Hazem Hamed, Adel ElAtawy, Ehab AlShaer - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Hazem Hamed, Adel ElAtawy, Ehab AlShaer


DePaul University, Chicago, USA. FIRST MIDWEST SECURITY WORKSHOP. May ... Internet traffic traces from NLANR and DePaul University backbone. Anonymized Policies ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Hazem Hamed, Adel ElAtawy, Ehab AlShaer

Adaptive Statistical Optimization Techniques for
Firewall Packet Filtering
  • Hazem Hamed, Adel El-Atawy, Ehab Al-Shaer
  • School of Computer Science, Telecommunications
  • Information Systems,
  • DePaul University, Chicago, USA
  • May 6th, 2006

  • Problems Motivation
  • Technical Approach (our contributions)
  • Early rejection optimization
  • Statistical filtering tree optimization
  • Evaluation
  • Related Work
  • Conclusion and Future Work
  • Q A

Problems and Motivations
Problems and Motivation Statistical Network
Security Policy Optimization
  • Packet filtering optimization is very important
    for network security devices
  • Enterprise Firewalls have 5K-15K rules (as
    reported by Cisco)
  • IDSs are expected to have in the order of 10K
    (100K is not a surprise)
  • Most security devices still match rules
    sequentially in this case the filtering cost
  • It is not hard to guess/craft traffic to hit the
    default-deny rule ? causing maximal matching
  • Exploiting locality of matching in Internet

Internet Traffic Analysis
  • Several packet traces from U of Auckland (NLANR)
    and DePaul U (sizes 3M to 10 M packets over
    different times)

Locality of Matching Property
  • Skewness of a field value is an indication of the
    high frequency of few values of a particular
    field compared with the frequency of others
    values in the traffic. Can be expressed as

Persistency of Locality of Matching
  • Skewness
  • Autocorrelation

Problems and Motivation Statistical Network
Security Policy Optimization
  • The majority of the Internet traffic matches a
    small subset of field values in firewall rules
  • This skewness is likely to stay for sufficient
  • Deterministic packet classification techniques
    optimize for the worst case (upper bound) but not
    necessarily the average case and mostly exhibits
    high space complexity
  • Security policies are usually static and NOT
  • Our goal is to use a statistically adaptive
    filtering technique to optimize the average case
    (with much less space complexity)

Challenges of Statistical Policies Optimization
  • Can policies be adaptive to reject discarded
    traffic with minimum matching ?
  • Can policy configuration adapts dynamically to
    match traffic properties and minimize average
    matching of accepted traffic ?
  • Does the traffic dynamics support adaptive
  • How can security devices (re)learn the traffic
    trend at real-time ?
  • How can traffic rejected as early as possible
    (Early Rejection) ?
  • How this is practical to implement/deploy?

Optimizing the Rejection Path Early Rejection
Early Rejection
  • Firewall rules are often written as exception of
    the default deny rule
  • Traffic rejected by default-deny cause the max
  • Cost Rate PolicySize
  • Objective (1) to create the minimum number of
    Early Rejection Rules (RR) dynamically that has a
    maximum discarding effect (covering Discard
    space), (2) to make RR adaptive to the recent
    discarded traffic (Dynamic rule selection)
  • The basic idea to add front-end most-effective
    rejection rules such that the overall average
    matching is decreased (with min affect on
    accepted packets)

Early Rejection
Early Rejection
  • Thus, the early rejection rules RR can be formed
    as a combination of the common field values that
    cover all rules in the policy. Formally, we can
    define RR as follows
  • For example, a typical RR rule will be as follows

Early Rejection Parameters
Early Rejection Approach
  • Constructing sets of RR to cover discard space
  • Using set-cover approximation algorithms
  • With approximation ration of 1ln(S)
  • With f-approximation ratio (where f in our case
    is 5)
  • This is an off-line operation based on policy
  • Dynamic Rule Selection
  • To adaptively (1) selecting the most efficient RR
    set, (2) removing/adding rules from RR, based on
    the characteristics of the recently discarded
  • Let portion of the traffic rejected by r RR's,
    and is the maximum percentage of the early
    rejected traffic. Then, in order to decrease the
    average matching the following must hold

Rejected by RR
Rejected by def
Accepted (after RR)
Early Rejection Criteria
  • This leads to a criteria on the limit of number
    rules that can be used
  • After adding the r RR rule, we can state the avg
    matching as follows
  • Criteria for rule efficiency
  • where is the portion of the total traffic
    rejected by the rth rule
  • Discard Cover and Adaptive RR Rule Selection
    Algorithms are in the paper

Optimizing the Accept Path Statistical Tree
Statistical Filtering Optimization
  • Motivation
  • Field value matching shows a non-uniform (skewed)
    distribution that is reasonably persistence over
  • Basic Idea
  • Building a statistical search tree using the
    values of each field (according to frequency)
  • We use Alphabetic trees (vs. Huffman tress)
    because it retains binary tree simplicity in
    building and searching, and the inherent order is
    preserved like binary search ? easy to search
    based on value
  • The more the skewness, the greater the gain
  • Average filtering time of all flows is reduced
  • In the worst case (uniform distribution of all
    the values), the Alphabetic tree can not be worse
    than Binary tree very unlikely

