Title: Technology Implementation:
1Technology Implementation
Through Curriculum Enhancement, Professional
Development, Innovative Technology Assessment
and Student Involvement
- Created by
- Brock
- Sonia
- Michael
- Nancy
- Note To exit the program, press the esc key
on your keyboard
2Table of Contents
- General Introduction --Technology Implementation
(Brock) - Introduction
- Purposes/Objectives
- Implementation
- Limitations
- Technology Implementation Through Professional
Development (Sonia) - Introduction
- Purposes/Objectives
- Implementation
- Resources
- Limitations
- Technology Implementation Implications for
Planning and Assessment (Matthew) - Introduction
- Purposes/Objectives
- Implementation
- Resource Requirements
- Evaluation
- Limitations
- Technology Implementation Through Student
Involvement (Nancy) - Introduction
- Purposes/Objectives
- Implementation
- Testimonials
- Resource Requirements
- What the research says
- Limitations
- Additional Information (All)
- Ensuring Equitable Access
- Assessment
- Overlapping Issues
- Fast Facts (the Digital Divide)
- Conclusions
- Internet Web Links
- References
3Curriculum Enhancement Introduction
- Technology Education
- Students should learn about, understand, and use
technology to enrich their lives, expand academic
opportunities, and provide critical employment
skills for entering the workforce of global
economy. - Using Education Technology
- School districts and school leadership must
support federal programs that help train teachers
and other school personnel in the use of
technology tools to improve teaching and
learning. - Fact Statistics released by the U.S. Department
of Education in April 2000 found that less than
35 of teachers felt they were well prepared or
very well prepared to use technology
4Curriculum Enhancement Purposes/Objectives
- Creating a high school environment that provides
opportunities to effectively use technology in
the classroom - The National Education Association (NEA)
identifies three important aspects to the use of
technology in education http//www.nea.org/technol
ogy/ - Technology Education
- Using Education Technology
- Access to Equipment
- Shared Leadership
- In Cultivating Leadership in Schools (2001),
Donaldson presents a leadership model that
suggests that an organization can act to
accomplish goals more successfully than
individuals alone. - With advances in technology occurring at a
phenomenal rate, successful leaders will take
advantage of all learning opportunities.
Students, teachers, and volunteers a like may
take leadership roles while exploring
technological programs. - Teaching with technology
- Successful teachers recognize that technology
mediums are merely tools that can increase
student learning. - With effective training and resources, teachers
can utilize technology as a resource to
supplement student learning, and energize a
5Curriculum Enhancement Implementation
- There are two major approaches to using media
and technology in schools. First, students can
learn from technology, and second, they can
learn with technology. Learning from is
often referred to as instructional television,
computer-based instruction, or integrated
learning systems. Learning with technology is
referred to in terms such as cognitive tools and
constructivist learning environments. - Source http//www.athensacademy.org/instruct/tech
/reeves0.html - In the Classroom
- After developing a learning climate that supports
technology, the responsibility of using the
technology effectively resides with the classroom
teachers. - How teachers implement the use of technology is
their classroom determines how positive the
effect technology will have on student learning. - The next step...
- With the added pressure of budget cuts and
impatient school boards, successful principals
will follow two steps in addition to the NEA
guidelines. - Gather information about successful programs at
similar schools and use those programs as models. - Develop an assessment plan to determine if
technology strategies are working within the
6Curriculum Enhancement Limitations
- Resources- Creating lesson plans that use
technology mandates that students have access to
the appropriate equipment. This equipment
(hardware or software) is not always available or
working properly. Teachers must remain flexible
with plans. - The Internet is the greatest information resource
in the history of man. However, it also presents
risks of exposure to inappropriate and inaccurate
content. - A professor at Southern Colorado University found
that only 27 of the Web sites used by middle and
high school students in his study used for
research were considered reliable sources of
information. (source www.nea.org/technology/ ) - Everyone in agreement?
