Title: Welcome Back Rampello Families
1Welcome BackRampello Families!
2Rampello is anASchool!
3Our Mission
- To assure high levels of learning for ALL
4My Personal Vision for Rampello
- Rampello is a school that provides rigorous,
challenging, and relevant learning in a friendly,
supportive and caring environment. Our faculty,
parents, and community members all work together
to make Rampello a better place to learn and
grow. We offer unique opportunities for students
to experience the arts and sciences in Tampas
downtown. We are the top performing school in
the district at all levels due to reflective
educators, shared leadership, PLCs and a
relentless pursuit to continuously improve as a
school. We are showcased by the community and
our school district as an example of best
practices in education. Rampello students leave
our school prepared for high school and post
secondary learning. Later in life, when students
are asked about a teacher or educator that
changed their life, they think of someone at
5Lots of changes!
- New Captain
- Springboard
- Professional Learning Communities
- Museum Grade Level Focus Changes
6Experiencing the Arts and Sciences in Tampas
Kindergarten Museum of Community Kindergarten
students will learn about the community around
them. First Grade Museum of Life Sciences First
grade students will learn about plants and
and how they interact with our
Earth. Second Grade Museum of Physical Science
Architecture Second grade students will learn
about Physical Sciences
with an emphasis on
architecture Third Grade Museum of Fine
Arts Third grade students will learn about the
lives of various artists
and different forms of art. Fourth
Grade Museum of Florida History Fourth grade
students will learn about the history of Florida
and will
integrate their knowledge through writing. Fifth
Grade Museum of Science Exploration Fifth grade
students will learn about Life, Earth, and
Physical Sciences. Sixth Grade Museum of World
Studies Sixth grade students will learn about the
world through technology.
Seventh Grade Museum of Government Seventh grade
students will learn about law and government.
Grade Museum of Journalism and Broadcasting Eighth
grade students will learn about the business of
journalism and
television/radio broadcasting.
- Downtown Connections
- Service Projects
- Community Involvement
- Relevant learning projects judged by community
members - Community speakers
- Downtown field trips
- Fine and Cultural Arts performance opportunities
7Benefits of AVID
- The benefits to students will include increased
access to rigorous and challenging course work
support systems to help with those courses
interactive classrooms with engaging instruction
more options after graduation assistance with
college entrance tasks more highly trained
instructors support for underrepresented
students and master schedules driven by student
8Rampello as a College Ready School
- Create and maintain a college-going culture in
the school - Create a core academic program that is aligned
with and leads to college readiness by the end of
12th grade - Teach key self management skills, require
students to use them, and provide students with
feedback on how well they are developing these
skills - Make college real by preparing students for the
complexity of applying for college
9Schoolwide Avid Instructional Strategies
- Writing to Learn
- Inquiry
- Collaboration
- Reading to Learn
- Cornell Notes
- Socratic Seminars
- Organizational Skills/Binders
10Three Big Ideas of Being a PLC
- Focus on Learning
- Build a Collaborative Culture
- Focus on Results