Title: Measles and Other Vaccine Preventable Diseases in Emergencies
1Measles and Other Vaccine Preventable Diseases in
- Measles vaccination in the region
- Measles epidemiology in emergencies
- Detecting an outbreak
- Responding to an outbreak
- After the outbreak
- Other vaccine preventable diseases
- Case study, measles in Afghanistan
3Cause of Death Worldwide Among Children lt5 Years,
4Major Causes of Death in emergencies for lt5 Years
Sudan Wad Kowli Camp February, 1985
Somalia Gedo Region 7 Camps, January, 1980
Measles ARI Malaria Diarrhea Other
Source Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, Famine-Affected, Refugee, and
Displaced Populations Recommendations for Public
Health Issues. MMWR, 199241(No. RR-13)8.
5WHO/UNICEF estimates for MCV1 coverage
2001-05Regional coverage increased from 59 in
1999 to 65 in 20051
Source WHO/UNICEF estimates
1Acknowledgements Jayantha Liyanage, Medical
Officer- EPI, Immunization and Vaccine
Development WHO/SEARO
6Serious Complicationsof Measles
Conjunctivitis, Keratitis, Blindness
Sore mouth, Gingivostomatitis
Enteritis, Diarrhoea
Source D. Morley, Proc Roy Soc Med 1974 674-7.
7Mortality in Refugee and Displaced Populations
- Major causes of death in the emergency phase
- Measles
- Diarrheal disease
- Acute respiratory infections
- 50 - 90 of deaths in some refugee settings due
to these 3 diseases
8Measles Case Fatality Ratios Reported in
Stable populations 1-10 Emergencies 2-21
(up to 33 reported)
9What are the Factors that Increase Measles
Mortality in Emergencies?
10Risk Factors For Severe Measles Disease
- Malnutrition
- Vitamin A deficiency
- Exposure to higher viral loads
- Young age (6-9 months)
- Poor access to case management of complications
- HIV infection
11Measles Epidemiology in Emergencies
- Age distribution of reported measles cases,
Afghanistan 2001(N8,720)
12WHO Recommended Vaccines For Routine EPI
13Measles The Vaccine
- Live attenuated vaccine
- Vials 10, 20 dose most with VVM
- Must be reconstituted with own diluent
- Must be discarded six hours after reconstitution
- Heat sensitive especially after reconstitution
- Given subcutaneously in the upper arm
- What is measles vaccine efficacy at
- Nine months?
- Twelve months?
14Measles Vaccine Efficacy
- Vaccine efficacy (VE)
- At 9 months 85
- At 12 months 95
- Vaccine effectiveness
- Cold chain/administration
- Immunity lifelong
- Vaccination immunity
15Preventing Measles Illness and Death in
- Prevent or detect the outbreak
- Vaccination
- - Timely, high quality mass campaigns in
emergencies - - Routine childhood vaccination
- Appropriate treatment of illness
- - Vitamin A
- Infants lt6m 50,000 IU repeat next day
- Infants 6-11m 100,000 IU repeat next day
- Children 1y 200,000 IU repeat next day
- - Antibiotics for bacterial secondary infections
- - Treat dehydration
16Measles Vaccination in Emergencies
- What is the recommended age range for measles
vaccination in emergencies?
