Title: Violence
2Domestic Violence
- As a society, we expect the family to
- Nurture
- Protect
- Guide
- Provide
- For all its members
- We believe that a good family is the basis of a
good community life, a strong Nation.
3Domestic Violence
- We, as a community, have a responsibility to
acknowledge that the family is not a safe haven
for many women and children - That some of the greatest dangers lies in the
home itself. - Many people are unaware or underestimate the
extent of domestic violence in our society.
4Domestic Violence
- The more common myths about domestic violence
revolve around conceptions of types of abuse. - Its prevalence
- Why it happens
- Why women stay
- Why men abuse
5Domestic Violence
- Research has consistently demonstrated that
overwhelming majority of those subjected to
domestic violence are women. - In 93 - 97 of cases the abusive partner is
6Causes of Domestic Violence
- Unequal power relationships between men and
women. - Domestic violence is one manifestation of
oppression that is institutionalized by
inequality. - It is part if a systematic practice that has its
roots in, is maintained by all the structural
inequalities confronted by women. - These include womens place in the sex segmented
workforce - Barriers to womens economic independence
- Inadequate housing for women who leave violent
relationships - Barriers faced by sole parents
7Domestic Violence
- This has consequences for the way men and women
relate to each other, with a presumption that
women are inferior. - Inequality in relationships has the effect of
giving greater power to men over women - Power that is frequently exerted through violent
8Hestia House
- This is a safe house for women and children.
- You can go with or with out children
- You can go any time of the day.
- They will help you with things
10- So when do the gendered differences start and how
are they perpetuated?
- In a study of grade 7 8 students in the US
researchers found that males are more involved in
physical bullying, whereas females use more
covert forms. - However the rates of bullying seem to decrease as
the students mature.
12Types Frequency of Bullying During the Past
School Year
- Bullying Behaviour
- Physical s
- Never 306 67.7
- Sometimes 97 21.5
- Often 49 10.8
- Threats of Harm
- Never 349 77.2
- Sometimes 73 16.2
- Often 30 6.6
13Types Frequency of Bullying During the Past
School Year
- Mean Teasing s
- Never 225 56.3
- Sometimes 157 34.7
- Often 41 9
- Name Calling
- Never 225 49.8
- Sometimes 166 36.7
- Often 61 13.5
14Types Frequency of Bullying During the Past
School Year
- Exclusion s
- Never 307 67.9
- Sometimes 112 24.8
- Often 33 7.3
15Location Frequency of Bullying
- In Class s
- Never 94 20.7
- Sometimes 274 60.4
- Often 86 18.9
- At Lunch
- Never 92 20.3
- Sometimes 255 49.5
- Often 137 30.2
16Location Frequency of Bullying
- On the Way to School
- s
- Never 294 64.8
- Sometimes 120 26.4
- Often 40 8.8
- On the Way Home
- Never 164 36.1
- Sometimes 196 43.2
- Often 94 20.7
17Bullying Behaviours Reported as Occurring Often
by Gender
- Male s Female s
- Physical 25 49 26 51
- Threats of harm 26 65 14 35
- Name Calling 27 44.3 34 55.7
- Mean Teasing 22 53.7 19 46
- Exclusion 14 42.4 19 57
18Conclusion of the Study
- The authors concluded that recent acts of school
violence have shown that bullying can no longer
be considered just a part of growing up.
- A person is being bullied when he or she is
exposed repeatedly over time, to negative actions
on the part of one or more other students. - Students are being bullied when
- Another student says nasty things
- When a student is hit
- When a student is kicked
- When a student is threatened
- Locked inside room
- Sent nasty notes
- When no one ever talks to him/her
- Bullying is a long standing violence, physical or
mental. Which is conducted by a group and
directed against an individual who is not able to
defend himself in the actual situation.
21Is Bullying the same in Males Females?
- A Study has shown that there was no significant
sex difference between males and females. - Non-Aggressive Group.
- 73 of boys and 78 of girls
- Overly Aggressive Group
- 15.6 of boys and .4 of girls
- Aggressive Group
- 2 of boys and 17.4 of girls
22What is happening in the schools to perpetuate
the bullying environment?
- Social Climate
- The social climate of the school will influence
the students engagement in aggressive
behaviours. - Teachers Attitudes
- By failing to promote respectful interactions
among students or speaking out against teasing
and other behaviours consistent with bullying
23What is happening in the schools to perpetuate
the bullying environment?
- Community Factors
- Communities are rich environments that foster
many different organizations - Churches
- After School Programs
- Sports Teams
- They can partner the schools in tackling bullying
among adolescence.
24What You Can Do
- Become informed about Domestic Violence
- Dont let other people condone Domestic Violence
by - Challenging the myths
- Dont let people make jokes, because they are not
funny and the reinforce cultural ambivalence
about domestic violence. - Take action to make sure that people in your
community know about the issue - Join local domestic violence support groups