Title: Assessing Foundations Programs
1Assessing Foundations Programs
- K. Lynn Taylor
- University Teaching Services
- The University of Manitoba,
- Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3T 2N2
Foundations of University Teaching
Colloquium Flinders University, Adelaide, April
10-11, 2003
Acknowledgements This study is supported by a
SSHRC Standard Research Grant (410-2002-1584) to
Schonwetter (PI), Ellis, Griffin, Perry, Taylor
Wright, 2002-2005
2Session Objectives
- Outline our longitudinal study
- Explore selected bench mark data
- Seek feedback on the design and findings
3University of Manitoba Program Requirements
- Theory
- Credit Course - 129.745 Teaching and Learning in
Post-Secondary Instruction (3 credits) or - Extended Workshops Papers/Research Project
- Practice
- TA work reflection and feedback or
- Mentor supervised teaching
- Professional Development 20 Hours
- Teaching Dossier and Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- Optional WebCT training Accent Modification.
4University of WaterlooProgram Requirements
- GS 901
- 6 workshops
- 6 reflective response papers
- GS 902
- 2 more workshops
- 2 more response papers, research paper,
presentation on paper, teaching dossier - GS 903
- 3 observed teaching events
- 3 reflective response papers
5Longitudinal Study Gaps in the Literature
- Gap 1 Lack of research and comprehensive
program evaluations based on empirical design
(Chism, 1998 Weimer Lenze, 1997) - Gap 2 Target instructional interventions to
specific groups across institutions
(Levinson-Rose J. Menges, 1981 Weimer
Lenze, 1997) - Gap 3 Inclusion of different kinds of inquiry,
including both qualitative methods and
quantitative methods (Levinson-Rose J.
Menges, 1981 Weimer Lenze, 1997) - Gap 4 Limited models and theories to direct
research (Blackburn, Beiber, Lawrence
Trautvetter, 1991 Menges Svinicki, 1989 Perry
et al., 1997 Weimer Lenze, 1997)
6GTA Studies (Abbott, Wulff Szego, 1989
Carroll, 1980 Chism, 1998 Weimer Lenze, 1997)
Conceptual Framework
GTA Development Theories (Abbott, Wulff
Szego, 1989 Marincovitch, Prostko Stout, 1998
McKeachie, 1997)
CHET-CUT Study (SSHRC Grant to Schonwetter (PI),
Ellis, Griffin, Perry, Taylor Wright,
New Hires Research (Boice, 1992 Menges, 1994
1996 Perry et al., 1997 Smith Kalivoda, 1998)
Pilot Studies of CUT-CHET Programs (Ellis
Schonwetter, 2001 Schonwetter Taylor, 2000)
Control Theory (Bandura, 1986 Perry et al.,
1997 1999)
7CHET-CUT Longitudinal Study
Ethical Approval
Access to Graduate Students
University of Manitoba
Control Group(s)
University of Waterloo
Pre-Test prior to entry into CHET-CUT
Post-Test after CHET-CUT completion
18 month follow-up into a tenure track position
- Perceptions of
- Preparation for academic career
- Importance to academic career
- Perceived control questions
- having to teach a new course this term
- Open-ended questions
- How did you come to know about the Program?
- What motivated you to sign-up for the Program?
- Effects of program on professional and personal
9Who Has Been Participating in Our Study? (M
- 65 (53.7) female 56 (46.3) males
- 20 to 48 years (M 28.01)
- 56 seeking a Masters degree 64 seeking a Ph.D.
- 1 - 12 graduate courses completed (M 3.42)
- 0 - 9 terms of studying (M 3.29 terms)
- Markers for 0-14 courses (M 1.98 courses)
- TAs for 0 - 14 courses (M 2.10 courses)
- Instructors for 0 - 6 courses (M .76 courses).
10Top 5 Most Important Teaching Items
Very Low Very High
115 Least Prepared for Teaching Items
Very Low Very High
12Difference Between Importance and Prepared
135 Least Important Teaching Items
Very Low Very High
14What Most Influenced or Motivated you to Sign-Up
for the CHET/CUT Program?
15How will Your Experience in the CHET/CUT Program
Contribute to Your Professional Development?
16How will Your Experience in the CHET/CUT Program
Contribute to Your Personal Development?
17Responses to Data
- How can these data be used to inform the
development or fine tuning of our programs? - How can research like this be used to enhance
the scholarship of faculy development?
- Abbott, R.D., Wulff, D.A., Szego, C. K. (1989).
Review of research on TA training. In J.Dgt
Nyquist, R.Dgt Abbott, D. A. Wulff (Eds.), New
Dirrections for Teaching and Learning, Number 39,
(pp. 111-124). San Francisco, Jossey-Bass. - Bandura, A. (1986) Social foundations of thought
and action. Englewood Cliffs, NJ Prentice Hall. - Blackburn, R.T., Beiber, J.P., Lawrence, J.H.,
Trautvetter, L. (1991). Faculty at work Focus
on research, scholarship and service. Research in
Higher Education, 32, 385-413. - Boice, R. (1992) The new faculty member
Supporting and fostering professional
development. San Francisco Jossey-Bass. - Carroll, J.G. (1980). Effects of training
programs for university teaching assistants.
Journal of Higher Education, 51, 167-183. - Chism, N. V. N. (1998). Evaluating TA Programs.
In M. Marincovich, J. Prostko, F. Stout (Eds.),
The professional development of graduate teaching
assistants (pp. 249-262). Bolton Anker. - Ellis, D., Schonwetter, D.J. (2001). Help
though the gateway Assessing teaching
certificate programs. Paper presented at the
Professional and Organizational Development
Network in Higher Education, St Louis, MI. - Levinson-Rose, J. Menges, R. (1981). Faculty
Development and the adoption and diffusion of
classroom innovation. Review of Educational
Research, 51, 403-434.
19More References
- Marincovich, M., Prostko, J., Stout, F. (1998).
The professional development of graduate teaching
assistants. Bolton Anker. - McKeachie,. W. J., (1997). Critical elements in
training university teachers. The International
Journal for Academic Development, 2, 67-74. - Menges, R. J. (1994). Preparing new faculty for
the future. Thought and Action, 10, 81-95. - Menges, R.J. and Associates (1999). Faculty in
new jobs. San Francisco Jossey-Bass. - Menges. R.J., Svinicki, M. (1989). Designing
program evaluation. To Improve the Academy, 8,
81-97. - Perry, R.P., Menec, V.H., Struthers, C.W. (1999).
Feeling in control. In R. Menges and Associates
(Eds.), Faculty in new jobs (pp. 186-215). San
Francisco Jossey-Bass. - Perry, R.P., Menec, V.H., Struthers, C.W.,
Hechter, F.J., Schonwetter, D.J., Menges, R.J.
(1997). Faculty in transition A longitudinal
analysis of the role of perceived control and
type of institution in adjustment to
post-secondary institutions. Research in Higher
Education, 38, 519-556. - Rice, R. E. (1996) Making a place for the new
American scholar. Washington, DC American
Association for Higher Education.
20More References
- Schonwetter, D.J., Taylor, K.L. (2000).
Identifying critical components of effective
instructional development. Paper presented to the
Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher
Education, Brock University, St. Catherines,
Ontario. - Smith, K.S., Kalivoda, P.L. (1998). Academic
morphing Teaching assistant to faculty member.
To Improve the Academy, 17, 85-101. - Weimer, M. Lenze, L. F. (1997). Instructional
interventions A review of the literature on
efforts to improve instruction. In R.P. Perry
J. P. Smart (Eds.), Effective teaching in higher
education Research and practice (pp. 205-240).
New York Agathon Press.