Statistical Filtering Optimization Using
Alphabetic Trees
Search Aggregate in Alphabetic Tree Filtering
Aggregate matching tree structure for (a)
Cascaded matching, (b) Parallel matching.
  • Complexity O(n lgn) for Construction, O(n) for
    space in cascade
  • In parallel, the intersected rules selected
  • Parallel tree might be faster but does not give
    less matches than cascade

Maintenance of Statistical Filtering
TreePerformance-triggered tree update
  • Comparing the matching gain with binary search
  • where qi is the prob of field value vi in the
    current time interval and pi in the preceding one
  • Alternatively, lightweight calculating of the
    moving average of the matching gain can be
  • where hi is the height of the destination leaf
    and gi is the gain over binary search for packet
  • If , the alphabet search tree is
    disposed for this field and a new tree is built.

Computationally expensive
Maintenance of Statistical Filtering
TreePeriodic tree update
  • Tree is flushed out and reconstructed after
    certain timeout
  • Needed to refresh the statistical tree when the
    performance is in the low end close but greater
    then threshold
  • Our experimental study shows that the optimal
    interval can be easily learned and relatively
    large (100s)

  • Internet traffic traces from NLANR and DePaul
    University backbone
  • Anonymized Policies
  • Random policy generation from traces

Evaluation of Early Rejection Technique
41 close to optimal 50 if RR has no overhead
Early rejection (a) performance gain, (b) the
number of RR for three polices with varying
percentage of default rule traffic
Optimization Effectiveness for Individual Fields
  • The reduction of packet matching relative to
    binary search for each
  • filtering field on the firewall (a) inbound
    interface, (b) outbound
  • interface. (NOTE reduction relative to Binary

Optimization Effectiveness for Individual Fields
over 24 hours
  • Relative matching reduction for each field for
  • different times of day

Alphabetic Filtering Tree Performance vs. Update
Interval over 24 hours
  • Average optimal and measured relative matching
    reduction with
  • varying update interval for (a) Cascaded search,
    (b) Parallel search

Frequency of Gain of Alphabetic Filtering Tree
Performance (for Cascade) over 24h
90 gives 40 or more reduction
80 gives 30 or more reduction
Performance-trigger Update Intervals (during rush
Relative matching reduction the source port
during one hour interval
Related Work
  • Early rejection- no related works
  • Substantial work in the are of algorithmic
    optimization of filters such as CAM-based,
    Aggregated Bit Vector (ABV), Tuple space, Fat
    Inverted segments trees, Recursive Flow
    Classification (RFC), Geometric representation
    and Hierarchical Cuttings
  • High space complexity
  • Optimizes worst case and not necessary avg case
  • Optimization through rules aggregation and
  • Manual rule ordering based on Netflow by Cisco
  • Gupta et al in SIGMETRICS05 shows that adaptive
    trees significantly improving routing looks
    limited on routing and does not address
    measurement and statistical filtering over
    multiple fields
  • Hamed Al-Shaer in ASIACCS 06 propose a
    technique for Dynamic Rule Ordering based on
    real-time traffic characteristics

  • Although optimizing packet filtering is an old
    problem, we explore novel techniques and new
    research directions in this area
  • Optimizing the rejection path (traffic rejected
    by default rule)
  • Using statistical trees to improve average case
    rather than the worst case like in most packet
    classification algorithms
  • Early rejections
  • Policy pre-processing to construct rules that
    cover the discard space
  • Select the most efficient set of RR rules
    dynamically to maximize benefit
  • Matching gain 19/25 50/75, and added RR
    rules is 4-10
  • Statistical Filtering Tree
  • Using Alphabet trees (easy fast implementation,
    low space complexity)
  • Cascade and parallel implementation
  • Matching gain upto 45 in busy hours, with 200ms
    update period
  • The implementation of both techniques is simple
    and lightweight
  • Future Work Attacks, more comparison with DRO,
    other opt

Questions Answers
  • The majority of the internet traffic (gt70)
    belongs to flows of size 10 or more (repeated 10
    at least 10 times or more)- curve 2
  • The majority of the internet flows (gt85) are
    mice - curve 3
  • From 1 and 2 (15 of flows represent 70 of size)
    ? the elephant is long lasting flows in the
  • The majority of the traffic (gt70) last for 1
    second or more

Dynamic Optimal Rule-ordering (DRO)
  • Problem Definition (1) For a policy of n
    filtering rules with dependency relations, each
    rule Ri with a given weight wi and order di, find
    a valid rule ordering that minimizes average
    packet matching
  • (2) How to find wi in real-time

Where wi is the rule weight based on hit rate
and di is the depth of the rule
Performance-triggered tree updates
Frequency of Gain of Alphabetic Filtering Tree
  • Cumulative ratio of measurements greater than
    different matching reduction
  • for (a) Cascaded search, (b) Parallel search

Alphabetic Tree Performance
  • Measured matching reduction for a full day
    interval with different update intervals for
  • (a) Cascaded search
  • (b) Parallel search
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