TPN and EN Any guidelines - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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TPN and EN Any guidelines


Guidelines for enteral feeding in adult hospital patients Gut,2003;52(Suppl ... of prolonged intestinal failure (atresia, radiation enteritis, some inflammatory ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: TPN and EN Any guidelines

TPN and ENAny guidelines
  • Now,there is no ENTPN guideline in china
  • Maybe is coming,really coming

Peking nutrition forum
  • We should kown what is nutrition support
  • Transfusion vamin and lipid, is really nutrition
  • When, why, how, and who should?
  • How to evaluate?
  • Methods and approach?

Westen guidelines
  • Guidelines for enteral feeding in adult hospital
    patients Gut,200352(Suppl VII)vii1vii12
  • Parenteral Nutrition Guidelines,A consensus
    document for the safe delivery of Parenteral
    Nutrition in Adult Patients in Queensland
  • ESPEN guidelines on artificial enteral nutrition
    PEG Clinical Nutrition,200524848861
  • Parenteral Nutrition Guidelines (Adults),Oxford
    Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust Nutrition Support
    Team,Version 2.7,August 2004 (revision date
    August 2005)

Guidelines for enteral feeding in adult hospital
patients-Summary of recommendations
  • Indications for enteral feeding
  • Health care professionals should aim to provide
    adequate nutrition to every patient unless
    prolongation of life is not in the patients best
    interest (grade C).
  • It should be hospital policy that the results of
    an admission nutritional screening are recorded
    in the notes of all patients with serious illness
    or those needing major surgery (grade C).

Summary of recommendations
  • Indications for enteral feeding
  • Artificial nutrition support is needed when oral
    intake is absent or likely to be absent for a
    period 57 days. Earlier instigation may be
    needed in malnourished patients (grade A).
    Support may also be needed in patients with
    inadequate oral intake over longer periods
  • Decisions on route, content, and management of
    nutritional support are best made by
    multidisciplinary nutrition teams (grade A).

Summary of recommendations
  • Indications for enteral feeding
  • ETF(enteral tube feeding) can be used in
    unconscious patients, those with swallowing
    disorders, and those with partial intestinal
    failure. It may be appropriate in some cases of
    anorexia nervosa (grade B).
  • Early post pyloric ETF is generally safe and
    effective in postoperative patients, even if
    there is apparent ileus (grade A).
  • Early ETF after major gastrointestinal surgery
    reduces infections and shortens length of stay
    (grade A)

Summary of recommendations
  • Indications for enteral feeding
  • In all post surgical patients not tolerating oral
    intake, ETF should be considered within 12 days
    of surgery in the severely malnourished, 35 days
    of surgery in the moderately malnourished, and
    within seven days of surgery in the normally or
    over nourished (grade C).
  • If there are specific contraindications to ETF,
    parenteral feeding should be considered. If
    patients are takinggt50 of estimated nutritional
    requirements, it may be appropriate to delay
    instigation of ETF (grade C).
  • ETF can be used for the support of patients with
    uncomplicated pancreatitis (grade A).

Summary of recommendations
  • Ethical issues
  • ETF should never be started without consideration
    of all related ethical issues and must be in a
    patients best interests (grade C).
  • ETF is considered to be a medical treatment in
    law. Starting, stopping, or withholding such
    treatment is therefore a medical decision which
    is always made taking the wishes of the patient
    into account.
  • In cases where a patient cannot express a wish
    regarding ETF, the doctor must make decisions on
    ETF in the patients best interest. Consulting
    widely with all carers and family is essential.

Summary of recommendations
  • Access techniques
  • Fine bore (58F) nasogastric (NG) tubes should be
    used for ETF unless there is a need for repeated
    gastric aspiration or administration of high
    viscosity feeds/drugs via the tube. Most fibre
    enriched feeds can be given via these fine bore
    tubes (grade A).
  • NG tubes can be placed on the ward by experienced
    medical or nursing staff, without x rays to check
    position. Their position must be checked using pH
    testing prior to every use (grade A).
  • The position of a nasojejunal (NJ) tube should be
    confirmed by x ray 812 hours after placement.
    Auscultation and pH aspiration techniques can be
    inconclusive (grade A).