- While most parties currently support the
technology boom in schools, there remain
skeptics. - In an Atlantic Monthly article entitled The
Computer Delusion began with the following
sentence There is no good evidence that most
uses of computers significantly improve teaching
and learning, yet school districts are cutting
programs- music, art, physical education - that
enrich childrens lives to make room for this
dubious nostrum(Oppenheimer, 1999, p.45).
7Professional Development Introduction
- Thanks to generous contributions from businesses,
schools are acquiring computer hardware at a
rapid pace. The upkeep of educational technology
has likewise taken over a considerable portion of
school districts budgets. But with all the money
being spent on hardware, software, and wiring,
schools have forgotten to invest in the most
important part of educational technology, the
human infrastructure.
8Professional Development Purposes/Objectives
- Identification of the major shortfalls within
teacher technology training must be identified so
that.. - Successful teacher technology training practices
can be analyzed and.. - Solutions to teacher technology training problems
can be proposed
9Professional Development Implementation
- In 1999, the National Center for Education
Statistics (NCES) surveyed teachers about their
use of education technology in their classrooms
and schools. It found that although half of the
teachers who had computers or Internet available
in their schools and used them for classroom
instruction, only one-third of those reported
feeling well or very well prepared to use them as
such (U.S. Department of Education, 2000). - Ironically, the less experienced teachers
reported that they felt well or very well
prepared to use educational technology with
greater frequency than their more experienced
colleagues. - Most teachers in the well prepared category cited
independent learning, college or graduate work,
followed by professional development activities,
had prepared them to use technology. (U.S.
Department of Education, 2000) - Lack of quality professional development
opportunities is often cited for lack of
technology competency. When training is offered,
very seldom is follow-up support provided to show
how to integrate the new skills into the
curriculum (Mouza, 2002-2003). - The types of activities most often offered during
technology training professional development
are training on software applications, the use
of the Internet, and the use of computers and
basic computing (U.S. Department of Education,
2002). - Technology-oriented professional development was
available for 91 of teachers in schools with
low minority enrollments (6-20 ) compared
availability for 81 of teachers in schools with
50 or higher minority enrollment (Ibid).
10Professional Development Implementation (cont.)
- In order for quality technology-oriented
professional development to take place the focus
needs to be more than skill-based training.
Technology integration training must also be
provided. (Mouza, 2002-2003) - Effective technology training involves multiple
support levels in which colleagues and
administrators, along with the training
professional provide support to the teacher-
in-training. (Mouza, 2002-2003) - Effective technology training is organized around
real classroom situations and provides outside
resources as well as in-classroom-assistance
while teachers attempt to implement the new
practices. (Mouza, 2002-2003) - Professional development requires time and money,
both of which district Technology coordinators
are realizing are even more important than the
hardware. (Miller, 1997) - The federal Office of Technology Assessment
suggests that 30 percent of the nations
education technology spending should be devoted
to teacher training. Likewise, State Departments
of Education are requiring districts to spend at
least 30 percent of technology budget on
training. (Miller, 1997) - Federal technology grant programs are requiring
applicants to include a training aspect in their
grant proposals. (Miller, 1997)
11Professional Development Resources
- Regional education laboratories and regional
technical assistance centers funded by the U.S.
Department of Education provide direct training,
advice or referrals. - The International Society for Technology
Education works with districts and education
agencies to help them develop technology-oriented
professional development activities. - ISTE also sponsors the Academy for Technology
Leadership, training designed for district
technology coordinators and other administrators. - Train the trainers programs train groups of
teachers who are then sent out to train other
teachers. One districts nationally recognized
technology implementation model has a training
component which includes a commitment to give
mentor teachers a year away from their
classrooms in order to train other teachers. - For-profit companies such as Tele-Communications,
Inc. one of the nations largest cable
television companies, also has an educational
technology training subsidiary called ETC
education, training and communications. - (Miller, 1997)
12Professional Development Limitations
- Budget restrictions
- Time away from the classroom for initial and
follow-up training. - Adequate time for teachers to discuss technology
issues and how to integrate technology use into
the curriculum. - Technology support staff and/or technology
coordinator is needed.