17Measles Vaccination in Emergencies
- Age range
- - 6 months to 15 years
- Revaccinate
- - Those who receive vaccine at 6-9 months
- Others
- - Older children or adults if cases within that
age group
18Measles Vaccination in Emergencies
- In rare cases if have to prioritize
- Undernourished or ill children lt15 years
- Any child 6-23 months old
- All others 24-59 months old
- Those without parents
- All others 6-15 years old
19Common Misconceptions About Measles Vaccination
- Vaccinating a child with a possible or unknown
history of measles infection - Vaccinating an ill or malnourished child
- Including HIV positive
- Occurrence of measles case taken as a
contraindication to vaccinate
20Detecting an outbreak
- In emergencies one case is an outbreak
- Have simple standardized case definition
- Generalized rash lasting gt3 days and temp gt38 C
and 1 of following cough, runny nose, red eyes - Surveillance in clinics and if possible the
community (can use local term) - Monitor surveillance data
- Active better than passive surveillance
21Detecting an Outbreak
- Establish chain of notification and investigation
- Report to MOH/WHO immediately
- Name
- Age
- Sex
- Vaccination status
22Measles Outbreak Darfur, SudanMay-September 2004
Vaccination Campaign
23Other Vaccine Preventable Diseases in Emergencies
24Routine EPI Antigens in Emergencies
- WHO schedule at birth
- Efficacy
- Only prevents spread from lungs
- Doubtful for adults (0-80)
- Better in preventing disseminated disease in
children (56-90)
25Routine EPI Antigens in Emergencies
- WHO schedule Birth, 6, 10, 14 weeks
- Birth dose does NOT count
- Target population in refugee settings 0-59 months
- Importance in refugee settings
- Refugees may constitute a high risk group
- Efficacy three doses 95
26Routine EPI Antigens in Emergencies
- Diphtheria, Pertussis Tetanus (DTP)
- - WHO schedule 6, 10, 14 weeks
- - Target population in refugee settings 6 wks-5
years? - - Minimum of four weeks between doses
- Importance in refugee settings
- - Not in emergency phase, but implement as soon
as possible. Must be able to deliver three doses - - Efficacy three doses 90
- Diphtheria may be a consideration in some
countries - 4th booster dose necessary for protection
27 28Routine EPI Antigens in Emergencies
- Tetanus Toxoid (TT)
- - At least 2 doses prior to delivery
- - At least 4 weeks between doses
- - Target population in refugee settings all
women aged 15-49 years - Importance in refugee settings?
- - Not in emergency phase, but a high priority
immediately afterwards - - Neonatal tetanus is targeted for elimination
- Efficacy
- - 100 efficacy, booster every 10 years
29Yellow Fever Vaccine
- 1 dose 95 immunity
- Safe local/mild reactions, 2-5
- WHO recommends routine YF vaccination in 35
African countries at 9 months - Contraindicated in children lt4 months
- Limited quantity available - short shelf life
- Central cold storage 200C, peripheral 4-80C
30Other Vaccines
31Role of Different Partners During a Measles
Campaign in Emergencies
- Outbreak Confirmation MOH/WHO
- Vaccine and perhaps cold chain equipment
MOH/UNICEF - NGO partners
- Often first to report case
- Case management in clinics
- May be asked to take responsibility for whole
campaign - Often asked to provide
- Supervisors external monitors
- Vaccinators
- Transport
- Assist with social mobilization
32Develop A Microplan
- Take responsibility for a distinct administrative
unit such as a county or district - Involve
- The county or district medical officer
- All other health NGOs in the area
- Non health NGOs
- Local district officials
- Religious groups
33Elements of a Good Microplan
- Well defined campaign location
- Recent population data by town, village
- Inclusion of IDP populations
- Identification of hard to reach populations
- Dont forget hospitals, supplementary feeding
centers, food distribution centers - Condition of roads, bridges, waterways, airstrips
- Identification of insecure areas
34Microplan Essential Background Information
Infrastructure and Manpower
- Existing cold chain equipment
- Cold boxes, vaccine carriers, ice packs
- Functioning freezers and fridges
- Electricity sources
- Functioning facilities
- trained vaccinators, supervisors
- Available vehicles/motorcycles
- Vehicles/motorcycles for hire
35Calculating Staff Needs Number of teams
- Target population 45 of total population
- Children per day
