Comparison of Some Algorithms for Edge Gyrokinetics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Comparison of Some Algorithms for Edge Gyrokinetics


Want positivity preserved even with large density variations (e.g. blobs ... but can be combined with FCT to enforce rigorous positivity if needed. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Comparison of Some Algorithms for Edge Gyrokinetics

Comparison of (Some) Algorithms for Edge
Greg (G.W.) Hammett Luc (J. L.) Peterson
(PPPL)Gyrokinetic Turbulence Workshop, Wolfgang
Pauli Institute, 15-19 Sep. 2008
Acknowledgments P. Colella, R. Samtaney
Desired Algorithm Properties for Edge
  • Large variation in density, large amplitude
    fluctuations, large rbanana/L, wide range of
    collisionalities No clear separation of scales,
    Not useful or necessary to separate FF0df,
    stick with full F formulation
  • Want to ensure particle conservation exactly
    (small charge imbalances lead to large fields)
    such as with finite volume, finite element,
    spectral methods.
  • (some finite-difference, point-based
    semi-Lagrangian, and delta f weighted-particle
    algorithms (see Idomura, JCP 07) dont conserve
    particles exactly).
  • Want positivity preserved even with large density
    variations (e.g. blobs advecting through low
    density SOL) many traditional algorithms have
    Gibbs phenomena oscillations around steep
    gradients that lead to negative densities.
  • Want robust algorithms in addition to
    converging to the right answer in the appropriate
    limit, it shouldnt be too bad in other regime.
  • Want to minimize numerical dissipation (though no
    need to eliminate it completely, dissipation at
    small scales actually models physical effects.)

Desired Algorithm Properties for Edge
Gyrokinetics (2)
  • It is surprisingly hard to find good algorithms
    (accurate, efficient, robust, not too hard to
    implement) that satisfy all of these properties
  • There has been a lot of work over the past 30
    years on improving algorithms to address these
    types of issues for various kinds of CFD
    applications, with continuing advances in the
    last decade
  • General category of shock-capturing or
    high-resolution upwind finite-volume
    algorithms, developed primarily for compressible
    shock problems in Euler/Navier-Stokes
    (aeronautics and astrophysics applications, etc.)
    But applicable to a wide range of problems
    including weather simulations, and our problems
    MP, DG,

Simplest Fluid Advection Algorithms2cd Order
Centered 1st order upwind
  • Discrete grid, f(zj,t) fj(t) Conservative

Std 2cd order centered differencing (okay for
smooth regions, phase errors too large for
sharp-gradient regions, gives unphysical
1st order upwind (eliminates unphysical
oscillations, but too dissipative)
Arakawa Finite Differencing
  • Clever differencing formula for Poisson brackets
    (in JCP special issue on most famous
  • Arakawa finite differencing has discrete analogs
    of conservation of
  • In 1-D, (df/dy0, dPhi/dyv), Arakawa reduces to
    2cd order centered finite differencing. Although
    it has these nice conservation properties for
    Hamiltonian systems, it does not insure fgt0, and
    has significant phase errors at moderate kdx
    that can cause spurious oscillations.

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3rd order SSP-RK used here. Looks better at
CFL0.5 with 2cd order single-step
time-space-coupled time advancement, (becomes
exact at CFL1), but for complex flows there will
be regions at many different values of
CFLvdt/dx, incl. CFLltlt1.
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(My incomplete understanding of) Historical
Development of Shock-Capturing Fluid Algorithms
  • Initial ideas from physicists (Boris, van Leer)
    (applied) mathematicians Phil Collela, Ami
    Harten, Stan Osher, Chi-Wang Shu, Bjorn Enquist,
    Eitan Tadmor,
  • earliest numerical viscosity, simple upwind von
    Neumann Richtmeyer (50), Courant, Isaacson,
    Rees (52), Rosenbluth.
  • Godunov (59) generalized upwind to multiple
    eqs. w/ shocks (Riemann solver), theorem only
    1st order near discontinuities
    piecewise-constant reconstructions
  • Two indep. breakthroughs (FCT, van Leer)
    nonlinear switches enhance diffusion only near
    discontinuities or under-resolved features
  • FCT (Flux-Corrected Transport) (71-79), Boris,
    Book. Zalesak version (79)
  • van Leer (72-79), MUSCL (Monotone
    Upstream-Centered Schemes for Conservation laws)
    piecewise linear interpolation with slope
    limiters to avoid overshoots (2cd order in smooth
    regions, but const. near extrema, clipping)
  • TVD (Total Variation Diminishing) (variations of
    2cd order van Leer)
  • Colella Woodward 84 PPM (Piecewise Parabolic
    Method) (4th order for smooth solns, except
    const. near extrema) Widely-used gold-standard.
  • ENO/WENO (Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory,
    87/94-96) Elegant solution to long-standing
    Gibbs osc. problem, arbitrary order (3rd, 5th
    typical) (related to fitting with a Sobolev
    norm?) Local operations, parallelizes easier
    than splines