13Planning Assessment Introduction
- For much too long, weve waited for standards
and expectations for our school administrators to
reflect the presence of technology in schools and
in our society. Ensuring sophistication with
technology among leaders in our schools will
ensure that we better prepare our students for
their futures and that we effectively and
efficiently manage the entire enterprise that is
schooling. Don Knezek, Director TSSA - Educational leaders ensure that curricular
design, instructional strategies, and learning
environments integrate appropriate technologies
to maximize learning and teaching. - Technology Standards for School Administrators
- Leadership and Vision
- Learning and Teaching
- Productivity and Professional Practice
- Support, Management, and Operations
- Assessment and Evaluation
- Social, Legal and Ethical Issues
- Educational leaders use technology to plan and
implement comprehensive systems of effective
assessment and evaluation.
14Planning Assessment Purposes/Objectives
- Develop a list of basic technology competencies
for students and include them as part of high
school graduation requirement. - Include computer programming courses in district
curriculum. - Include sample assignments as part of curriculum
for every course.
15Planning Assessment Implementation
- Make It Happen-- Ways Principals Can Promote the
Use of Technology - School provided email addresses for teachers,
staff and students. - Communicate with staff and parents using email
whenever possible. - School Web Site Developed and Updated Regularly.
- Establish Technology Competency Committee
comprised of administrators, teachers, and
students to develop and promote the use of
technology in the high school. - Professional Development Programs on Technology
Available to Teachers. - Submit grant requests to help with the cost of
new computers and computer software. - Lead By Example - be aware of the technology
competencies and comfortable using technology in
the everyday operations of the high school. - Data - Driven Decision Making Use of data and
resources available to evaluate and analyze
school capacity and readiness for implementation
of various programs. - Instructional Strategies
- Use of the internet to design lessons appropriate
for all learners. - Use of books on tape for students with dyslexia
and other learning disabilities. - Incorporate videos as part of lesson plans in the
humanities and social sciences. - Regular class trips to the school media center in
all classes. - Interactive white boards in the classroom.
- Use of geometer sketch pad in math classes.
- Web sites for each course that contain
assignments, links and a course outline.
16Planning Assessment Implementation (cont.)
- Basic Technology Competencies
- Use formulas when creating a spreadsheet.
- Insert a picture into a word document.
- Use various search engines on the Internet to
locate information. - Build a database.
- Create a web site.
- Use various forms of multimedia to present
information. - Computer Courses
- Introduction to Computer Programming
- AP Computer Science
- Info Systems
- Sample Assignments
- U.S. History classes participating in a Model
United Nations Program with other students
throughout the world using the Internet. - Calculus classes using a TI 89 graphing
calculator to study volumes of solids of
revolution. - Video Production classes using an animation
program to build a movie.
17Planning Assessment Resource Requirements
- Learning Environments
- Television, Computer, VCR or DVD player, Focus
Box and Internet Access in EVERY classroom. - Graphing Calculators and Overhead Projection
Screens available for math teachers. - Electronic scales, high strength microscopes and
probes in all science labs. - New tools for industrial arts and home economics
classes. - Digital Cameras for Photography Classes.
- Up to date computer labs located throughout the
building. - Email communication with students, teachers,
parents and school staff. - Distance Learning Professional Development.
A sample of student work from a history course
introducing the unit on the Italian Renaissance.
Students took their own faces and using
photo-editing software, placed themselves into
the paintings. Students researched the painters
and paintings and as a final project made
Mothers Day cards from their work. The project
was team taught between the art teacher, TLC
student, and history teacher.
