Title: Christopher Ward of Charleston SC - Well-Traveled
1Christopher Ward of Charleston SCWell-Traveled
2Christopher Ward of Charleston SCStaying Fit
Christopher Ward of Charleston SC has volunteered
at marathons and triathlon trainings, horse camps
for kids, and football games at his graduate
school, University of Miami. He cares about his
health and the health of others, and can usually
be found participating in outdoor sports or
volunteering his medical expertise at community
sports events. He also makes sure to practice
good health, both inside and outside the
emergency room.
3Christopher Ward of Charleston SCSCUBA Diver
Christopher Ward of Charleston SC's favorite
thing about traveling is experiencing other
cultures and their values. He loves to SCUBA
dive. He SCUBA dives in other countries whenever
he gets the chance. He brings his cultured view
and love of people into the ER with him every
day. Outside of the ER, the good doctor has
traveled to Colombia and all over South America,
England, and several European countries.
4Christopher WardCompassion
Christopher Ward of Charleston SC believes that
all people should treat each other with
compassion and respect. He demonstrates this both
in and out of the ER. He has an excellent bedside
manner and treats his patients with great care.
When not treating patients, He gives back to his
community through charity events. He is a board
certified emergency medicine doctor who practices
what he preaches and never compromises on what he
believes in.