Title: The Campus Library presents
1The Campus Library presents
Some books are to be tasted, others are to be
swallowed, and some few to be chewed and
digested. - Francis Bacon
The Edible Book Festival 2009
First Book of Shapes
He fed his spirit with the bread of books. -
Edwin Markham
The Campus Library IU East Hayes Hall 2325
Chester Blvd. Richmond IN 47374 Phone
765-973-8204 www.iue.edu/library
The Holy Tortilla
The Secret Life of Bees
2What is the Edible Book Festival? The Edible
Book Festival is an annual event that unites
bibliophiles, book artists and food lovers
around the world. Participants create edible
books that are exhibited, documented, then
consumed. The festival was created by Judith A
Hoffberg and Beatrice Coron. Judith came up with
the idea over a Thanksgiving turkey with book
artists in 1999, and Beatrice created the
festivals website. They contacted friends and
colleagues, and put together the first event in
2000. In 2008, Edible Book Festivals were held
in the United States, Australia, Brazil, India,
Japan, Mexico, Ireland, England, Germany, and
many other countries. It is normally held on
April 1st, the birthday of French gastronome
Jean-Anthelme Brillat-Savarin (1755-1826), famous
for his book Physiologie du gout, a witty
meditation on food. April fools day is also the
perfect day to eat your words and play with them
as the books are consumed on the day of the
event. This ephemeral global banquet, in which
anyone can participate, is shared by all on the
internet and allows everyone to preserve and
discover unique bookish nourishments. This
festival is a celebration of the ingestion of
culture and a way to concretely share a book it
is also a deeper reflection on our attachment to
food and our cultural differences.
I want to participate! What do I do?
Fill out the registration form and return it to
Julianne Stout at the Library by March 17.
Registration Forms are available at the Library.
Smore Peace
Contact Juli at 765/973-8204 or jbstout_at_iue.edu
When does it take place?
Wednesday, April 1, 2009 First Floor Atrium
of Hayes Hall Participants will set up their
creations from 11AM to 12PM Viewing will be
between 12PM and 1PM Reception with book-tasting
will be held from 1PM to 2PM.
For general information and photos of past events
please see the official Edible Book Festival
website www.Books2Eat.com
Great Eggspectations by Charles Chickens