18Planning Assessment Evaluation
- Evaluation of Student Performance
- Use of Electronic Portfolio to evaluate and
assess student understanding of basic computer
competencies. - Videos, Web sites and Power Point presentations
employed as alternate forms of assessing student
progress. - Use of New Anti-Plagiarism Software to detect
student work that may not be authentic. - Student course registration, progress reports and
report cards available online. - Evaluation of Teachers
- Classroom visitations recorded and evaluation
reports done using laptop computers. Objectives
and lesson plans emailed to administrator or
downloaded from class web site beforehand. - Use of Technology in the Classroom encouraged and
noted in review of teachers. - Specific goals involving the increased
integration of technology set for all teachers. - Basic Technology Competencies developed for
teachers. - Mastery of Technology Competencies rewarded with
stipend and use of laptop computer. - Evaluation of Principals
- Basic Technology Competencies developed for
administrators. - Number of students and teachers who have
demonstrated a mastery of the competencies. - Attend Professional Development Workshops on the
Integration of Technology into a high school.
19Planning Assessment Limitations
- Lack of resources including but not limited to
equipment, personnel and funds. - Staff resistance.
- Student use of the internet to plagiarize papers
and other projects. - Administrative Issues That Effect the Integration
of Technology
Got a GLITCH on your computer???
20Student Leadership Introduction
- The introduction of complex technological
infrastructure is leading many schools to create
new roles for students not only as managers of
the technology but also as teachers and mentors
to other members of the school community. - Students learn how to serve as teachers of
technology for other members of the school
community. In addition to making the community a
richer and smarter place technologically, the
students are learning about the teaching and
learning process itself and becoming better
learners in general. (This work is part of
Vanguard for Learning, a research project funded
by the National Science Foundation and sponsored
by the Department of Defense Education Activity.) - The Technology Leadership Community (TLC) class
formalizes and supports many ways in which
students can contribute to their school
environment in new roles. Students-as-teachers
can assist the school community in disseminating
technology knowledge while enabling those
students to examine their own learning styles.
When a student teaches others, he learns the
dynamics of teaching and learning and becomes a
better learner. - Two of the most critical elements being taught
during the class are - Problem-Solving teachers are encouraged to give
students a challenge and have the students work
through the problem-solving process while
developing a teaching lesson to be presented to
others - Metacognative Thinking Thinking about
thinking specific ways to get students to
think about how and why they think (see web links
page for links to more information)
21Student Leadership Purposes/Objectives
- Technology Leadership Programs
- The goal is to create a cadre of technologically
and pedagogically trained students who can give
quality workshops and mentor others, which
enables them to become useful and knowledgeable
consultants for the entire community. - The key learning objectives and activities,
beyond studying the technology itself, include
examining their own roles as learners by teaching
and raising questions about effective teaching
practices. They do so by becoming experts at
specific technologies and sharing that expertise
with others. - Although the visible outcome of the class is a
series of services performed by the students to
members of the school community, the class work
emphasizes learning to teach. - While studying technology, they also learned how
to communicate, think critically, and reflect
upon themselves as learners.
22Student Leadership-- Implementation
- Class Size/Orientation Determined by School Needs
- Create one or two periods with a computer lab
teacher dedicated to teaching a full TLC class
(around 20 students per class) - Have supplemental students placed with a teacher
(who has the resources in their room) during
multiple periods (For example at RHS, there are
four classes of TLC with no more than 5
students per class. The librarian is the
teacher/facilitator and the students use
computers in the library lab, allowing for other
students to use the remaining computers.) - Major Instructional Activities
- Complementing the technology support in their
school community - Technology study includes
- Internet navigation, searching, and web site
creation - Server management
- Desktop publishing
- Graphics applications
- Computer Aided Design and other specialized
software - Pedagogical study includes
- Methodology of teaching
- Materials preparations
- Presentation strategies
- Evaluation techniques
- Formalized self-reflection activities (such as
log-keeping, using video tape to observe,
analyze, and improve their own teaching efforts
- Teaching activities include
- Weekly one-on-one mentoring sessions with
faculty, staff, students or community members - Teaching in larger group situations
- Preparing manuals and other instructional
materials for clients - Regularly assessing the schools technology
learning needs and developing strategies to
effectively meet those needs
23Student Leadership Implementation (cont.)
