Title: Pierces Disease and the Glassywinged Sharpshooter
1Coping with Pierces Disease in
California ------- Another Insect-Vectored
Bacterial Disease -------- Bob WynnStatewideCoor
dinator CDFA / PDCP
2Glassy-winged Sharpshooter (GWSS)
Xylella fastidiosa
3Glassy-winged Sharpshooter
- Is native to southeastern U.S. and northern
Mexico - In southern CA since about 1990
- Has wide host range and builds to large numbers
- Feeds on the xylem (water-conducting elements) of
plants - Vectors the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa
4Xylella fastidiosa
- In California since about 1880
- Causes plant disease by plugging up the xylem of
plants - Diseases include
- Pierces disease (grapes)
- Almond leaf scorch (almonds)
- Oleander leaf scorch (oleander)
- Citrus variegated chlorosis (citrus)
- Others
5Whats at Stake?-- Californias Grape Industry --
- All Grapes
- 800,000 acres
- 6 million tons produced
- 3 billion farmgate value
- Winegrapes
- 51.8 billion state economic benefit
- 103 billion national economic benefit
- 309,000 jobs in California
- 759,000 jobs in the U.S.
1999 Say goodbye to California wines.
Local Emergency in Temecula
CDFA Research Task Force
Governor signs AB 1232
Advisory Task Force Appointed
Nursery Inspections Begin
CDFA Draft Management Plan
Pest Management Areas Form
Federal Funds Requested
Grape Movement /Biocontrol
GOVERNOR Appropriates 14 million Receives 22
mil. Federal Funds
Emergency Regulations
8Impacted At-Risk Areas
- Southern California (Temecula)
- Central California (Kern Tulare Counties)
- Northern Coastal California (Napa/Sonoma)
9PD GWSS in California
10Management Practices for PD- Grapes -
- Pathogen Control
- Vineyard inspections and testing
- Roguing of diseased vines vineyards
- Vector Control
- Trapping and monitoring
- Insecticide treatments
- Inspection certification of bulk grape
shipments - Additional Measures
- Site vineyards away from pathogen vector
sources - Removal of alternate hosts
12Grapevine Loss Assistance Program
- Part of Agricultural Risk Protection Act of 2000
- Reimbursed growers for vineyards lost to PD
GWSS - Encouraged vineyard removal, reducing amount of
Xf inoculum
13Management Practices for PD- Nursery -
- Vector Control
- Trapping and monitoring
- Insecticide treatments
- Inspection and certification of shipments
- Safeguarding
15Management Practices for PD- Citrus -
- Vector Control
- Trapping and monitoring
- Systemic and contact insecticides
- Sanitation and safe harvesting
- Inspection and certification of bulk citrus
16Bulk Citrus
17Area-wide Projects
- Coordinated vector control over large
agricultural areas - Trapping and monitoring
- Insecticide treatments
18(No Transcript)
19The Basics
- Target citrus in a geographically defined area
- Timing of treatments
- Grower participation
- Assess the data
- Current historical trapping history (1/4 mile
grid), survey data - Past treatments, existing pest management
strategies - Other influences (organic citrus, windbreaks,
other hosts) - Recommend treatment
- treatments coordinator
- grower county
growers - reimbursed
- Cooperation, cooperation, cooperation ?
20Kern County GWSS
21Tulare County GWSS
22Area-wide Project Results
23Biological Control
G. morrilli (female)
G. triguttatus
G. fasciatus
G. ashmeadi
G. morrilli
24California Winegrape Assessment
- Based on value of harvested grapes
- Maximum rate is 3 per 1,000 of value
- Total collected in 7 years 31.8 million
- 18.3 million used to fund 100 basic research
projects since July 2001 - Other expenditures include
- Biocontrol
- Outreach
- NAS review
- Research Director
- Searching for solutions to PD GWSS
- Over 200 projects, conducted by scientists from
California, other states, the USDA-ARS, and
Brazil - Research Symposium held annually to foster
communication - Examining intellectual property issues via
contract with PIPRA - Research Director activities
- Research Program Review (RSAP)
26Areas with Significant Progress
- Identification of pathogen factors that mediate
virulence (DSF, PGIPs, tolC) - Grape and Xylella genomics
- Potential for using transgenic rootstocks
- Area-wide control of insect vectors
- Epidemiology
- Biological control
- Breeding grapes for resistance