Summary of recommendations
  • Access techniques
  • NG tube insertion should be avoided for three
    days after acute variceal bleeding and only fine
    bore tubes should be used (grade C).
  • There is no evidence to support the use of
    weighted NG tubes, in terms of either placement
    or maintenance of position (grade A).
  • Long term NG and NJ tubes should usually be
    changed every 46 weeks swapping them to the
    other nostril (grade C).

Summary of recommendations
  • Access techniques
  • Gastrostomy or jejunostomy feeding should be
    considered whenever patients are likely to
    require ETF for more than 46 weeks (grade C) and
    there is some evidence that these routes should
    be considered at 14 days (grade B).
  • Suitability for gastrostomy placement should be
    assessed by an experienced gastroenterologist or
    member of a nutrition support team. Expert advice
    on the prognosis of swallowing difficulties may
    be needed (grade C).
  • In patients with no risk of distal adhesions or
    strictures, gastrostomy tubes with rigid internal
    fixation devices can be removed by cutting them
    off close to the skin, pushing them into the
    stomach, and allowing them to pass spontaneously
    (grade A).

Placing a nasogastric tube
  • Explain the procedure to the patient.
  • Mark the tube at a distance equal to that from
    the xiphisternum to the nose via the earlobe
    (5060 cm).
  • Lubricate the tube externally with gel/water and
    internally with water if a guidewire is present.
    Check the guidewire moves freely.
  • Check nasal patency by sniff with each
    nostril occluded in turn. The clearer nostril can
    be sprayed with lignocaine to minimise
  • Sit the patient upright with the head level.
    Slide the tube gently backwards along the floor
    of the clearer nostril until visible at the back
    of the pharynx (1015 cm).

Placing a nasogastric tube
  • If the patient is cooperative, ask them to take a
    mouthful of water and then advance the tube 510
    cm as they swallow.
  • Repeat the water swallow/advance until the preset
    mark on the tube reaches the nostril.
  • Withdraw the tube at any stage if the patient is
    distressed, coughing, or cyanosed.
  • If there is difficulty passing the tube, ask the
    patient to tilt their head forwards or turn it to
    one side.
  • Once in place, remove any guidewire and secure
  • Check position of the tube before use (this does
    not usually require an x ray).
  • Document tube insertion in the patients notes.

Summary of recommendations
  • Feed administration
  • Giving enteral feed into the stomach rather than
    the small intestine permits the use of hypertonic
    feeds, higher feeding rates, and bolus feeding
    (grade A).
  • Starter regimens using reduced initial feed
    volumes are unnecessary in patients who have had
    reasonable nutritional intake in the last week
    (grade A). Diluting feeds risks infection and
    osmolality difficulties.
  • Both inadequate or excessive feeding may be
    harmful. Dietitians or other experts should be
    consulted on feed prescription (grade C).

Summary of recommendations
  • Feed administration
  • If no advice is available, 30 ml/kg/day of
    standard 1 kcal/ml feed is often appropriate but
    may be excessive in undernourished or
    metabolically unstable patients (grade C).
  • When patients are discharged to the community on
    continuing ETF, care must be taken to ensure all
    community carers are fully informed and that
    continuing prescription of feed and relevant
    equipment is in place (grade C).

Summary of recommendations
  • Complications of enteral feeding
  • Close monitoring of fluid, glucose, sodium,
    potassium, magnesium, calcium, and phosphate
    status is essential in the first few days after
    instigation of ETF (grade C).
  • Life threatening problems due to refeeding
    syndrome are particularly common in the very
    malnourished and there are also risks from over
    feeding shortly after major surgery or during
    major sepsis and/or multiorgan failure (grade C).
  • To minimise aspiration, patients should be fed
    propped up by 30or more and should be kept
    propped up for 30 minutes after feeding.
    Continuous feed should not be given overnight in
    patients who are at risk (grade C).