- Components
- Mentoring
- Preparation for mentoring
- Pedagogy
- Reflection and Planning
- Technology (application) learning by the TLC
students - Scheduling
- Producing
- Production
- Promotion (advertising program within school
community) - Training
- Types of Activities
- With Teachers
- Taught teachers one-on-one in regular sessions
email, word processing, Excel, Web browsing
techniques, Hyperstudio - Assisted in setting up classroom technologies
- Helped teachers use new educational technologies
in their classrooms - Helped a teacher build computer-based math
tutorials - With Students
- Taught younger students one-on-one basic html,
desktop publishing techniques
24Student Leadership Testimonials
- Teachers
- A greater percentage of the time than in the
past, the kids were able to facilitate and help
me and each other, because we were using
computers. I saw them in roles that I think I
would not have seen them in. They work also in
learning how to listen in meetings to become a
cooperative person within committees that are
mostly adults and how to make connections to what
they have heard in meetings... they become an
active and contributing part of a group. - TLC students, they were wonderful. We teachers
took a half day off with subs, and it was really
neat. Heres these high school kids teaching
these teachers how to do all the skills they
knew. They were a wonderful group of kids. They
knew what they were doing. They were patient with
us. They walked things through with us over and
over. It was nice to see something that the
students know so much better than I do. (using
computers). - Students
- I like teaching teachers. I dont think teachers
have a problem with students teaching them it
made me feel like I knew something. - Teaching younger children really helps you a lot
because you see that you have to put yourself in
their places you have to put it in your own
words so if you can explain it then you have
really learned it.
25Student Leadership Assessment
- Many times students create their own assessments
of their work based on established rubrics.
Doing so enables them to set learning objectives
and have a clear understanding of what is
expected of them. They do this individually with
the teacher. - The students will be graded on completion of
tasks and participation and there are several
reflection essays throughout the course. - While the actual technology learning can be
assessed by a variety of traditional methods,
including written tests but this would defeat the
purpose of the collaborative learning environment
and the learning-by-teaching emphasis. A
primary purpose is to teach students to be
responsible observers of their own learning, and
not just learn new technologies. By doing so,
they will become better learners. That growth and
development is not of the nature that can be
tested by traditional methods. - The TLC teacher and student examine pre/post
surveys and determine how much of the
technological knowledge the student has learned.
Students are expected to attain a high level of
competence in one or two applications, rather
than learning only a small amount about as many
applications as possible. - Sample Assessments
- Questionnaires, surveys and journals
- Participant (learner i.e. the teachers as
learners) evaluation of the student as teacher - Self-assessments on their teaching others
26Student Leadership Resource Requirements
- Infrastructure Recommendations
- Class Needs
- Administration Commitment
- Requires support with scheduling conflicts
- Should allow students to schedule teacher
sessions during non-TLC class hours or after
school - School should help the faculty and community
become aware of the TLCs abilities and function
and assist with logistics (transportation) - Classroom
- Should meet in a well-equipped computer lab with
enough workstations for each student to have
his/her own computer - TLC students should have priority to schedule the
lab for training or mentoring sessions - Need to have access to the software they wish to
learn, the computers to run the software,
peripherals such as digital cameras, scanners,
presentation monitors, and videotaping gear. - Course Length
- May be offered for 18 week (semester), but highly
recommended for full year course - Teacher Needs
- The TLC Course Guidelines and Handouts
- A willingness to experiment, and accept that not
everything goes well and is a success - A willingness to give students a high degree of
independence and respect. - It is advisable to have more than one teacher
team-teaching the course (eg. Librarian and Lab
