Title: Keep North Charleston Beautiful
1(No Transcript)
2Keep North Charleston Beautiful Monthly
Beautification Activity (MBA) Keep North
Charleston Beautiful (KNCB) plans and implements
a beautification activity each month of the year
with the exceptions of July and August. KNCB
Board members choose an area in the North
Charleston community on which to focus immediate
attention and then provide long-term partnerships
to maintain beautification activities in that
location. For 2007, our MBA area is Rivers Avenue
from Durant Avenue to Cosgrove Avenue. The goals
of these monthly initiatives are to enhance the
beauty of the city through active community
involvement, as well as, to empower community
members to be involved in making positive changes
within their community. KNCB members would
like to form partnerships with community members
in each selected beautification area and allocate
the enhancement and maintenance of beautification
efforts to these supporting partnerships. By
providing local groups ownership in the continued
beauty of their community, KNCB would be able to
select additional locations making LASTING
changes in North Charleston.
3Here is how we help keep North Charleston
4Wow! See the difference we made.
513 volunteers accomplished this in 4 hours.
6We disposed of 34 bags of litter.
7Our volunteers hard at work.
8Volunteers prune Crepe Myrtles.
9The Finished Product!
10Imagine what we could accomplish with more
To find out how YOU can become a Keep North
Charleston Beautiful volunteer, please contact
Carmen Hanlon 1021 Aragon Street North
Charleston, SC 29405 (843) 745-1076
To find out more visit www.keepnorthcharlestonbea