exit (exit the application). The
parent should have a Window menu to display a
list of the open child windows and their layout
options. Refer to Deitel 13.9, page 565 for
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