teacher) - Student Needs
- Course is designed for mixed 7-12th grade level
students, either as full class (15-20 students)
or as supplemental class (4-5 students more
27Student Leadership Resource Requirements
- Hardware/Equipment Requirements
- Computer CPUs/monitors
- Printers, external drives and other peripherals
- Computer projector (at the least, overhead
projector) - Video Camera
- Scanner
- Digital Camera(s)
- Probe with sensors (usually can be found in
science departments) - Software/Applications
- Word Processing (Word)
- Spreadsheet (Excel)
- Presentation Software (PowerPoint, Hyperstudio)
- Animation (3D Animator, Flash)
- Layout/Design/Desktop Publishing (Quark,
PageMaker) - Web Authoring (DreamWeaver, Front Page, PageMill)
- Data Base (FileMaker Pro, Access)
- Email
- Web Browsing
- Science Probeware
28Student Leadership Research
- Changing Student Roles in a Changing School
Environment - Students are increasingly playing more frequent
and demanding roles as learners, teachers,
mentors, peer instructors, problem solvers,
designers, and technical support staff. Both the
challenges they face as growing learners as well
as the needs imposed by their school help shape
these new roles. A 1996 U.S. Department of
Education study on Education Reform states - Students must be enabled to engage in new roles
and perform new forms of student work.
Establishing new student roles and student work
may be the true bottom line of reform. This
shift is the key indicator of reform. - Research has shown that students as teachers tend
to demonstrate accelerated growth in social
skills, confidence building, communications
skills, and critical thinking (Kalkowski 1995) - Student-to-student teaching has been especially
successful and is rarely used in school programs.
In peer-tutoring sessions, students can teach
technology very effectively to their schoolmates
because they speak a more similar language than
do teachers and students (Hedin 1987). - Students-as-technology-leaders programs are
developing in many places, but as mentioned
earlier, not yet within the framework of the
credited classroom. The Maryland Virtual High
School project, engages a cadre of students
called the NetSRPs to help develop,
troubleshoot, and maintain the networks and the
Gen WHY project, in Olympia, WA, empowers
middle-school students to become technology
leaders and trainers. The TLC program, however,
is unique in that students spend as much time
examining their own learning style and reflecting
about learning as they do practicing and teaching
technology to others.
29Student Leadership Limitations
- Administrative Support/Commitment
- There are specific needs for the course that must
have administrator support, such as - transportation to other schools and/or community
areas - Advertising and making visible the resources of
the TLC students - Scheduling
- Counselors must understand the foundational
aspects of the program and be able to share that
with students during scheduling time - Each school must determine what type of program
implementation they want (full classes or
supplemental students) - It is difficult to schedule times for students to
work with teachers and/or classes - Technology
- There must be a commitment on the part of the
school for the purchasing of new software and
peripherals that can be explored by the students.
Most students come into the course with a basic
understanding of word processing, slide
presentations and spreadsheets. The school must
commit to challenging these students with
higher-level software - Computers AND peripherals such as CD burners,
digital cameras, scanner, and video cameras (for
role playing/evaluation), etc. must be accessible
to the students to complete projects and do
30Ensuring Equitable Access
- All schools and libraries should be equipped with
state-of-the-art technology and should enable
students to connect through the internet to the
vast resources available. - Digital Divide The Dept. of Education reported
that in 2001 77 of American classrooms had
computers with access to the internet. Affluent
counties have a higher average of 82, while the
average for low-income counties drops to 60.
A sample of student work from a history course
introducing the unit on the Italian Renaissance.
Students took their own faces and using
photo-editing software, placed themselves into
the paintings. Students researched the painters
and paintings and as a final project made
Mothers Day cards from their work. The project
was team taught between the art teacher, TLC
student, and history teacher.
