Title: MGT 304 Principles of Management
1MGT 304 Principles of Management
2 MGT 304 Principles of Management
- Those who love teaching, teach others to love
learning - Dr. Jim Barnes
- Managers are Teachers and Teachers are Managers
3MGT 304 Principles of Management
- The life of all business, is mostly
relationships and understanding - Philip Crosby Quality Mgmt Expert
- EQUIFINALITY More than 1 way to accomplish the
same task. - (a basic principle of systems theory)
4MGT 304 Principles of Management
- LEARNING A sustained changed in behavior.
- 4 Steps of the learning Process
- Explore Big Picture
- Expierience
- Understand
- Connect
5MGT 304 Principles of Management
- C.P.R. Teaching /Mgmt Style
- C-Clarity
- P-Patience
- R-Responsibility
- You should always keep learning as long as there
is something you do not know - Seneca (Indian)
6MGT 304 Principles of Management
- People are the source of Quality Productivity
- 3 things people want need
- Dignity-As a mgr, never take this away
- Meaning-Whats the meaning
- Community-People long to belong
7 MGT 304 Principles of Management
- QUALITY Arete in the Greek, meaning A degree
of excellence. Agreeing to do what you said you
would do. - QUALITY Is what the customer says that it is
- WJ Patterson
8 MGT 304 Principles of Management
- ETHICS-ETHOS in the Greek, meaning an inner
feeling of right or wrong. - QUALITY ETHICS INSEPERABLE
- TQM Total Quality Management (Kaizen
Continuous Improvement)
9 MGT 304 Principles of Management
- Do what is right
- Do the best you can
- Understand that ours is a world of others
- Never let ambition overrule your heart
10 MGT 304 Principles of Management
- In the 1980s, 25 of all goods needed to be
returned - General Electric Six Sigma
- 3.4 defective parts per million
- Philip Crosby ZERO DEFECTS , A concept by
Crosby whereby management believes that no
defects are acceptable.
11MGT 304
- 3 Basic Fundamentals of TQM
- Continuous Improvement
- Kaizen Kai-Change Zen-Good
- Constancy of Purpose
- Team-One supports the other
- Profound Knowledge
- Attention to Detail
12 MGT 304 Principles of Management
- The only reason for people to exist is to create
a customer Peter Drucker - Taguchi Lost Function The further away a
product is from being perfect, the greater the
cost will be. - The Best Minute I spend Is the one I invest in
people Ken Blanchard from - 1 Minute Manager
13MGT 304 Principles of Management
- History of Management
- When I want to understand what is happening
today or try to decide what will happen
tommorrow, I look back - Oliver Wendall Holmes
14MGT 304 Principles of Management
- Egyptians
- Took 100,000 people, 20 years to build a pyramid
- Were the 1st to come up with the 4 principles of
management - Plan
- Organize
- Lead
- Control
15MGT 304 Principles of Management
- Chinese
- Built Great Wall
- Specialization of Labor the degree to which
tasks in the organization are subdivided into
separate jobs - Michalangelo Teams
- Had teams of painters / carvers/ etc
- Teams created the Sistine Chapel
16MGT 304 Principles of Management
- Church Military
- Structure
- Rules
- Chain of Command
- These 3 were essential in our early history
17MGT 304 Principles of Management
- 1900s Scientific Management Approach
- Frederick Taylor Father of Scientific
Management. 1 best way to do a job. The
focus is on the task. The task is the job. - Hawthorne Studies The most famous study ever
conducted. Done at Western Electrics Hawthorne
plant led by Elton Mayo. - Hawthorne Effect The tendency of people being
observed in a research effort to react more to
the observer than to the actual working condition
18MGT 304 Principles of Management
- Douglas McGregor Theory X, Theory Y
- Theory X
- People Dislike Work
- People will avoid work, so threatened with
punishment. - People want to be directed
19MGT 304 Principles of Management
- Theory Y
- People like work
- A persons commitment to a goal depends on the
rewards with achieving the goal - People seek responsibility
- People can solve problems creatively
- A persons potential is only partially recognized.
20MGT 304 Principles of Management
- There is a middle ground between Theory X and
Theory Y -
21MGT 304 Principles of Management
- Frank Lillian Gilbreth 30s
- Lillian 1st lady of Management
- Efficiency Experts
- Cheaper by the Dozen a movie made on their
time and motion studies. - 1950 TQM
22MGT 304 Principles of Management
- Systems Theory All parts of the organization
effect each other. - Contingency Approach There is NOT 1 best way to
do something. Depends on the situation.
23MGT 304 Principles of Management
- 21st Century
- Downsizing
- Re-Engineering
- E-Commerce
- Quality is a habit, not an act
- Aristotle
24MGT 304 Principles of Management
- Juran Trilogy Joseph Juran
- Quality Planning
- Quality Control
- Quality Improvement
- People will fight to remain the same
- David Schone
25MGT 304 Principles of Management
- Tell me .. I forget
- Show me .. I remember
- Involve me .. I UNDERSTAND
- Chinese Proverb