- Urban areas 300 children/team/day
- Rural areas 150 children per day
- Difficult areas 50-100 children per day
Teams total population X 0.45
children per team day X days
36Team Composition and Roles
- Vaccinators (2)
- Screener and vitamin A administrator (1)
- Recorder for measles and vitamin A (1)
- Social mobilizer (1)
- Organizer (1)
37Calculating Staff Needs Supervisors and
- A supervisor must be able to really supervise
each team - Example from Liberia
- At least one coordinator at county level
- At least one coordinator for each district
- Cold chain supervisor for each vaccine depot
- Monitors from central and local level
- Overall logistics manager
38Calculating Supply Needs Vaccine
- Doses of measles vaccine and diluent
- doses target population wastage reserve
- Wastage 15 so loss factor 1.17
- Doses needed target X 1.17 20 reserve
39Calculating the Loss Factor
- The target population 100 children
- If wastage is 15 then we need 115 doses
- However, we will also lose 15 of the extra 15
doses 2.25 doses - To vaccinate 100 children we need 100 15 2.25
doses, 117.25 doses - The loss factor is 1.17
40Calculating Supply Needs Injection Materials
- Number of vials doses needed/10
- Diluent number of vials
- Syringes and needles for dilution vials
- AD syringes Doses needed
- Safety boxes
- AD syringes syringes for dilution
- 100
41Calculating Supply NeedsVitamin A
- Target population 6-59 months
- 6-12 months 100,000 IU
- 10 of children aged 0-59 months
- 12-59 months 200,000 IU
- 80 of children aged 0-59 months
- Add a 10 reserve
- 1 scissors per team
42Calculating Cold Chain Needs Example from South
- Vaccine carriers at least 2 per team
- 1 for vaccine 1 for extra icepacks
- Cold boxes 1 for each storage depot
- Icepacks vaccine carriers X 4 large cold
boxes X 50 - Fridges, freezers?
- Fuel for generator (icepacks need to be frozen
3-5 days before campaign)
43CalculatingTransport Needs Liberia
- Transport for supplies
- Vaccine supplies from Monrovia to county
- From County District Depot
- Re-supply to teams
- At end supplies, results back to Monrovia
- Transport for teams, supervisors, coordinators,
monitors - Fuel for vehicles
- Service for vehicles
- Hire of vehicles
44Other Supply Needs
- Pens
- Talley sheets
- Measles
- Vitamin A
- Summary reporting sheets
- Supervisor checklists
- Monitor checklists
- Plastic bags for vials, vitamin A capsules
45Training Needs
- Microplanning meeting
- Training of trainers workshop
- Refresher vaccinator training (no more than 60
persons per training session) - Training materials
- Social mobilization materials
- Messages for criers
- Posters
- Megaphones batteries
46Essential Activities During the Campaign
- Find unvaccinated children
- Monitor cold chain rigorously
- Monitor injection safety
- Implement AEFI system
- Troubleshoot effectively
- Verify incineration of safety boxes
47Essential Activities After the Campaign
- Collect and review all tally sheets
- Send summary reporting sheets to MOH
- Collect and review all supervision documents and
return them to MOH - Identify missed pockets
- Plan for mop-up
- Continue to monitor for AEFI (especially
injection abscess)
48Essential Activities After the Campaign Contd.
- Evaluate coverage
- Review and share lessons learned
- Develop plan to vaccinate those 6-9 months
- Continue good surveillance
49Ongoing Vaccination Activities Vaccine Delivery
- Emergency phase
- New arrivals
- Vaccinate upon arrival
- At all entry sites
- Vaccinate at food distribution and other supply
sites - Vaccinate at supplementary feeding sites
- Distribute Vitamin A
50Ongoing Vaccination Activities Vaccine Delivery
- Long term
- Site location
- With or near feeding centers
- Prenatal clinic
- Well/sick care site
- Traditional health clinics
51Ongoing Vaccination Activities Vaccine Delivery
- Long term
- Determine the frequency of service
- Depends on
- Cold chain equipment
- Population
- Supplies
- Staff resources
52Ongoing Vaccination Activities Vaccine Delivery
- Long term
- Tracking
- Monitor and recall dropouts
- Monitor newborns
- Enroll when 9 months
- Monitor new arrivals
- Monitor new enrollees at feeding centers
53Ongoing Vaccination Activities Vaccine Delivery
- Long term
- Vaccinate during other health care visits
- Vaccinate simultaneously
- Follow only true contraindications
- Catch-up campaigns
- Periodic coverage surveys