- When so much is riding on how well a new program
succeeds, successful principals will need a means
to measure the success or failure of new
technology programs. - An Educators Guide To Evaluating the Use of
Technology in Schools and Classrooms is a great
example of an effective assessment plan. Please
visit www.www.ed.gov/pubs/EdTechGuide/
32Overlapping Issues
- Success stories
- The New Technology High School in California is
not quite seven years old, but their technology
driven programs have served as examples of
success to schools around the country. - Please visit their website at
www.ncrel.org/enguage/resource/stories/nths.htm - Small Academies at Oakland Technical High School
specializing in Engineering and Computer Science. - Technology Competencies and Electronic Portfolios
at Amity Regional High School. - Successful Principals Will
- In order to promote all three NEA aspects of
technology use, a successful principal will need
to demonstrate mastery of several of the ISLLC
Standards. - ISLLC Standard 1Shared Vision of Learning
- The successful principal will facilitate the
development and implementation of a technology
vision that moves teachers to expand their
boundaries of their creativity and the creativity
of their students beyond the walls of the
classroom. The technology vision aims to help
teachers to use the power of computer technology
to spark student imagination, and ultimately move
them toward greater student learning. - ISLLC Standard 3 Management of Resources and
Operations - The successful principal will devote enough time
and resources to ensure that students and
teachers continue to develop their technology
skills. - At least 25 of a districts technology budget
should be dedicated to professional development
to help staff and students use technology
effectively. (http//www.nea.org/technology/) - This may include paying for more substitutes as
teachers attend workshops and conferences, hiring
an in-house technology trainer, and paying
employees extra for after school activities - ISLLC 4 Mobilizing Community Resources
- The successful principal will take advantage of
community resources to help supplement district
resources. As technology continues to develop
and change, successful schools rely on outside
help to keep up with needs, developments, and
33Fast Facts The Digital Divide
- The N-Geners are the first to grow up surrounded
by digital media. They are no more intimidated by
digital technology than a VCR or a toaster. And
it is through their use of the digital media that
N-Gen will develop and superimpose its culture on
the rest of society. - I dont buy that these kids have short attention
spans. They think in different ways than adults.
Sometimes they are multitasking. Other times
they can get into something and spend many hours
on it if it makes sense to them. Dr. Idit Harel
author of Children Designers - The digital revolution is transforming social and
economic life. By 2001, there were 700 million
Internet users. The market for e-commerce was
2.6 billion in 1996 and is expected to reach
500 billion by 2004. Environmental Scan in the
Americas Ecology of Child Development
7_htm_files/Committee-e/ENV-SCAN-EN.pdf - Access in Schools is Not Enough
- Wiring the schools and populating them with
computers is necessary but not enough. In order
to ensure equal opportunity to share in the
digital revolution, students must be provided
with appropriate software and services. - Innovative technologies cannot make up for
educational professionals who lack innovative
methods and merely replicate learning models that
don't work.
- "Does It Compute? The Relationship Between
Educational Technology and Student Achievement in
Mathematics," contains some interesting findings.
Researchers found strong links between certain
kinds of technology use and higher scores on
NAEP. - Eighth graders whose teachers used computers for
simulations and applications performed better on
NAEP than students whose teachers did not. - In both grades, students whose teachers had
received computer professional development
training outperformed students whose teachers had
not. - Eighth graders whose teachers used computers
primarily for drill and practice performed worse
than other students. - Fourth-graders whose teachers used computers for
math/learning games scored higher than students
whose teachers did not. - http//www.odedodea.edu/2001_strategic_plan/resear
- Schools are being asked to change more actively
and frequently than ever before and much of these
changes will emphasize not only technology
integration but new ways of examining teaching
and learning. The old classroom models simply are
inappropriate for todays students and schools
must re-think so many of the components within
their walls, including the walls themselves. - Students can and should be seen as real
contributors to their own learning and their
school community, rather than just being
receivers of knowledge. The TLC class provides a
concrete mechanism that fosters this
contribution. By reducing the amount of time and
effort spent learning how to use the tools,
schools will be better able to explore how to
teach with those tools. The TLC course has proven
that students can play critical roles in their
schools while becoming better learners. These
characteristics identify the students, and the
thinkers of tomorrow.
