Title: Enhancing public health impact by increasing use of medications
1Enhancing public health impact by increasing use
of medications
- Saul Shiffman, Ph.D.
- University of Pittsburgh
- Pinney Associates
- Consulting to GlaxoSmithKline
2- The most effective treatment, if not used,
- makes no contribution to tobacco control
- or
- public health
3Enhancing Public Health Impact
- Impact ( of quits)
- Efficacy ( quit)
- X
- Utilization ( using method)
4Use of Cessation Medications in Most Recent Quit
Survey of national household panel, N10,061, 2001
5Trends in Use of Pharmacologic Aids
Vapor inhaler 3/98
Zyban 5/97
Gum OTC4/96 2 patches OTC8/96 Nasal spray8/96
Patches 1/92
Estimated Assisted Quit Attempts(in thousands)
Gum (4mg) 3/93
Gum (2mg) 2/84
OTC switches
Based on sales data
Burton et al, MMWR, 2000
6OTC NRT vs. Placebo
Hughes et al, in press
Hughes et al, in press
8Australia NRT Utilization Enhanced by both
Access Promotion
Australia Based on sales data
9Adequate Utilization?
- Medications not used for as long as directed
- Medications not used in directed amounts
10Why Dont More Smokers Use Pharmacotherapy?
- Perceived lack of efficacy
- Perceived health risk of medications
- Cold Turkey norm
- Lack of physician support
- Cost
- Limited appeal of options
11Efficacy Perceived Efficacy
- Expectations reality
- Impression formation
- Individual vs. population perspective
- The glass is twice as full
- The glass is 90 empty
Davidson et al, 1998
12Consumer Information about Pharmacotherapy
Anti-smoking drug deaths triple
The number of people who have died after taking
the anti-smoking drug Zyban has more than tripled
in a year. BBC, January 18, 2002
Nicotine patches and gum may pose health
hazards Press release, American Chemical Society
, March 27, 2002
Nicotine the culprit in lung cancer
USA Today, January 2, 2003
13Smokers believe nicotine causes cancer
Nicotine is a cause of cancer.
Hyland, Cummings, Giovino et al, BAND Survey
14Smokers believe NRT more likely than smoking to
cause heart attack
Are nicotine PATCHES more or less likely to cause
a heart attack as cigarettes?
Hyland, Cummings, Giovino et al, BAND Survey
15Cold Turkey Norm
- Should not need treatment just willpower
- Comparisons
- Weight loss
- Problem drinking alcoholism
- Other drug dependence
- Promoted by minimal intervention ethic
16Physician Promotion of Treatment NOT!
- Physicians do not promote quitting
- Only 30 of smoking patients were counseled to
- Physicians do not promote treatment
- Only 2.4 were given NRT in 1995, when
prescription was the only way to get treatment!
- Physicians do not provide support
- Among those getting NRT prescription (1994)
- 23 No instructions, 39 No quit advice
Thorndike, Rigotti et al, 1998
Shiffman et al, 2002
17Cost May be a Barrier for Some Smokers
- Cost vs. outlay
- Daily cost of NRT roughly on par with daily cost
of a pack of cigarettes
- Initial outlay for NRT is much higher
- Cost decrease alone may not be enough
- Generic patches are 28 cheaper, but have not
increased utilization
- Medicaid 64 have coverage - 2 utilization in
- Boyle (2002) Adding coverage did not increase use
18What Smokers Want from Treatment
- Cheap
- Effective
- Safe
- Easy
- Fast
- Pain relief
- Pleasant
19Enhancing Utilization of Behavioral Treatment
- Little demand for clinics
- Very low reach 1.8 of quit efforts
- Need convenient outreach
- Phone counseling proactive calls work
- Printed or web materials
- Untailored material is ineffective
- Tailored materials work
- 500,000 users of the Committed Quitters Program
(but only 3-5 utilization)
- Increase supply
- New medications
- Easy access
- Increase demand
- Promotion of quitting and medications
- Accurate information about risks and benefits
- Attractive products with consumer appeal
- Along with efficacy, utilization determines
public health impact
- Research
- To understand decision-making about treatment
- To develop treatments with broad utilization in
- Action
- To encourage use of treatment
- To communicate effectively about treatment
22- Even if we build it,they will not necessarily
- We have to make it accessible, affordable, and
- And then promote it.