Torque Basics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Torque Basics


Alt-C - camera/player toggle. R-Click-drag - look around. W, A, S, D ... Return to Camera view (Alt-C) and select Terrain Texture Painter from Window menu ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: bruce9
Tags: alt | basics | torque


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Torque Basics

Torque Basics
  • CIS 487/587
  • Bruce R. Maxim
  • UM-Dearborn

  • Based on the tutorial example shipped with the
    Torque (TGE) game engine
  • Build a simple 3D game
  • Show basic use of the world, terrain, and GUI
  • Demonstrate use of Torque Script in client/server

Where to begin?
  • Start in the directory CTorque/SDK/Example
  • Clicking on the torqueDemo icon starts a windows
    executable that will process the script stored in
    the file main.cs found in the same directory (by
  • This brings up a splash screen with several links

Using the Links
  • You need Internet connectivity to use several of
    the links
  • There are also links to the Torque editors,
    console, and exit
  • Typing quit() in the console command line also
    allows you to exit the tutorial

Building a Game
  • Start by making a copy of the folder
    tutorial.base called GameOne
  • Use NotePad to edit the main.cs script file in
    the GameOne folder
  • Change line that describes the game to read
    defaultGame GameOne
  • Save your changes

GameOne Folder
  • client
  • contains several client scripts and ui folder
    (graphics and widget scripts)
  • data
  • contains resources (models, textures, sounds,
    scripts associated with resources)
  • server
  • several server scripts
  • Note xxx.cs.dso files contain compiled xxx.cs

World Editor
  • The World editor link on the demo splash screen
    loads a mission that can be edited
  • F2 - turns off the inspector windows
  • F11 - toggles World Editor on or off
  • F10 - toggles GUI Editor on or off

  • Camera view
  • Alt-C - camera/player toggle
  • R-Click-drag - look around
  • W, A, S, D - walk around
  • R-Click-Tab - toggle 3rd person player view
  • Alt-Q - drop camera at player
  • Alt-W - drop player at camera
  • Camera menu is in the World editor

Terrain Shaping
  • Move camera so you look down on the player off to
    the side and select the Terrain Editor
  • Adjust Brush size (Ctrl-Z or Menu)
  • Use Mouse to adjust height (determined by Action
    menu setting)
  • Relight the scene from Edit menu
  • The Player may end up underground if you are not
    careful toggle camera mode (Alt-C) and drop
    camera at Player (Alt-W) to check

Terrain Painting - 1
  • Return to Camera view (Alt-C) and select Terrain
    Texture Painter from Window menu
  • Select change under the checkerboard box
  • Find the file sand.jpg in the folder
    GameOne/data/terrains and press load
  • This changes everything to sand

Terrain Painting - 2
  • Select change under one of the empty boxes
  • Locate patchy.jpg file in the folder
    GameOne/data/terrains and press load
  • The Action menu item has changed to Paint
  • Select a Brush and paint some of the hills
    (relighting not necessary)

Terrain Painting - 3
  • Terrain looks great from a far but not up close
  • To add a detail texture, go to the World Editor
    Inspector and select the Terrain TerrainBlock
    from the MissionGroup
  • In the Media section find the detailTexture
    browse button and load Game/One/terrains/detail1.p
  • Save your mission using the file menu as
    GameOneMission.mis in the folder

Placing Objects - 1
  • Change to Camera view and select the World Editor
    Creator item in the Window menu
  • Default action is to drop item at screen center
    so rotate screen so center is on the ground
  • Expand Shapes in lower window, drill down to
    TorqueLogo, mouse click on this item will place
    it in the center of the screen
  • Be careful it is easy to put things underground
    or in the air where they are nor visible to the

Placing Objects - 2
  • The number under an object is its number (null is
    its default name)
  • The axis lines can be used to drag object to a
    new point
  • The object can also be moved by going to the
    World Editor Inspector and selecting it from the
  • Object attributes can be modified in the
    Inspector window as well (remember to use the
    Apply button before you Save)