Summary of recommendations
  • Complications of enteral feeding
  • Any drugs administered via an ETF tube should be
    liquid and should be given separately from the
    feed with flushing of the tube before and after
    (grade C).
  • Loosening and rotating a gastrostomy tube may
    prevent blockage through mucosal overgrowth and
    may reduce peristomal infections (grade C).
  • In patients with doubtful gastrointestinal
    motility, the stomach should be aspirated every
    four hours. If aspirates exceed 200 ml, feeding
    policy should be reviewed (grade C).

Summary of recommendations
  • Complications of enteral feeding
  • Continuous pump feeding can reduce
    gastrointestinal discomfort and may maximise
    levels of nutrition support when absorptive
    capacity is diminished. However, intermittent
    infusion should be initiated as soon as possible
    (grade A).
  • Simultaneous use of other drugs, particularly
    antibiotics, is usually the cause of apparent ETF
    related diarrhoea (grade A).
  • Fibre containing feeds sometimes help with ETF
    related diarrhoea, as will breaks in the feeding
    of 48 hours (grade B).

Summary of recommendations
  • Complications of enteral feeding
  • Careful measures are needed to avoid bacterial
    contamination of feeds which can give rise to
    sepsis, pneumonia, and urinary tract infections,
    as well as gastrointestinal problems (grade A).
  • Avoiding gastric acid suppression and allowing
    breaks in feeding to let gastric pH fall will
    help prevent bacterial overgrowth during ETF
    (grade A).

Malnutrition universal screening tool (MUST)
TPN Guidelines (Adults),2005
  • Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust
  • For patient selection, duration of treatment,
    monitoring of results and documentation.
  • Where a fully operational Nutrition Support Team
    (NST) is in place, reduced parenteral nutrition
    (PN) related complications (line and metabolic),
    decreased morbidity, improved nutrient intake,
    improved clinical outcomes, reduced costs and
    decreased length of stay
  • intended to be a working document to help achieve
    these goals, and by standardising practice
    facilitate the audit process.

Indications for Parenteral Nutrition
  • The basic indication for using Parenteral
    Nutrition is a requirement for nutrition when the
    gastrointestinal tract is either not working, not
    available, or not appropriate.

Indications for Parenteral Nutrition(useful but
not limited)
  • Non functioning gut e.g. Paralytic ileus
  • Malnourished patients in whom the use of the
    intestine is not anticipated for gt7 days after
    major abdominal surgery.
  • Patients with specific conditions severely
    affecting the gastrointestinal tract (such as
    severe mucositis following systemic chemotherapy,
    upper gastrointestinal strictures or fistulae,
    severe acute pancreatitis where jejunal feeding
    is contraindicated).
  • In those patients with major resections of the
    small intestine (short bowel syndrome) before
    compensatory adaptation occurs.
  • Patients in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) with
    systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) or
    multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS).

Indications for Parenteral Nutrition
  • Longer-term PN may be required in a small number
    of patients for various reasons
  • Extreme short bowel syndrome of any aetiology.
  • Other causes of prolonged intestinal failure
    (atresia, radiation enteritis, some inflammatory
    or motility disorders).

