Title: Annex 7 EU Rotate_N Workpackage 2
1Annex 7EU Rotate_N Workpackage 2
- Evaluation of the effects of varying levels of N
supply on product quality and farm income - Chris Firth Ulrich Schmutz
- Collection of economic data and design of the
database - link with model
- Factors for converting TDM (Total Dry Matter)
inFWY (Fresh Weight Yield) andMKTY (Marketable
Yield) - Quality Price (in relation to market channel?)
- Variable Costs and Gross Margin (GM)
- gt Production response curves (GM to N)
- gt Economic and environmental optimisation
Agronomic data
- Case study scenarios
- Farm level (Rotation)
- Industry, Region
- Macro, Policy Support (Member State, EU)
Economic data Mkt. yields factors Prices-
Variable costs (Subsidies, taxes) Gross
4Economic Subroutine
- -gt TDM (Agronomic Model Output)x Conversion
Factors (1) MKTY
(Marketable Yield)x Prices
(2) Total Outputs-
Variable Costs
(3) GM (Gross Margins) (Economic Model
5(1) Conversion Factors
Data from Norway yes Denmark noUK yes
(Well_N)Germany yesItaly noSpain no
6 7 8 9Ratios Mkt. FW / Total DM in Europe
10(1) Questions Discussion
- How can be get more data (timescale)?
- Is there the same conversion factor per crop for
all Europe? - Is the factor constant or changing for - sub
optimal N levels?- above optimal N levels?
11New Crops
- Carrots (Bunching)
- Cauliflower (Winter)
- Cauliflower (Summer)
- Lettuce (Romaine/Cos)
- Celery
- Chicory
- Courgette or Zucchini
- Kohl Rabi or Turnip
- Cucumber (for picking)
- Pea
- Tomato
- Artichoke
- Lamb's lettuce or Corn salad
- Melon (Water)
- Melon (Honey)
- Squash
- Bush bean
- Fennel
- Clover (White)
12(2) Prices
Data from Norway (NOK) no Denmark (DKK) yes,
on a monthly basis UK () yesGermany
() yes, on a monthly basisItaly
() yesSpain () no
13(2) Prices
14(3) Variable Costs
Data from Norway (NOK) no Denmark
(DKK) yesUK () yesGermany () yesItaly
() yesSpain () no
15(3) Variable Costs (cont.)
16(3) Variable Costs (cont.)
17(3) Variable Costs (cont.)
18(2) (3) Questions Discussion
- How can be get more data (timescale)?
- Seasonal or average prices?
- Market channel issue?
19Subtask 2.3Production response curves
Economic optimum 180 kg N /ha
20WP 25 Case Studies
- Farm level - Typical rotations in EU
- Typical regions for studies (e.g. UK South
Lincolnshire) - Industry level case studies
- Member State, EU, Policy support level
21Typical Rotations in EU
22Subtask 2.1N supply and marketable yield
- Factors for the relationship between marketable
yield and- total dry matter yield- fresh matter
yield - Source of data- Literature- Experimental data
23Subtask 2.2Database framework
- MS EXCEL data collection sheets
- MS ACCESS database
- Currency conversion
- Inclusion of real-time prices
24Subtask 2.4Algorithms for economic and
environmental optimisation
- Budgetingand / or optimisation techniques?
- Linear programming?
- Other modelling techniques?
25WP2 Action plan
26Workpackage 5. Evaluation of agricultural
- Selection of case studies Collection of data
sets crop, soil and weather - Model running and evaluation of strategies
- Sensitivity analysis