  • Shapes are based on .dts files interiors are
    based on .dif files
  • Interiors are placed using the World Editor
  • Go to Interiors/GameOne/data/interiors and drill
    down to place a box on the screen
  • Relight the terrain when prompted
  • Move the box so it is not on a hill and its floor
    is level with the ground (so the Player can enter
    the box and explore it) and save it

Organizing Objects
  • You can create folders called SimGroups to hold
    related objects
  • Expand the MissionObjects/System/ in the World
    Editor Creator
  • Click on the SimGroups item and use the dialog
    box to create a logos SimGroup and drag each of
    the logo items to the logos SimGroup (name is
    important for scripting)
  • Create a buildings SimGroup for the box and then
    save your work

Graphical User Interface - 1
  • Return to the TGE main page by quitting the World
    Editor (File Quit) or Restart Torque
  • To Select the GUI editor or use F10
  • You will see 3 buttons on the left side of the
  • New Control
  • MainMenuGui
  • 640 x 480

Graphical User Interface - 2
  • Select MainMenuGui in the Tree view
  • Scroll down in the inspector window and find the
    bitmap field
  • Change background to gameonebg and hit Apply
  • You can remove the buttons from the top, but if
    you do you should add a Start and Quit button

Graphical User Interface - 3
  • To add a button use the New Control drop down
    menu and select GuiButtonCtrl
  • Drag the button to its desired location
  • Change the text field from Button to Start
    and type loadMyMission() in the command field
    then hit Apply

Graphical User Interface - 4
  • You might also want to go back and change the
    horizSizing and vertSizing to relative and hit
    Apply and Save again
  • To create a Quit button, repeat process and label
    the control with Quit and enter quit() in
    the command field of the new button

Graphical User Interface - 5
  • To add a score counter use the Start button to
    enter the game
  • Use F10 to open the GUI editor and select PlayGui
    from the pull down menu
  • Add the new control by selecting the GuiTextCtrl
    from the pull down menu
  • Enter ScoreCounter in the name field

Graphical User Interface - 6
  • In the General section enter Score 0 in the text
  • In Parent section change the profile to GuiBig
    TextProfile from the menu ()
  • Use the Apply button and Save

Scripting - 1
  • Find the script logoitem.cs in the Windows folder
  • Enter the following function at the end
  • function TorqueLogoItemonCollision(this, obj,
  • // collision function for all Torque logo shapes
  • // this data block
  • // obj - object itself
  • // col - object that collided with obj

Scripting - 2
  • // check for logo collision with player object
  • if(col.getClassName() "Player")
  • // client becomes client whose player hit
  • client col.client
  • // increment score and message with score to
  • client.score
  • commandToClient(client, 'SetScoreCounter',
  • // remove object from logos
  • obj.delete()

Scripting - 3
  • // find out how many logo items remain in
  • logoCount logos.getCount()
  • // if more logos remain continue game
  • if(logoCount gt 0)
  • return
  • // otherwise have client display victory
  • commandToClient(client, 'ShowVictory',

Scripting - 4
  • Open the folder GameOne/client and create a new
    text file containing the following functions in a
    file called clientGame.cs
  • function clientCmdSetScoreCounter(score)
  • // This function processes the onCollision server
  • // commandToClient
  • // (client, 'SetScoreCounter',
  • //
  • // replaces text in GuiTextCtrl in play screen
  • ScoreCounter.setText("Score" SPC score)

Scripting - 5
  • function clientCmdShowVictory(score)
  • // this function processes the server call
  • // commandToClient
  • // (client, 'ShowVictory', client.score)
  • //
  • // displays a message box to get user choice
  • MessageBoxYesNo("You Win!",
  • "Would you like to restart the
  • "loadMyMission()",
  • "quit()")

Scripting - 6
  • Last we need to add a line to file main.cs in the
    folder GameOne/main.cs
  • This line goes at the end of the Client scripts
    section to link our new script into the game
  • exec("./client/clientGame.cs")
  • Now all thats left to do is play test the final
    game and fix any problems

Scripting - 7
  • One of those problems is getting the Score to
    display as 0 when the mission reloads
  • Add these lines to function onMissionLoaded( ) in
    the file game.cs found in the folder
  • score0
  • ScoreCounter.setText("Score" SPC score)
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