Starting and Continuing Parenteral Nutrition
  • Screeningreferred to the ward dietitian
  • Assessment
  • EnrolmentPICC or CVC
  • Initiation of PNmust be ordered by 11.00am
  • Early monitoring phasemandatory ward
    observations, and appropriate blood and other
    laboratory tests
  • Stable patient phaseless intensive monitoring
  • Re-introduction of dietin a graded fashion
  • Cessation of PNoral nutritional intake is deemed

Prescribing Parenteral Nutrition
  • NitrogenProtein is provided in the form of amino
  • Carbohydrate and Lipidmixture of glucose and
    lipid usually in a ratio of 6040 or 5050
  • Volumeall fluid volume requirements including
    losses from wounds, drains, stomas and fistulae
  • Electrolytesclinical requirements and particular
    extrarenal losses
  • Vitamins, Minerals and Trace Elementsroutinely
    on a daily basis,as Zinc or Selenium
  • Other medicationsNo drug additions will routinely

Nursing Care of Patients on PN
  • Daily weight (before starting PN and daily
  • 4-6 hourly temperature and blood
    pressure,clinical evidence of infection, general
    well being, etc
  • Accurate fluid balance chart and summary
  • Capillary glucose monitoring 6 hourly for first
    24 hours
  • Daily assessment for CVC/PICC site infection or
  • Twice weekly 24-hour urine collections for
    Nitrogen balance and electrolytes.
  • Bags that have been refrigerated should be
    removed at least 1-2 hours before being hung and
    infused, to allow the solution to reach room

Stopping Parenteral Nutrition
  • Whenenteral or oral nutritional intake is deemed
    adequate or other reasons such as acute
    operations, major metabolic disorders or problems
    with equipment
  • HowIf PN needs to stop suddenly or unexpectedly
    an infusion of 5GS should be initiated at
    100ml/h for 5h
  • Line removalPICC or CVC may be removed at ward
    level by nursing staff with the appropriate

ESPEN guidelines on PEG
  • 1980,Gauderer and Ponsky first report a
    percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG)
  • Placement of a PEG/PEJ (percutaneous endoscopic
    jejunostomy) tube is simple, safe and
    well-tolerated by patients
  • Modern PEG tube systems made of polyurethane or
    silicone rubber are easy to insert and
  • PEG-feeding has rapidly spread to become routine
    practice worldwide and is currently the method of
    choice for medium- and long- term enteral feeding?

Decision tree for the selection of the
appropriatetube system for enteral nutrition
  • Oncological disorders (stenosing tumours in the
    ear, nose and throat region or the upper
    gastrointestinal tract)
  • Neurological disorders (dysphagic states after
    cerebrovascular stroke or craniocerebral trauma,
    cerebral tumours, bulbar paralysis, Parkinsons
    disease, amyotrophic, lateral sclerosis, cerebral
  • Other clinical conditions (wasting in AIDS, short
    bowel syndrome, reconstructive facial surgery,
    prolonged coma, polytrauma, Crohn disease, cystic
    fibrosis, chronic renal failure,
    tracheo-oesophageal fistula,etc)

  • palliative drainage of gastric juices and
    secretions in the small intestine in the presence
    of a chronic gastrointestinal stenosis or ileus.
  • Aggressive cancer treatment (chemotherapy,
    radiotherapy) definitely requires an adequate
    individual nutritional strategy.

  • Serious coagulation disorders
  • Interposed organs (e.g. liver, colon)
  • Marked peritoneal carcinomatosis
  • Severe ascites, peritonitis
  • Anorexia nervosa, severe psychosis
  • Clearly limited life expectancy

Preparations and aftercare prior to and after
endoscopic placement of an enteral tube system.
  • The rate of complications after endoscopic
    placement of enteral feeding tubes is estimated
    in the available literature to be in the range
  • The most frequent complication is the occurrence
    of local wound infection (in approximately 15 of
  • pneumoperitoneum after PEG may occur in more than
    50,but not regarded as a complication since
    there is no clinical evidence of adverse

  • peristomal abdominal pain, fever (in some
    instances with transient leukocytosis) or
    occasionally transient leakage of the stomach
    contents from the granulating puncture canal
  • possible long-term complications after PEG
    include occlusion of the tube, tube porosity and
    fracture with subsequent leakage from the tube or
    the tube connection, development of cellulitis,
    eczema or hypergranulation tissue (proud flesh).
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