Suresh, Huynh 97
  • Main idea behind these algorithms detect
    discontinuities / under-resolved features, revert
    to lower-order polynomial in non-smooth regions,
    allow discontinuities (allowed for hyperbolic
    eqs.), introduce minimum necessary numerical
    diffusion in non-smooth regions to preserve (or
    encourage) monotonicity, positivity.
  • Suresh-Huynh (97) relaxed previous limiters to
    allow higher order interpolations near smooth
    extrema, 5th order in smooth regions, essentially
    a more efficient way to implement WENO
  • Colella-Sekora (08) alternate way to relax
    piecewise-constant assumption at extrema, 4th
    order in smooth regions (even order no
    numerical diffusion in smooth regions)
  • Discontinuous Galerkin looks like another
    potentially interesting approach

Central differencing to determine slopes can lead
to overshoots in reconstruction
  • Just going to higher order doesnt help near
    sharp gradient regions (Gibbs phenomena)

Top Fig. From R.J. Leveque, Finite Volume
Methods for Hyperbolic Problems, Cambridge Univ.
Press (2002). 2cd Fig. From C.B. Laney,
Computational Gasdynamics, Cambridge Univ. Press
Simplest Fluid Advection Algorithms2cd Order
Centered 1st order upwind
  • Discrete grid, f(zj,t) fj(t) Conservative

Std 2cd order centered differencing (okay for
smooth regions, phase errors too large for
sharp-gradient regions, gives unphysical
1st order upwind (eliminates unphysical
oscillations, but too dissipative)
Higher-order upwind Methods withclever
monotonicity-preserving slope limiters
  • Reconstruct f(z) in each cell, extrapolate to

Piecewise constant 1st order upwind
Van Leers (MC) limiter Monotonized
Central in smooth regions, sj1/2 sj-1/2,
and becomes 2cd order accurate (upwind biased)
Central differencing to determine slopes can lead
to overshoots in reconstruction
  • MC limiter gives much more robust result.

From R.J. Leveque, Finite Volume Methods for
Hyperbolic Problems, Cambridge Univ. Press (2002).
Arakawa in 1-D is simple centered 2cd order
method and has large overshoots and poor
performance on steep gradient regions, but it has
no numerical dissipation from the spatial
differencing (though there is some from the 3rd
order Runge-Kutta time advance).
2-D vortex merger test case
  • Test case used by Naulin Nielsen 03. We agree
    with them that WENO3 is fairly dissipative.
  • Initialize 2 Gaussian vortices.

Vortex Merger Test
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1-D Slices of Vorticity Along x 5 (for vortex
merger test)
SuHu extended PPM are essentially
non-oscillatory, but rigorously
non-oscillatory, but can be combined with FCT to
enforce rigorous positivity if needed.
Without enough viscosity, Arakawa has enstrophy
pileup at high k. (Though little effect on
wavelengths at this time.)
Even w/out explicit viscosity, high-order upwind
methods provide dissipation near the grid scale,
make spectra more realistic. (non-optimal subgrid
model, misses shearing?)
  • Suresh-Huynh 97 (5th order) Colella-Sekora 08
    (4th order), or hybrid between the two, look like
    very good options preserve high-order accuracy
    in smooth regions (including extrema), while
    still being robust and preventing artificial
    overshoots, provides useful dissipation near the
    grid scale.
  • (Discontinuous Galerkin also looks interesting)

  • R.J. Leveque, Finite Volume Methods for
    Hyperbolic Problems, Cambridge Univ. Press
  • D. R. Durran, Numerical Methods for Wave
    Equations in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
  • Arakawa. J. Comput. Phys. 1, 119- (1966).
  • Cockburn and Shu. J. Sci. Comput. 163, 173-261
    (2001). Discontinuous Galerkin.
  • Colella and Sekora. J. Comput. Phys. 22715,
    7069-7076 (2008).
  • Liu, Osher and Chan. J. Comput. Phys. 115,
    200-212 (1994).
  • Martin and Colella. Private Communication (2008).
  • Naulin and Nielsen. SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 251,
    104-126 (2003).
  • C.-W. Shu. ICASE Technical Report 97-65 (1997).
    Tutorial on ENO/WENO.
  • Suresh and Huynh. J. Comput. Phys. 136, 83-99
  • Zalesak. J. Comput. Phys. 31, 335-362 (1979).
    Improved form of FCT.
  • Zhou, Li and Shu. J. Sci. Comput. 162, 145-171
  • W. Rider, A Very Brief History of Hydrodynamic
    Codes, Sandia talk, 2007,https//cfwebprod.sandi
  • "Introduction to "Flux-Corrected Transport I.
    SHASTA, A Fluid Algorithm That Works", S. T.
    Zalesak 1997, JCP 135, 170. Nice 2-page review of
    historical place of FCT algorithm, and an
    introduction to the original FCT article,
    reprinted in this special issue of JCP
    celebrating its 30th anniversary.
  • "Review Article Upwind and High-Resolution
    Methods for Compressible Flow From Donor Cell to
    Residual-Distribution Schemes", Bram van Leer,
    Commun. Comput. Phys. (2006).
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