35Internet Web Links
- General Information
- www.nea.org/technology/
- www.athensacademy.org/instruct/tech/reeves0.html
- www.ed.gov/pubs/EdTechGuide/
- www.ncrel.org/enguage/resource/stories/nths.htm
- www.ccsso.org/standrds.html
- TLC Program -- Metacognition
- http//chiron.valdosta.edu/whuitt/files/metacogn.h
tml - Synopsis of article Developing Metacognition
Blakey, E., Spence, S. (1990) - http//www.ncrel.org/sdrs/areas/issues/students/le
arning/lr1metn.htm - NCREL Description
- http//www.gse.buffalo.edu/fas/shuell/cep564/Metac
og.htm - Overview of Metacognition
- http//homepages.wwc.edu/staff/pawlst/metacog.htm
- Student metacognitive portfolio review
template - http//garnet.acns.fsu.edu/dbl2291/metacog.html
- Historical perspective of metacognition in
education research - http//adrenaline.ucsd.edu/187A/Lectures-2001/hype
rtext/metacognition.html - Online lecture how-to on metacognition
- General Overview
- , T. (2001, July). The computer delusion. The
Atlantic Monthly, pp.45-62 - Reeves, T.C. (1997). Established and emerging
evaluation paradigms for instructional design. In
C. Dills A. Romiszowowski, (Eds), Instructional
development paradigms (pp. 163-178). Englewood
Cliffs, NJ Educational Technology. - Bracewell, R., Laferriere, T. (1996). The
contribution of new technologies to learning and
teaching in elementary and secondary schools.
Montreal, Quebec, Canada Laval University and
McGill University. - Donaldson, G. (2001) Cultivating Leadership In
Schools.New York, Teachers College Press. - Professional Development
- Miller, J. (Oct 1997). Online, off-track.
Techniques Making Education Career
Connections. 17(7), p13-16. - Mouza, C. (Winter 2002-2003). Learning to teach
with new technology Implications for
professional development. Journal of Research on
Technology in Education. 35(2). p272-289. - Smerdon, B., Cronen, S., Lanahan, L., Anderson,
J., Iannotti, N., Angeles, J. (2000) U.S.
Department of Education. National Center for
Education Statistics. Teachers Tools for the
21st Century A Report on Teachers Use of
Technology. NCES 2000-102 Washington, DC.
37References (cont.)
- Student Leadership
- Blakey, E., Spence, S. (1990). Developing
metacognition. Syracuse, NY ERIC Clearinghouse
on Information Resources. ED327218 - Brown, A., Campion, J. Day, J. (1980). Learning
To Learn On Training Students to Learn from
Texts. Paper presented at American Education
Research Association, Boston, MA. - Dirkes, M. Ann. (1985, November). "Metacognition
Students in charge - of their thinking." Roeper Review, 8(2), 96-100.
EJ 329 760. - Hedin, D. Students as Teachers A Tool for
Improving School. Social Policy 17/3 - (1987) 42-47.
- Kalkowski, Page. (1995). Peer and cross-age
tutoring. In School improvement - research series. Portland, OR Northwest Regional
Education Laboratory. (On line document)
http//www.nwrel.org/scpd/sirs/9/c018.html. - Lin, X., and Bielaczyc, K. (1998). Supporting
Metacognitive Activities in Learning About
Complex Subject Domains Lessons Learned from
Research Cases. Manuscript. - Scruggs, Thomas E. Mastropieri, M. A. Monson,
J. Jorgenson, C. (1985, Fall). "Maximizing
what gifted students can learn Recent findings
of learning strategy research." Gifted Child
Quarterly, 29(4), 181-185. EJ 333 116. - Saphier, Jon, and Gower, Robert. (1997) The
Skillful Teacher Research for Better Teaching,
Inc. Acton, MA - Newstrom, John and Scannell, Edward. (1989) Games
Trainers Play. McGraw-Hill Professional